McWolf 3,116 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 (edited) Hit the PokéMart and buy the mini TM for Synthesis. Give it to Gourgeist. Action 3.4. Challenge Lt. Surge with a team of Lv.29 Gourgeist Lv.22 Charmeleon Lv.31 Victreebel First, Gourgeist will hit Leech Seed on the first turn vs Jolteon. Then it will spam Synthesis to heal more than Jolteon could ever do with Pin Missile, until the Jolteon dies the slow death due to the tiny damage of the Leech Seed and Gourgeist is back to max HP. Then, Gourgeist will hit Leech Seed on the first turn vs Magneton. Then it will spam Synthesis to heal more than Magneton could ever do with Flash Cannon, until the Magneton dies the slow death due to the tiny damage of the Leech Seed and Gourgeist is back to max HP. Finally, Gourgeist will hit Leech Seed on the first turn vs Raichu. Then it will spam Synthesis to heal more than Raichu could ever do with Iron Tail, until the Raichu dies the slow death due to the tiny damage of the Leech Seed and Gourgeist is back to max HP. And scene. Edited September 4, 2022 by McWolf Alex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgitshim 903 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 1 hour ago, Alex said: Action 5: Challenge Falkner Start with Axew and uses Dragon Claw until it dies Then have Steelix use Iron tail until it dies Lastly, have vikavolt use thunderbolt. "So you wish to challenge me? Very well, I was getting bored anyway. Have at you!" Nurse Joy, normally a protector of sorts, hardens her grip. She says nothing but sends out her Axew. Falkner starts with Pidgeotto. Axew slashes away with its Dragon Claw. Falkner, using his veteran wiles, commands Pidgeotto to hack away with Slash. The two trade blows, but in the end Axew comes out on top. Falkner remains unfazed and sends out Togekiss, who immediately unleashes a Moonblast. Axew gets obliterated. Nurse Joy cries a little by how hard Axew was destroyed. But now's not the time; Steelix needs to shine! Iron Tail assaults for days! Togekiss tanks the hit, and unleashes a vicious Aura Sphere. They trade again, and Steelix is on its last leg- err tail. It throws one last Iron Tail, and it's just enough to knock out the Togekiss. Down to his last pokemon, Falkner sends out Hawlucha. And all it takes is one Flying Press to defeat Steelix. Nurse Joy is down to her final pokemon. In comes Vikavolt! Vikavolt is ready, and unleashes a mighty Thunderbolt. Hawlucha staggers, but in an unexpected twist, Vikavolt also flinches a bit. Hawlucha was holding a Rowap Berry! Falkner smirks. "You didn't expect that trick, did you?!" Nurse Joy looks worried. Hawlucha let's out a roar, and let's out an Air Slash. Vikavolt tries to dodge, but it's hit hard and it's down! Is this the end of the fight?! No! Vikavolt gets back up. It charges up another Thunderbolt, and with one last shock, Hawlucha goes down! Nurse Joy is victorious! Nurse Joy receives the Zephyr badge! Axew gains 2 levels. Steelix gains 3 levels. Vikavolt gains 4 levels. Ptyrell and Alex 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgitshim 903 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Gustav said: Poliwag/Water Gun on Geodude and Onix; Kirlia/Psybeam as backup and on Pumpkaboo; Flareon/Fire Blast as the usual backup. Poliwag shoots water at the Geodude while the Geodude throws rocks back. Poliwag is the victor. It then shoots water at the Onix. Onix throws rocks backs, but in a sliding form. The sliding nature of the rocks is too much for Poliwag to handle, so Kirlia cleans it up with Psybeam. Pumpkaboo then tries to throw Leaves and be Sneaky against Kirlia. It almost works, but Kirlia manages to win the war. Poliwag gains 2 levels. Kirlia gains 1 level. Gustav gains 389 levels. And by levels I mean $. This brings you to the big $999. 