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TPA Dump via Charity Drive


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So with the recent news that Horcrux/Kachur scammed Fonzi from a significant chunk of change, I'd like to step up to the plate for at least some of what is owed and invite others of our community to offer a week/weeks of capped TPE to compensate a $99 bid as well. I'll leave it to the mod team to explain it further, but I understand enough from the context through our Discord discussion to at least volunteer a week or two of capped TPE earning. I don't have a huge TPA dump like what was expected, however I can guarantee some capped and uncapped TPA for Fonzi to troll around with. 

Of course assuming this is allowed by the staff. 

If Fonzi is refunded his donation, that works too.

Edited by Peace
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I wasn’t going to post it until Monday, but I actually recorded a podcast afternoon, and had offered for Fonzi to dump my TPA if you know what I mean ;) . (Literally that)


I was going to earn up to at least 50, maybe 100, and I was sad about it! But I’m definitely down.

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Mess my goalie up if you want Fonz


Sure he doesn't want to pull out his cash because he was doing for the cause anyway and this was a perk but for the whole bidding process it seems fair for another person(s) to step up and fill the void

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Everyone, you are all incredible folks for just even suggesting giving me your TPE for your builds.


Honestly, I walk into the charity drive every year with my Christmas bonus in order to give to those who need it most. So, I don’t personally feel scammed because I was going to give it to someone in need anyways (for those of you who think I’m a baller, I absolutely am not haha).

No matter what, I just want everyone to remember why we do the charity drive. Don’t worry about giving me your TPE, spend it wisely (except you @jhatty8, I’ll help you build if you need it).


Just build strong and WIN everyone!!!!

Edited by Squidward2
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