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a tale of two Brothers // Brothers divided

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


Things came to a dramatic end for Marcel's Hounds as they lost their game against the Marlins, while Daniel's Red Wolves forced Rome to a game 7 showdown. Kindly find our summaries of the matches as per below.


Mississauga lost their game 6-5 after having looked like the certain winner after a 4-1 first period. Ivanovitch in power play, Lamb, Hextall and Janser were established a seemingly comfortable lead before the first intermission. Marcel's goal was a beautiful slapshot from the high slot after a D-to-D play with Teekirque, who received the puck from Lamb. The second period was lost 1-0, which was not ideal, yet the chances of taking this win home were still intact. And then the fateful third period happened, which ruined it all. San Diego was on the board early, but Janser with an attempt from the blue line in a one man advantage, steered the Hounds back on course. What followed then can only be described as the Ontarians going into headless chicken mode, as in the last fifteen minutes, they squandered a very winnable two goal lead away. Mathias with a power play goal sealed the deal for the Marlins and sent the Hounds into early summer camp. The three stars were Mathias (3g/0a), Janser (2g/0a) and Xavier (1g/2a). Arpa (.829) as well as Utonium (.833) resembled more sieves than netminders and neither impressed any of the numerous scouts in the ranks. The Hounds' power play was above average (2/7) the box play (4/6) not so much, yet not catastrophic. The game was lost when the Hounds did not follow up in the second with an other goal or two to break the Marlins' morale for good, but instead through passive play and in an attempt to hold on to the deceiving three goal lead, gave the Californian a second wind, which they used to their advantage.

Marcel was reported with 2g, 0a, +0 and 4sb


Daniel's Red Wolves won in a hard fought contest 6-5. The Gladiators won the first period 2-1. Hogan kept his colours in the race with his even strength goal half-way through the period. The second period was a feast for the crowd (though not for the coaches), which witnessed a six goal period with the score being 4-2 for Istanbul. Li, Bonaparte in power play, Wilson and Hogan on a one man advantage scored for the Wolves. Daniel set a mark after Rome's second goal in said period. Kman lost the draw against Rike and Janser played the man instead of the puck, which the refs did not appreciate and sent him to the sin bin with a minor for Roughing.The last period ended in a 1-1 tie. Power with his first goal in these playoffs secured the win for the Redshirts, when Marner served a minor for High Sticking. Li (1g/2a), Hogan (2g/1a) and Power (1g/1a) were named three stars of the night. Also in this game, the goaltending was anything but all-star worthy with Menace (.865) having a slight edge over Spinelli (.842). Istanbul's special teams were very efficient on power play (3/6) and a tad too lackadaisical in the penalty kill (5/7).

Daniel had 0g, 0a, -1, 2 PIM (Roughing, no effect on the score) and 2 hits to his name.


The Jansers playoff stats are as follows (Marcel's are final, therefore we compare it with last season's (in black)):

Marcel: 6gp (5gp), 5g (0g), 3a (1a), 8pts (1pt), +1 (-2), 2 PIM (2 PIM), 3 hits (3 hits), 16sb (7sb), 0gwg (0gwg), 2ppg (0ppg), 0shg (0shg)

Daniel: 6gp, 0g, 0a, 0pts, -2, 14 PIM, 7 hits, 2sb, 0gwg, 0ppg, 0shg


Since Marcel's season is now over, let's have a look at some of his figures for his playoff run:


Production: What giant's step the young Swiss has made in regards of playoff production! At the time this article is written, Marcel ranks fifth in playoff goals, sixth in points for defensemen and eighth in the league for power play goals . Despite having focused on his defensive play as well as discipline, Marcel took a quantum leap in the offensive category. Eight points in six games would not be shabby for a forward let alone a defensive-first defenseman. 


Bodywork: Marcel had no need to unleash big hits as he anticipated plays before they happened and was rarely out of position. This combined with his cool, prevented him mostly from visits in the sin bin. One minor in six games for a player in his position and his amount of minutes played in the playoffs is nothing short of remarkable. He blocked more than double the shots than in last years playoffs as well and is second only to Kovalchuk in that category.


All in all, we think the bitter end in the series cannot be pinned on Janser. Some voices (chief amongst them himself) are disappointed about his performance, which we think does not do him justice. Vasteras will be looking forward to welcome him in their locker room, as they had only four able defencemen this last season and only star defender Jockesson can match the Rotkreuz native's defensive play.


We will revert with updates as soon as same are available.







GM 22: Mississauga Hounds vs. San Diego Marlins (vhlportal.com)

GM 12: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com)



Edited by Daniel Janser
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