2 hours ago, Gustav said: My favorite part of this game is when I say "It's Saffrin' time" and begin to saff. So... Action 5: Saffron City You say something nonsensical that no one has ever said in their life as you head into Saffron City. Seems like some creatures knew you were coming... Pokemon Level Abra 19 Eevee 22 Abra 22 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgitshim 903 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Spartan said: 3.2 Explore Saffron City "It's Saffrin' time!" you say, as you begin to saff around town. You encounter a Team Rocket special! Pokemon Level Magnemite 20 Ekans 19 Koffing 20 Ptyrell and Gustav 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JardyB10 4,869 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Alex said: While floating around Goldenrod City, you hear a thud as a as some pokemon fall out of the sky above you, you decide to focus on them and ignore the fact that 3 non-flying pokemon fell from the sky. Eevee 20 Meowth 17 Eevee 20 I’ll have Wartortle spam Body Slam against the first Eevee. Then it can move on to Meowth. When it perishes to the last Eevee, I’ll send out Koffing to finish the job with Koffing and Sludge. While still in Goldenrod, I would like to use my rare candy on Magneton and bestow it a new THEME SONG. Action 5: Challenge Gym Leader Faulkner Lead Magnezone, spam zap cannon to zap opponents to death. - If he falls to Togetic, I’ll send out Koffing to spam Sludge. - If he falls to Hawlucha, send out Weavile to Ice Beam Alex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgitshim 903 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Alex said: Trade: @Spartan receives: Heracross @Alex receives: Magikarp and Bellsprout Heracross feels honored that it's worth multiple pokemon. Magikarp and Bellsprout feel the opposite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 4,696 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 15 minutes ago, omgitshim said: "It's Saffrin' time!" you say, as you begin to saff around town. You encounter a Team Rocket special! Pokemon Level Magnemite 20 Ekans 19 Koffing 20 Am I allowed to just ask you to throw pokeballs at them all in the order they're easiest to catch? Gustav 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgitshim 903 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Ptyrell said: Action 4: Challenge Misty Lead with Ivysaur who uses Razor Leaf Next Gyarados uses Air Slash Once Wartortle comes out... If Wartortle eats an Oran or enigma berry or leftovers after the first air Slash, use air Slash a 2nd time. Then use Splash until Gyarados faints. If no Berry/leftovers after the first air Slash, use Hydro pump once, then splash until gyarados faints. Then send out Honedge who uses night Slash. Give Honedge an Oran Berry in case I messed up. But hopefully he doesn't have to eat it "Another challenger? I thought you all had enough of this!" Misty wastes no time and sends out a Horsea. James laughs. "What a puny creature! Team Rocket won't be caught dead with that thing!" He sends out an Ivysaur. Ivysaur starts things off with Razor Leaf, which nearly knocks Horsea out in one hit. It hangs on though, takes a munch out of it's Dragon-flavored Leftovers and uses Dragon Breath back at it. Ivysaur snorts and hits it with another Razor Leaf. Horsea falls with ease, and now here comes Vaporeon! Aurora Beam does a number on Ivysaur. It flings a Razor Leaf back at Vaporeon, but its so tanky it doesn't make much of a dent. Another Aurora Beam and Ivysaur goes down! "How preposterous! How could my precious plant fall to a water creature?! No matter, Gyarados it's your turn!" Gyarados comes in hot with an Air Slash. Vaporeon stumbles, but comes back with a Hydro Pump. Gyarados laughs and hits it with another Air Slash. Vaporeon goes down! Or so we thought! It's holding A Focus Band and gets back up to unleash one last Hydro Pump! Gyarados winces a bit, but uses one last Air Slash, and this time Vaporeon stays down. Misty's expression hardens, and out comes Wartortle. Wartortle leads with a Body Slam. Gyarados unleashes an Air Slash back. Both pokemon look rough. Wartortle does another Body Slam, and Gyarados hangs on with less than 1 HP! Gyarados feels too weak to do another Air Slash and launches a Hydro Pump instead. Wartortle hangs on with less than 5 HP, and finishes off the Gyarados with a Bite. James smirks. "You've fallen right into my power grinding trap. Honedge! Take your free levels!" Misty says, "Wha-" And before she could get the word out Honedge finishes the fight with a Night Slash. James is victorious! James receives a Cascade badge! Ivysaur gains 2 levels. Gyarados gains 1 level. Honedge gains 3 levels. Ptyrell 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 3,316 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 9 minutes ago, JardyB10 said: I’ll have Wartortle spam Body Slam against the first Eevee. Then it can move on to Meowth. When it