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This is for Reinhart, the good one.


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Stunning graphic here. The orange as the background was a risk with the orange jersey but you make it work perfectly. That little glow in the stroke around Reinhart is such a nice touch. The logo swap is seamless and the text you used works beautifully. I love everything about this graphic! 10/10

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Cool, just very cool. I love the graphic effects that create a ripple throughout the entire graphic. In addition, the colors and photoshopping are just perfect. The font adds in perfectly into all of it to make it an amazing graphic. Plus points because Reinhart was the name of the main character in a book I read today. 



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It is orange... but beautifully so. I like the slight 'atmospheric interference' which blurrs the font a bit, but not to the extent that it becomes illegible. The choice of colours were risky, but 1. given by the franchise and 2. did turn out very well. The Lion's head looks a tiny tad off-center, it is maybe only my skewed rainbow flavoured unicorns though. Otherwise very nice logo swap. 9.5/10

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Vintage Frank. I think the vibrant colours with the sharp edges looks so good together. The angled background looks great with the text flowing in the same manner. I wonder what the text would look like at the matched angle (might be too extreme tbh.). The jersey swap is perfect, and overall some really solid work. Kinda feels like the face is softer than the rest of the sig. I think it's kind of needed, but it does feel mismatched. I know in your B&W sigs you tend to leave the face super sharp. The effect you have on the render stroke is really cool too. 9.5/10

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I really like the orange theme in this graphic, looking at it I realize that orange is an underrated color.  The logo swap is seemless and could not have been done better in my opinion.  The text is also really good and fits in perfectly!  There's not much I would change here, I really like it! Well done! 9/10

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Extraordinary job! Those colors are perfect and really make the graphic stand out when viewing it. Nice logo swap and player cutout. Cool shading on the font as well. I can tell that there was a lot of effort put into this, the graphic looks clean and crisp! Overall I loved the bright and vibrant colors, it's really what put this graphic on top. 10/10

Edited by Bulduray_1
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