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First Hatty


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Nice, very nice. At first glance I straight up liked the design, but was not sure about the distorted/wavy effect, but then checking out for another minute it actually grew on me. Colours are good, design is nice and the only issue I find is the text. The choice of font and the effects on top makes it hard for me to read the name. While I can still figure out the surname which I guess is EARCE, I dont know the name. Is it NICA, is it PICA or something else...

Rating: 7/10

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Very groovy. I love the colouring right away. I think it's one oif the first times I've seen that forest green get implemented into a Moscow sig. I love the jersey change, and the overall layout of the sig. The effects are really cool, and I like how you've blended it out - the face isn't all distorted but also doesn't feel out of place. the render stroke is cool and the border is really cool. The only think that's kinda got me off on it is the text. I like the wave effect on it, I just don't like The P and the Nico font. I like the idea, I just don't know if the final product on the text really turned out. 9.2/10

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14 hours ago, Frank said:



Nice one Frank! The coloring is great, and the effects and coloring on the jersey are great. The render pops well, amongst the BG layers and FX and the text while unusual works well, including the border work. At least it's different and not the bog standard font used a lot. 9/10.

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Very nice overall.  I like the logo swap.  That is very realistic.  The border work is unique.  I haven't seen that before.  The font for "Nico's" first name could be a bit better defined, but that is really a minor thing.  Great work 9/10

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Rveviewing. I like this graphic overall. The effect you used on the player render and background works out well enough. The logo swap is nice but maybe needed a small tilt to match how the jersey is on the player. I really like the text border around the graphic. The text used for the name is alright and does match your theme. Rating this a 8/10.

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