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A Letter


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A Letter:


Welp, it’s the end of an era. Darius Marimoto was my first ever player, and well, he was quite the special one too. One of the best Reapers scorers to wear the teal and gold, check. Won multiple championships across two leagues. Did that too. Represented my beautiful homeland of Asia in the World Junior Championship tournament, crossing it off the list. It goes on. So many memories made, and so many to be had in the near future. I hope to continue on my legacy as a member in the VHL with my second player, which will be from a completely different area of the world. He will be from a region in Europe, in a country named Finland. The land of the fins. Bobo’s just beginning, and with the VHLE around the corner, my new guy might be looking to play in his home continent of Europe. 


It’s been a hell of a ride, onto player 2, 


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