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20 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Excited In Love GIF

James can't believe his eyes! Why pick just ONE?


First throw greatballs at Bulbasaur. Ultra ball if needed

Then throw pokeballs at Bellsprout. 


Then use Bulbasaur to attack the remaining succubug using vine whip


20 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Excited In Love GIF

James can't believe his eyes! Why pick just ONE?


First throw greatballs at Bulbasaur. Ultra ball if needed

Then throw pokeballs at Bellsprout. 


Then use Bulbasaur to attack the remaining succubug using vine whip

Bulbasaur likes to play hard-to-get! But not impossible, as you catch it on the 4th attempt.


Bellsprout meanwhile is as easy as she looks and requires just a single ball.


Then, the dating game breaks down into an episode of Jerry Springer, with Bulbasaur producing its WHIPS (what might those be used for hmmm?) to attack the bug. This is not the most effective strategy however, as Cutiefly, innocent as though she may look, seems to be accustomed to this. Bulbasaur eventually goes does down.


Learning from its mistakes, Bellsprout comes out and uses NOT Vine Whip, and is able to deal with Cutiefly summarily. Bellsprout gains 2 levels, and steals $90 from the bug's purse!


It also evolves into a Weepinbell!



Edited by JardyB10
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5 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:


Bulbasaur likes to play hard-to-get! But not impossible, as you catch it on the 4th attempt.


Bellsprout meanwhile is as easy as she looks and requires just a single ball.


Then, the dating game breaks down into an episode of Jerry Springer, with Bulbasaur producing its WHIPS (what might those be used for hmmm?) to attack the bug. This is not the most effective strategy however, as Cutiefly, innocent as though she may look, seems to be accustomed to this. Bulbasaur eventually goes does down.


Learning from its mistakes, Bellsprout comes out and uses NOT Vine Whip, and is able to deal with Cutiefly summarily. Bellsprout gains 2 levels, and steals $90 from the bug's purse!


It also evolves into a Weepinbell!



In my defense, Vine Whip with STAB still did more damage than Tackle would have.


With my exactly $100 I'll buy an Old Rod and go Fishing! (with Max Repel)

(How's that for the lowest amount of money you've seen @Gustav ?)

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18 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Insect repellent is all the rage these days. But this $150 cheap knock off doesn't seem to work nearly as well as the fancier version you got yesterday?! There's still bugs all over the place!

A level 20 Grubbin flies around your head

A level 20 Wooloo starts licking your shoe

A level 20 Poliwag just stares at you with curiosity.



Magnemite opens against Poliwag, taking it out with Spark.




Magnemite will then turn its attention to Wooloo, continuing to Spark.




Magnemite will TRY to Spark Grubbin, but Weavile will come in with Ice Beam if it needs to.



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9 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

In my defense, Vine Whip with STAB still did more damage than Tackle would have.


With my exactly $100 I'll buy an Old Rod and go Fishing! (with Max Repel)

(How's that for the lowest amount of money you've seen @Gustav ?)

After buying your old rod and broke my record of having $2 left (damnit!) you find up a quiet place.

I am not sure where you ended up fishing, but you are catching more bait then you catch actual fish!


Cutiefly 20
Squirtle 20
Grubbin 20
Edited by OrbitingDeath
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9 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

In my defense, Vine Whip with STAB still did more damage than Tackle would have.

Damn, you right! I would not have thought so. For as much as literally no one wants a Cutiefly, they're incredibly annoying to fight at this stage in the game if you don't have a super effective move!

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1 minute ago, OrbitingDeath said:

After buying your old rod and broke my record of having $2 left (damnit!) you find up a quiet place.

I am not sure where you ended up fishing, but you are catching more bait then you catch actual fish!


Cutiefly 20
Squirtle 20
Grubbin 20

Without a cent to my name, I'll throw my 2 Greatballs then Ultra Ball at Squirtle

Pokeballs only for Grubbin.


Then I'll have Grubbin fight Cutiefly with Bug Bite. If it loses, Bulbasaur next w vine whip, then Squirtle w water gun.

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18 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:



Magnemite opens against Poliwag, taking it out with Spark.




Magnemite will then turn its attention to Wooloo, continuing to Spark.




Magnemite will TRY to Spark Grubbin, but Weavile will come in with Ice Beam if it needs to.



