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Aight everyone. Before we start the World Cup I just wanted to remind everyone why is BEAST EUROPE going to win and others are not. It was obvious, but just in case if someone is still doubting.


West Europe - I'm glad they didnt decide to names themselves the best Europe cause they know this never has been a truth. Their leading def....is a pass first lmao (and we're still running with the old builds version so you know wassup). Also their goalie is the sole reason why the London Meta couldn't even make the finals. Also also, this team is looking like a failed experiment and @Arce knows all about that. Just ask Madrid about that.


Canada - Most of chosen Riga players are the part of this team so we will go slightly easier on ya so you can take the coveted 2nd place. Except for Tobias Reinhart, we gotta train him before the season and he knows Riga is way more relevant than Canada. Also WC commies really chose a GM who prior to his recent win would be the first recepient of the VHL's Legacy of Failure. Watch @InstantRockstar fumble here as well cause this is the big boys club, not VHLE. When yall start the toruney with the 0-3 record you will likely finish 0-10, not 4-3. But I still hope they will be the ones who will lose to BEAST EUROPE in the finals.


Nordic - @BarzalGoat really replaced Tallinder with Vat??? He really has no pulse on this league whatsoever cause if he was paying attention he would know that their leading def Sandstrom has developed a great chemistry with Talli in Riga. Their GM took that away...but what more can I expect from a manager who squandered a 3-0 lead against IR. lmao watch him going 1-10000 with a Greenland meta players. Speaking of which, no GM cares about Jerome Reinhart anymore. Just like no one will care about this team when they will be eliminated.


World - I mean they are a good t....oh who am I kidding. They took an auto pick...should I continue? I bet Nalwa wasn't even @Daniel Janser pick, he was just BPA'd there too. And how about having a goalie tandem who won like 2-3 playoff series at most combined. They will be the first team to get eliminated cause they have no idea what the clutch thing even is.


USA - uhhh lmao. They really took a non American defenseman who couldn't even crack the roster of struggling Riga. But wait, there is more. They have a guy who literally goes by the name of Lose. The player who also couldn't survive the dark days of Riga so he ran away to daddy Bana so he could have his stats padded. This team is really gonna run with the participants of the worst Riga era. But wait, THERE IS MORE! Their starting goalie spent 6 mediocre seasons to keep the AMERICANS team mediocre and only won something when the mediocre AMERICANS threw him away to a CANADIAN meta team. @Doomsday are you sure you wanna recreate Victor's Davos magic here? More like, post S61 Davos vibes here, this team is full of mids.


BEAST EUROPE - best offense, best defence, best goaltending, best GM. I doubt there has been any team before who pulled an undefeated tourney, but worry not here we come to save the day! Besides, we're the most meta team in the tourney as well so we're about to witness such domination that even Vancouver couldn't pull in these three seasons.



Aight, this was the unbiased World Cup preview and this is the only correct prediction. BEAST EUROPE in 3.


That's it and I'm out.

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