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Town of Pallet #2


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2 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Now that Jessie has pulled the sword of legend from the rock atop the Bell Tower, she will unleash her wrath and start a training montage within the tower.


Action 3: Explore Bell Tower


You find...


Gastly lv 13

Charmander lv 14

Mimikyu lv 15

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2 minutes ago, Gustav said:


You find...


Gastly lv 13

Charmander lv 14

Mimikyu lv 15

I will never for the life of me remember to mention the Max Repel beforehand. (Level 18 'round the board)


Koffing will spam Sludge against Charmander

Then spam Assurance on Gastly


When it goes down, Honedge can come in to spam Gastly and/or Mimikyu with Shadow Sneak.


If Weavile has to come in it will use Ice Beam

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7 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

I will never for the life of me remember to mention the Max Repel beforehand. (Level 18 'round the board)


Koffing will spam Sludge against Charmander

Then spam Assurance on Gastly


When it goes down, Honedge can come in to spam Gastly and/or Mimikyu with Shadow Sneak.


If Weavile has to come in it will use Ice Beam


As the bells atop the tower ring, Jessie prepares her assault of the local wildlife. Her first victim is a rogue Charmander. Koffing hits it with a Sludge, but it fights back with Ember. Eventually Koffing's disgusting bile is enough to overwhelm the poor fire lizard. Next it turns its sights towards a mysterious Gastly. Gastly's Pursuit gets it in quick, but Koffing counters with a nasty Assurance. A 2nd Pursuit nearly takes out Koffing, but it's able to hold on and Assure a 2nd victory. After seeing its friends fall in battle, the Mimikyu wastes no time and destroys Koffing with a Shadow Claw.


Honedge enters the fray, and gets a decent strike in with Shadow Sneak. Mimikyu retaliates with another Shadow Claw, and Honedge barely holds on. Another Shadow Sneak does some damage, but it isn't enough and Mimikyu finishes off Honedge with a Play Rough.


Finally, Weavile is like "yeah screw this" but since it's pokemon it probably just said "Weeeevil!" and destroys the Mimikyu with an Ice Beam.



Koffing receives 4 levels while Weavile gets 1. A total of $352 was earned.

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9 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

Purchase 2 Great Balls and 2 Ultra Balls.


Action 4: Explore Lake of Rage


You have $5 left; congrats on being the master of the student budget.


Feeling full of rage from your previous failure to catch 'em all, you hit up your local watering hole and find...


Wooloo lv 18

Magikarp lv 16

Horsea lv 18


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2 minutes ago, Gustav said:


You have $5 left; congrats on being the master of the student budget.


Feeling full of rage from your previous failure to catch 'em all, you hit up your local watering hole and find...


Wooloo lv 18

Magikarp lv 16

Horsea lv 18



Throw Great Balls at the Wooloo and Magikarp, then an Ultra Ball at the Horsea. 


They can't break out of 100%+ catch rates! 👀 

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1 minute ago, omgitshim said:


Throw Great Balls at the Wooloo and Magikarp, then an Ultra Ball at the Horsea. 


They can't break out of 100%+ catch rates! 👀 


You're 3/3! You leave your rage at the lake.

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35 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Jessie’s assault on the Tower continues!


Action 4: Explore Bellbo Baggins Two Towers

mad lord of the rings GIF


The tower is heavily garded by a ghost,  yet no other ones appear during your search:

Pokemon Level
Sneasel 18
Abra 18
Abra 18




A mystic force intervenes and adds a few levels to the Pokemon!

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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21 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Jessie’s assault on the Tower continues!


Action 4: Explore Bellbo Baggins Two Towers

Bellbo walks up to the tower and rings the doorbell. An ugly orc answers the door. Wait no, it's a Sneasel. You look behind him and see a goblin working in the mines. Wait no, it's a Gible. You ask the Sneasel orc who is in charge and it points to a tall figure in the shadows... the figure looks a lot like... you?? Wait no, it's a Mimikyu.


And they are all level 18 instead of level 13 thanks to the max repel.


Edit: see OD's post

Edited by Ptyrell
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9 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

mad lord of the rings GIF


The tower is heavily garded by a ghost,  yet no other ones appear during your search:

Pokemon Level
Sneasel 15
Abra 15
Abra 18

Yes I prefer this roll, thank you.


For the everyth time, I will once again post-remind us of the Max Repel 😅


Honedge will start spamming Fury Cutter on the two defenceless sleeping yellow children.


Then it'll spam Fury Cutter on the Sneasel after. If it dies, big Sneasel can sweep up with whatever.

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9 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Yes I prefer this roll, thank you.