Magnemite takes out the first two and gains 4 levels. Weavile destroys the bug in Jessie's honor and gains 1 level


You gain $308

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4 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Without a cent to my name, I'll throw my 2 Greatballs then Ultra Ball at Squirtle

Pokeballs only for Grubbin.


Then I'll have Grubbin fight Cutiefly with Bug Bite. If it loses, Bulbasaur next w vine whip, then Squirtle w water gun.


Hold your ultra ball, Squirtle has decided to join Team Rocket after your 2nd great ball.
He pulls out his sunglasses and lets you know he is ready for battle 


pokemon deal with it GIF



After 2 pokeballs Grubbin also decided to join your team and Team Rocket is shaping up rapidly!


Grubbin jumps forward and wants to fight the cutiefly!


He tries his best, but with cutieflying alternating bug bites and draining kisses he goes down



Bulbasaur jumps in to assist his fallen comrade and his vine whips proof to be no match for the pesky cutiefly


Happy Dance GIF by Pokémon


Bulbasaur celebrates as he gains 2 levels!  


The cutiefly you sell to a taxidermist for $107






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6 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:


Hold your ultra ball, Squirtle has decided to join Team Rocket after your 2nd great ball.
He pulls out his sunglasses and lets you know he is ready for battle 


pokemon deal with it GIF



After 2 pokeballs Grubbin also decided to join your team and Team Rocket is shaping up rapidly!


Grubbin jumps forward and wants to fight the cutiefly!


He tries his best, but with cutieflying alternating bug bites and draining kisses he goes down


  Hide contents

Bulbasaur jumps in to assist his fallen comrade and his vine whips proof to be no match for the pesky cutiefly


Happy Dance GIF by Pokémon


Bulbasaur celebrates as he gains 2 levels!  


The cutiefly you sell to a taxidermist for $107






Alright good work team (rocket)! Catching pokemon seems easier than stealing...


Let's try it again!

Action 3: fish

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9 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Alright good work team (rocket)! Catching pokemon seems easier than stealing...


Let's try it again!

Action 3: fish

The odds are in your favor this time and you actually catch a fish!


Magikarp 20
Grubbin 20
Pidgey 20
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36 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

While surfing on your Chameleon, you see you are not the only one cruising on the cavey waters.


original pokemon GIF


Yes, its a very bright cave.


Let us know what you want to do with these little critters: 



Pichu 19
Lapras 16
Exeggcute 18

Great Balls on Pichu

Eevee bites the Exeggcute, then the Lapras.

Alakazam will join the fight when Eevee dies and use one Future Sight. Then switch to Charmeleon and finish the job with Flamethrower (+ the Future Sight coming two turns later)

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7 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

"He's so terribly inappropriate and problematic toward me," you think to yourself as you find your feet bringing you toward Brock in Pewter City, "but I do like a man who's tall, dark, and handsome."


Walking through the cave, you watch as a Ponyta sprints by. "Sure would be faster if I could ride one of those," you consider.


Looking over, you see a spooky floating gourd or some shit. "What the hell is even that. I wonder if I can actually plant it?"


Just before moving up a floor, you also a clock a Larvitar. "Ah yes, it reminds me of my own trusty companion. Mine looks way tougher though!"


What do you do?



Ponyta 15
Pumpkaboo 17
Larvitar 16


First, Nurse Joy targets the ponyta for capture. Start with any pokeballs I have before trying the great balls.


Next, let’s also try to grab that pumpkaboo. We can use great balls for this.


Last but not least, Ivysaur makes an appearance to use Razor Leaf on Larvitar until it stops moving.

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7 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Here is the official ruling on @Ricer13 visiting Johto and getting a Johto exclusive Pokemon on day 1.


For most roles I'd probably say this is no big deal and just move on as it is unlikely to have a major effect on the game. After all there aren't any barriers to trainers trading for region exclusive pokemon with other trainers.


Since Ricer is a Rival though, this potentially will have an impact on his Rival and the mini-pokedex competition between them. So I am awarding @McWolf 1 free visit to a Johto area, and telling Ricer to stay in Kanto from now on.


If you have any questions or complaints, feel free to message me on Discord.

So just to confirm my day 2 action 2 I will have to redo? 

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9 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Desiring to go to Mt. Silver, but lacking the strength to get there, you remember hearing about one of the gym leaders, Chuck, being able to pick up and destroy large boulders. Needing this skill, though still lacking any birds, you're forced to swim to Cianwood City to appeal to him for the training. He tells you that you're too scrawny to ever pull off such a feat, but that he could get by with training your Jolteon, who has no opposable digits.


