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Town of Pallet #2


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Jessie will go to back to the ever resourceful drug/black market dealer and purchase a hot air balloon that is designed like a Koffing, because fuck Meowth. Little do the rest of these unsuspecting players know, this balloon is actually a re-skinned Bicycle.


Then she’ll use it to float to Goldenrod to find some Pokémon to bully.


Action 4: Explore Goldenrod City

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7 hours ago, Alex said:

Steelix uses dig on magnetite (18) and then magnetite (20)


 Axew uses Dragon Claw on Axew


 while still in the city use rare candy on Charjabug to increase level

Magnemite 18
Axew 21
Magnemite 20


Steelix takes out both Magnemites and only receives minimal damage! Steelix gains 7 levels.


Axew takes out the little Axew and gains 1 level.


You gain $385


Also Charjabug evolves into Vikavolt!

Edited by Ptyrell
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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

Action 4 challenge Falkner


using Jolteon Thunder on Hawlucha and then Togekiss and finally Pidegeotto until dead. 
To finish off Togekiss use Ekekid with Thunder punch and continue on Pidgeyotto if dead use Axew dragon claw 


The time has come! Time for you to show your DOMINANCE as the one true bird trainer worth anything around here. And you'll do it using ZERO BIRDS. That's how good of a bird trainer you are.


Falkner sends out Pidgeotto against your Elekid. Pidgeotto opens up with Slash..


Elekid still stands strong. Elekid responds with Thunder Punch


Pidgeotto is down to 30 HP!


Pidgeotto uses another Slash and Elekid goes down.


Next up is Jolteon. Jolteon uses thunder and Pidgeotto is out.


Togekiss comes out next. Togekiss uses Moonblast..

Jolteon is down to less than half HP!


Jolteon uses Thunder again...


Togekiss survives with 38 HP!

Another Moonblast and Jolteon goes down


You send out Ponyta. Ponyta uses Flamethrower and Togekiss is done for.


Hawlucha is next though. This bird isn't one to be messed with!

Hawlucha flattens your Ponyta with an acrobatic wrestling move. A 1 hit KO!


Falkner wins


Ponyta gains 3 levels

Jolteon gains 2 levels



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7 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

We have a trade to announce


@ctotssends his onix + metal coat 


@OrbitingDeathsends his mimikyu + amulet coin + 200 in cash (which i should have again after killing something from the pending actions)


Ctots to confirm 



Onix says goodbye and in the process, forms a metal cocoon. But instead of emerging as a butterfly, it emerges as Steelix!

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7 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Use Greatballs to catch Larvitar and Lvl 20 Gastly.


Use Squirtle to take down Lvl 18 Gastly. If Squirtle dies then finish off with Dratini using water pulse.

Gastly 18
Gastly 20
Larvitar 20


You catch Larvitar in 2 throws and Gastly in 1


Squirtle beats Gastly and gains 3 levels.


Squirtle Evolves into Wartortle!


You gain $89

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7 hours ago, Gustav said:


Kirlia will use Psybeam on Bellsprout lv 21, Draining Kiss on Ralts, and back to Psybeam for the other Bellsprout in that order.


Backups, in order:

-Poliwag with Tackle against either Bellsprout or Water Gun against Ralts

-The usual Flareon/Fire Blast business


Action 4: Buy 2 Great Balls and go back to Mt. Moon.


Bellsprout 21
Ralts 21
Bellsprout 19


Kirlia takes down Bellsprout in two hits. Then goes on a Draining Kiss fight with Ralts and comes up the victor as well. The last Bellsprout has to be finished by Poliwag.


Kirlia grows from Lv.21 to Lv.25

Poliwag grows from Lv.18 to Lv.21


You make $332.

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7 hours ago, Gustav said:


Kirlia will use Psybeam on Bellsprout lv 21, Draining Kiss on Ralts, and back to Psybeam for the other Bellsprout in that order.