perishes to the last Eevee, I’ll send out Koffing to finish the job with Koffing and Sludge. While still in Goldenrod, I would like to use my rare candy on Magneton and bestow it a new THEME SONG. Action 5: Challenge Gym Leader Faulkner Lead Magnezone, spam zap cannon to zap opponents to death. - If he falls to Togetic, I’ll send out Koffing to spam Sludge. - If he falls to Hawlucha, send out Weavile to Ice Beam Wartortle engages in a drawn out battle with the first eevee which sees them exchange blows for a while with Wartortle escaping the duel with 53 hp after tanking 2 of eevee's swift attacks! The Meowth was a similar story as they landed 2 bite attacks before falling to Wartortle's relentless body slams. The final Eevee finally takes out Wartortle with a swift! Koffing comes out and slowly whittles away at Eevee with Sludge and eventually takes the W! Wartortle gains 3 levels, Koffing gains 0.5 levels. you find $408 on the ground. A rare candy is used on Magneton! It evolves into Magnezone! -----GYM BATTLE----- Falkner accepts your challenge! and sends out Pidgeotto! You send out Magnezone and immediately use Zap Cannon! It knocks out Pidgeotto, Magnezone takes some damage due to Pidgeotto's Rowap Berry! Falkner sends out Togekiss and uses Aura Sphere! Magnezone counters with Zap Cannon, the two go back and forth for two rounds and Togekiss faints, Magnezone now has only 19.6 hp remaining! Falkner sends out his final pokemon, Hawlucha! Who uses flying press and knocks out Magnezone! Having to finally switch pokemon, Jardy sends out his trusty Weaville and uses Ice Beam! Hawlucha faints! Jardy is awarded the Zephyr badge for his efforts! Magnezone gains 1.5 levels, Weaville gains 2 levels! JardyB10 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ctots 400 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 Day 3 action 3 & 4: Work twice. Use the proceeds from my hard work to buy a master ball and two ultra balls. Baller status. Gustav 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 3,316 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 3 hours ago, omgitshim said: Action 3: Work You spend 6 hours with a medal detector on a beach and find $661 omgitshim 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 3,316 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, dlamb said: Catch everything in order listed pls, if I run out of balls, KILL IT! You catch Charmander (21) and Honedge on your first try! Charmander (20) was being stubborn and finally was caught on the 5th greatball. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 3,316 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Dom said: Action 3: explore cerulean cave While exploring Cerulean Cave you fall in the water and land on some pokemon! Growlithe 19 Pichu 17 Elekid 19 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgitshim 903 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 Break the faulty metal detector; I don't need machines that don't work correctly. Let's go on a shopping spree! Pick up a Safari Pass, a Master Ball, and 4 Ultra Balls. Action 4: Safari Zone! Gustav 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,582 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 1 hour ago, omgitshim said: You say something nonsensical that no one has ever said in their life as you head into Saffron City. Seems like some creatures knew you were coming... Pokemon Level Abra 19 Eevee 22 Abra 22 In order: -Eevee -Abra lv 22 -Abra lv 19 -Poliwag/Water Gun -Kirlia/Psybeam -Flareon/Fire Blast Alex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,582 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 1 hour ago, Spartan said: Am I allowed to just ask you to throw pokeballs at them all in the order they're easiest to catch? Ekans takes 2 to catch, Koffing takes 1, and Magnemite takes 4. In the end, you get all three! Spartan 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 3,316 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, McWolf said: Hit the PokéMart and buy the mini TM for Synthesis. Give it to Gourgeist. Action 3.4. Challenge Lt. Surge with a team of Lv.29 Gourgeist Lv.22 Charmeleon Lv.31 Victreebel First, Gourgeist will hit Leech Seed on the first turn vs Jolteon. Then it will spam Synthesis to heal more than Jolteon could ever do with Pin Missile, until the Jolteon dies the slow death due to the tiny damage