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A Farewell to an Old Friend


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Hey VHL, VHLM, and Miami I am nurx. I rejoined the league a little under 9 months ago and was lucky enough to be hired to be the AGM of the Miami Marauders a little over 7 months ago. I have been lucky enough to see some great members join the Marauders and go in to be great members of the league. Not long ago I started working on a project you may know as VHLM Illustrated who's goal was to showcase newer members work. I have grown really attached to the VHLM and helping the newer members find their way into the league. It really makes me happy to see a player like @lidzor @Senmove up and begin their next step of their VHL career. However, over the last month or so I have begun to question what I want to do in this league. I know I love helping new members, but I do that with VHLM Illustrated. I know I love Miami more than any other team in this league, but I know I must leave the team at some point. I have begun to even wonder if my aforementioned love for the VHLM really is as strong as I once thought it was. I have begun to wonder if my place in the VHL is not in the VHLM. Therefore effective immediately I am going to be resigning my position as AGM of the Miami Marauders. I will continue to work on VHLM Illustrated and continue to be active in all the locker rooms that I already am active. I messaged the 11 people I trust the most in this league about this over the past few hours and I want to thank everyone for the kind words everyone has said. I originally thought I would try to get an AGM job in the VHL or VHLE and have talked to a few GMs about this. I am still interested in these positions, but understand that I am not sure if I will bring the same energy I brought to Miami. I love this league and this decision has been one of the hardest I have made in my recent memory. I really hope everyone understands what I have to say. As ledge plays out this season I hope he enjoys he because I know this will be a very hard season for him. Good luck my friend.




 @Ledge@McWolf  @diamond_ace

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Nurx, you've been a fantastic AGM, everything I could have wanted and more. I'm sad to see you go, and I will support all of your future ventures in the VHL and in life. Good luck to you too, my friend. I'm always here. 

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56 minutes ago, N0HBDY said:

Invite to Geneva is always open my friend, you'll find your way.

I am open to Geneva we can talk in the future.

25 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

My resignation from Halifax will not be this heartfelt.

Get more emotional then

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You did great in Miami as an AGM this season! If you ask me, don't sell yourself short--apply for those GM jobs. I think you're ready!

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