Backups, in order:

-Poliwag with Tackle against either Bellsprout or Water Gun against Ralts

-The usual Flareon/Fire Blast business


Action 4: Buy 2 Great Balls and go back to Mt. Moon.


You now have 2 Great Balls and no other balls.


Here's the result of your Mt. Moon escapade.


Geodude 20
Pumpkaboo 18
Onix 18


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4 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Jessie will go to back to the ever resourceful drug/black market dealer and purchase a hot air balloon that is designed like a Koffing, because fuck Meowth. Little do the rest of these unsuspecting players know, this balloon is actually a re-skinned Bicycle.


Then she’ll use it to float to Goldenrod to find some Pokémon to bully.


Action 4: Explore Goldenrod City

While floating around Goldenrod City, you hear a thud as a as some pokemon fall out of the sky above you, you decide to focus on them and ignore the fact that 3 non-flying pokemon fell from the sky.


Eevee 20
Meowth 17
Eevee 20


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13 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You explore the Cerulean Cave, find treasure worth $659 along with 2 Ultra Balls. Also

Pichu 18
Elekid 19
Pichu 18

Gourgeist Leaf Blades everything, starting with Elekid.


3.3. Challenge Misty


with a team of

Lv.26 Gourgeist (I think, based on the previous fight)

Lv.29 Victreebel

Lv.21 Eevee


Gourgeist uses Leaf Blade vs Horsea until Horsea dies

Gourgeist uses Leech Seed on the first turn vs Vaporeon, then Leaf Blade until Gourgeist dies.

Victreebel uses Leaf Blade vs Vaporeon until Vaporeon dies

Victreebel uses Knock Off on the first turn vs Wartortle, then Poison Jab on the second turn, until Victreebel dies (ideally right here)

Eevee finishes Wartortle with Swift

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3 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Action 3: Ride my Honedge to the Cerulean Cave

As you are riding through the water you notice what look to be some very strange toddlers on the shore, as you get closer you notice that they are some pokemon.


Smoochum 20
Smoochum 20
Elekid 17
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2 hours ago, Dom said:

Action 2: explore cerulean cave again

While strolling through the cave you see some movement in the water and upon further inspection it's some pokemon!


Larvitar 21
Growlithe 17
Lapras 19
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6 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Honedge fury cutter on Eevee

Continues on Axew

Magnemite takes over when faints and gyro balls until death



Steelix (which we should have now) continues killing with dig



If he also dies Eevee attacks what is left and evolves into an Umbreon



Eevee 22
Elekid 20
Axew 20


Lv.24 Honedge vs Lv.22 Eevee

It takes 4 Fury Cutters and some ineffective Swifts from Eevee, and Honedge wins with 30 HP left.


Lv.20 Axew vs Lv. 24 Honedge

Axew wins in two Dragon Claws


Lv.17 Magnemite vs Lv.20 Axew
Magnemite wins in two Gyro Balls


Lv. 20 Elekid vs Lv.17 Magnemite

Elekid wins in two Thunder Punches


Lv.16 Steelix vs Lv.20 Elekid

And Steelix wins in two Digs.


Honedge grows from Lv.24 to Lv.26

Magnemite grows from Lv.17 to Lv.20

Steelix grows from Lv.16 to Lv.19

You make $385

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2 hours ago, Spartan said:

3.1 Work

Buy as many pokeballs as I can

You spend some time working as a pokeball manufacturer, after 8 hours of work you leave with $693. Sadly, they don't give you a discount and as a result pokeballs still cost $100 each and you spend $1500 for 15.

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3 hours ago, Alex said:

Action 4: Explore Lake of Rage



You take a long walk on the banks of the Lake of Rage. You see a weird beetle jump from a tree straight in the water. You don't think about it too much, but a couple minutes later, the beetle comes back from the Lake with two friends.


Lapras 17
Horsea 20
Heracross 17


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