For the everyth time, I will once again post-remind us of the Max Repel 😅


Honedge will start spamming Fury Cutter on the two defenceless sleeping yellow children.


Then it'll spam Fury Cutter on the Sneasel after. If it dies, big Sneasel can sweep up with whatever.

Marvel Cinematic Universe GIF by Leroy Patterson


Honedge prepares for a battle against two abra's!  He cuts around him furiously,  this sword seems to be alive and not needing a person to be wielded.


He beats the two level 18 Abra's on his own!



Then Sneasel appears! 


He uses knock off which knocks out the Honedge!!


Its time for a sneasel evolution showdown!




Attack GIF by Pokémon


Exchanging blows it shows the evolved version outclasses the small sneasel,  with a dark pulse sneasel has been knocked out!



You pick up $325 which was left behind by the ghost of Baggins who runs away after seeing this much violence


Honedge gains 4 levels, while Weavile gains 1




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7 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

You actually are still on your first action technically! You caught the Ralts, but you can still decide to catch, battle, or flee from the last two pokemon:

I will fight them both starting with my squirtle using water gun and swap to ralts using confusion if squirtle faint.


1.2 work


1.3 goldenrod city.

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5 minutes ago, Dom said:

I will fight them both starting with my squirtle using water gun and swap to ralts using confusion if squirtle faint.


1.2 work


1.3 goldenrod city.

Exeggcute lv 16

Bellsprout lv 17


Squirtle starts off using water gun. It's not very effective and it just looks like you are watering the plants! Exeggcute takes it out.

Next up is Ralts. But confusion isn't effective against Exeggcute either! How tough are those egg shells?!

Exeggcute completes the sweep.


Depressed, you head in to work and earn $625. Not bad!


With your money and a spring in your step, you head to Saffron to do some gambling!

Instead you find...

Ekans 14
Abra 15
Growlithe 16
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Damn I was too lazy to ho back to first page and see what was the 2 pokemons remaining and did water gun on plant pokemons lol




-i’ll send a great ball on abra then I’m assuming it teleport of it fails.


-then I use pokeballs on growlithe untill its caught.


-water gun on ekans

Edited by Dom
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8 minutes ago, Dom said:

Damn I was too lazy to ho back to first page and see what was the 2 pokemons remaining and did water gun on plant pokemons lol




-i’ll send a great ball on abra then I’m assuming it teleport of it fails.


-then I use pokeballs on growlithe untill its caught.


-water gun on ekans

Abras don't teleport away from being caught, but they do have the highest Flee chance in the game... but it doesn't matter because the greatball works!


Pokeball works on growlithe, but it takes 3.


Ekans didn't like the water nearly as much as the plants did! 


Squirtle gains 2 levels. Squirtle Evolves into Wartortle!

You gain $120 selling snakeskins.

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Day 1 concludes! Trainers with remaining actions will work with their remaining ones.


In the night, Jesse shows up to @OrbitingDeath 's house. As she readies her pokemon, she sees something out front. A Magnemite with a cardboard sign next to it.. "FREE". Shrugging she takes the magnemite and runs.


Day 2 begins!

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30 minutes ago, Alex said:

Day #2

Action 1-3: Work x3


buy bicycle, use remaining funds to buy as many pokeballs as possible.

Long Island Girls GIF by Brimstone (The Grindhouse Radio, Hound Comics)


You help the girl scouts sell cookies and take off with their money and gain: $1,856



Dog Bicycle GIF


you buy a bicycle and six more pokeballs!

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Day 2, Action 1: Work


Day 2, Action 2: Double shift, baby! More work.


And then I'd like to do a little shopping, first buying the safari pass and then buy 10 great balls. (if I can afford that many after the safari pass, otherwise just as many as I can afford)

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2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A1-A4: Work!


Should be enough to buy a bicycle, so if succesfull, i'll buy one!



As a Worker, you know a thing or two about a hard day's work. Hours upon hours you put in effort, and your actions are rewarded to the tune of $2604. With you newfound earnings, you rush to the bike shop.


Then remember that the bike costs $3000, so you rush to the ATM to get the rest of the money you need and go back. When you get back you see the shop has closed for the day. What a bummer! Dejected you start to walk away, but in the alleyway you hear something strange. As you approach, a shifty woman advances towards you.


"Hey, you looking for a good time?"


You nod, longingly wanting to have fun riding a new bike. The woman smiles, and motions for you to follow. As you turn the corner you immediately notice it: the Doggler 12 Speed City Hybrid Bike. The woman continues. "For a mere $3000, I can make your dreams a reality tonight!"


Without hesitation you throw the money at the woman, jump on the bike, and ride off back into town. The woman seems confused, but not unhappy.




With your new bike, you now have 1 more action for the day.

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