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Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread


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Just now, NSG said:


denied the Florida lawyer determined Halifax is at fault and ordered Quebec to pay the fine

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Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.

I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!


Now onto the teams:


This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?



Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
But was it enough to put you through the final cut?



Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 

It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?




What you thought it was going to be just one spoiler? 


not yet


maybe one more?


Okay last one I promise



Halvar Torbjorn will be committing to the Halifax 21st! 

Thank you all for your time and effort tonight but there can only be one winner. I wish you the best in playoffs, except against the 21st!






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8 hours ago, nurx said:

Plus imagine your face on the VHLM Illustrated Cover when you come to Miami. Miami truly is the place to be because how many days do you hate shoveling your driveway. We never have to do that here!

No you just rebuild your house every other year due to a completely unexpected Hurricane showing up in what is called Hurricane season...

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