of the Leech Seed and Gourgeist is back to max HP. Then, Gourgeist will hit Leech Seed on the first turn vs Magneton. Then it will spam Synthesis to heal more than Magneton could ever do with Flash Cannon, until the Magneton dies the slow death due to the tiny damage of the Leech Seed and Gourgeist is back to max HP. Finally, Gourgeist will hit Leech Seed on the first turn vs Raichu. Then it will spam Synthesis to heal more than Raichu could ever do with Iron Tail, until the Raichu dies the slow death due to the tiny damage of the Leech Seed and Gourgeist is back to max HP. And scene. Gourgiest learns synthesis. ---GYM Battle--- Lt. Surge accepts your challenge! They send out Jolteon! Jolteon uses pin missile on you Gourgiest, Gourgiest uses leach seed, and proceeded to use synthesis indefinantly. 5 hours later Jolteon faints. Lt. Surge sends out Magneton (holding left overs) The same approach is taken by Gourgeist and company doing a staggering 3.1 dmg per turn. 147 hours later Magneton faints. There is now 3 people left in the stands all of who are asleep. Lt. Surge. sends out his trusty Raichu. Gourgeist takes the same strategy. It is now past Lt. Surge's bedtime, knowing the same fate awaits he forfeits and goes home 152 hours late to pick his kid up from school. McWolf has earned the thunder badge! Gorgeist has gained 9 levels! JardyB10, McWolf and Ptyrell 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,582 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 1 hour ago, ctots said: Day 3 action 3 & 4: Work twice. Use the proceeds from my hard work to buy a master ball and two ultra balls. Baller status. While at work, you earn $1,339, spending $1,680 for some of the best catching tools on the market. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 4,696 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 3.3 Explore Route 1 please Gustav 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,582 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 34 minutes ago, omgitshim said: Break the faulty metal detector; I don't need machines that don't work correctly. Let's go on a shopping spree! Pick up a Safari Pass, a Master Ball, and 4 Ultra Balls. Action 4: Safari Zone! Must be nice to have disposable income--you spend $2,660 on the above. Your Safari Pass comes with a warning to avoid disturbing the wildlife, but being the little ingrate that you are, you come across: Wooloo lv 20 Hawlucha lv 18 Swinub lv 19 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,582 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 6 minutes ago, Spartan said: 3.3 Explore Route 1 please If Route 1 is so great, then how come there's no Route 2? Magikarp lv 18 Grubbin lv 18 Pichu lv 19 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlamb 1,331 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 1 minute ago, Alex said: You catch Charmander (21) and Honedge on your first try! Charmander (20) was being stubborn and finally was caught on the 5th greatball. yay. explore goldenrod Alex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 4,696 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 3 minutes ago, Gustav said: If Route 1 is so great, then how come there's no Route 2? Magikarp lv 18 Grubbin lv 18 Pichu lv 19 Magnemite Spark on Magikarp Pokeballs until success on the other two, Pichu first Alex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dom 1,447 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 53 minutes ago, Alex said: While exploring Cerulean Cave you fall in the water and land on some pokemon! Growlithe 19 Pichu 17 Elekid 19 Catch elekid with great ball and fight the others with larvitar Alex 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex 3,316 Posted September 4, 2022 Share Posted September 4, 2022 26 minutes ago, Gustav said: In order: -Eevee -Abra lv 22 -Abra lv 19 -Poliwag/Water Gun -Kirlia/Psybeam -Flareon/Fire Blast Poliwag attacks the wild eevee using watergun, the eevee counters with swift. the two exchange a series of blows before poliwag faints. Gustav sends out Kirlia to finish the job, it takes out Eevee with a single psybeam. Kirlia would then dispatch the two Abras in short order as they teleported around. Kirlia gains 2.5 levels. You find $298 on the ground by the Abra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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