One little training montage and $750 later, your Jolteon knows Strength.


Still without birds, you swim all the way back to the mainland, and make the most treacherous hike imaginable before finally arriving at Mt. Silver. You may not have a bird, but perhaps you can find the greatest bird of them all!


You don't. What you do find is the following:



Geodude 15
Swinub 15
Riolu 18


Jolteon use THunder on Riolu. 

Riolu use double kick on Geodude. 

Riolu also use Double kick on Swinub and Eevee finish it off with swift

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7 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

OKAY FIRST OF ALL, you technically should be shopping before seeing your encounter. But since you're a lame ass noob and are helpful and shit WE LET IT SLIDE FOR FIRST TIME OFFENDERS. There's fortunately a great ball vending machine nearby and there happens to be two left, lucky you!


Your Pokeball fails, just like most of your relationships. You manage to capture the Eevee with your very first Great Ball, however.


Your first order of business is showing the young Eevee how old Eevee do. Flareon picks a fight with Ekans, and incinerates it immediately.


Hilariously, Koffing then Self-Destructs in retaliation! Flareon doesn't want anything to do with that, so it tags in Ralts. Koffing takes a crack at the newcomer...


But it just uses Assurance! Ralts is then able to use a Confusion for the easy knockout.


Flareon gains 1 level to reach Level 25.5, while Ralts gets 3 levels from the 'splodey Koffing and reaches Level 19. The Koffing actually contained cashes prizes on its insides and you pick up $248!




Proceeding onward to Mt. Moon, you can't help but feel a warmth as you enter the cave. In fact, it's a little bit TOO warm. You look over to see a Ponyta standing there, eating wild mushrooms. A warm creature indeed, but the heat doesn't seem to be emanating from that...


Suddenly there's a rumbling! The ground beneath you is shaking, and it seems like the whole cave is in a panic.




An Onix appears before you! But it's not interested in you? It seems to be fleeing! But from what?


That's when you finally look up and see it.


The legendary bird, Moltres.





Ponyta 19
Moltres 30
Onix 20











IF I somehow manage to catch Moltres:

-Be very happy

-Poliwag/Water Gun on Ponyta with Flareon/Fire Blast as backup

-Ralts/Confusion on Onix with Flareon/Fire Blast as backup


IF I don't:

-Be very sad

-Same stuff as above with Ponyta/Onix

-Use the three above with the moves listed (except change Flareon to Bite) on Moltres

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8 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

The odds are in your favor this time and you actually catch a fish!



Magikarp 20
Grubbin 20
Pidgey 20

Throw pokeballs at magikarp and pidgey. Then squirtle use water gun on grubbin


Then buy a greatball. Use Rare Candy on magikarp. And explore rt 1 w max Repel on

Edited by Ptyrell
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4 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

So just to confirm my day 2 action 2 I will have to redo? 

If that’s the Johto exploration that I wrote, then yes.

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7 hours ago, McWolf said:

Great Balls on Pichu

Eevee bites the Exeggcute, then the Lapras.

Alakazam will join the fight when Eevee dies and use one Future Sight. Then switch to Charmeleon and finish the job with Flamethrower (+ the Future Sight coming two turns later)

Pichu 19
Lapras 16
Exeggcute 18


You catch the Pichu on the first try!


Eevee's bite is too strong for the Exeggcute, and Charmeleon beats the Lapras thanks to the help of Alakazam's Future Sight!

Eevee gains 2 levels

Charmeleon gains 1 level

You gain $279

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6 hours ago, ctots said:

First, Nurse Joy targets the ponyta for capture. Start with any pokeballs I have before trying the great balls.


Next, let’s also try to grab that pumpkaboo. We can use great balls for this.


Last but not least, Ivysaur makes an appearance to use Razor Leaf on Larvitar until it stops moving.

Ponyta 15
Pumpkaboo 17
Larvitar 16


It takes you 2 pokeballs and 2 greatballs to catch the ponyta.

Pumkpaboo just takes 1 greatball


Ivysaur takes our Larvitar quickly and gains 2 levels

You gain $278

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5 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Buy Old Rod

Buy 6 great balls


Action 2.2: Go Fishing

You go shopping then see what you can catch! The guy at the store said it was guaranteed to catch only Dratinis! Instead you find..

Grubbin 19
Magikarp 20
Poliwag 15
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