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2 hours ago, Gustav said:


For the sake of whoever mods this: the above are at Level 29.


-Focus Band on Poliwag

-Focus Sash on Flareon (though I doubt that will make a difference).


-Lead with Poliwag and use Water Gun on Onix. Pray the Focus Band works.

-Follow with Kirlia/Psybeam and hope the random part of the move selection doesn't wipe it out in 2 moves.

-Flareon/Fire Blast


I think odds are decent that I went too high levels-wise and this won't work out fully, but should at least get some levels out of it somewhere.


You send out your Poliwag with water gun. Your opponents sends out Elekid! Did you forget the part where the order is randomized?

Elekid knocks out Poliwag in 1 hit. Focus band does not proc.


You send out Kirlia next. A win would let her evolve!

But Elekid has a higher attack than Kirlia..

After 2 psybeams... Elekid still stands!

Kirlia falls to a swift attack.


Flareon is up next and makes quick work of Elekid.

Jimothy sends out Onix next. Not the matchup Flareon wanted!


Onix uses dig.... twice!

Flareon's Fire Blast isn't very effective...

Onix uses Dragon Breath...

Flareon still stands with 0.0 HP???

Further calculating shows Flareon has... 0.07075 HP!!!

Flareon uses Fire Blast and Onix goes down!


You run away before Exeggcute comes out. Flareon gains 6 levels!

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You know what, let's run it again now that I should have some idea what's going on and Flareon is more powerful.


Battle Tower lv 29 again! Let's evolve Kirlia (I hope).

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2 hours ago, Alex said:

Action 4: Challenge Buggsy


Start with Steelix lv 28 and use Stone Edge on Vikavolt

Then use Iron Tail on Ribombee

Lastly, use Dig on Scizor


if Steelix dies to Ribombee, switch to axew lv 30 and use Slash

if Steelix dies to Scizor, switch to axew and use Crunch


if Axew dies at any point switch to Vikavolt lv 29 and use Thunderbolt



http://pa1.narvii.com/5927/abbb1b36d8a7a68dbfe3d68c92fba276fa790b28_00.gif VS Pokemon Masters | Pokemon, Pokemon characters, Pokemon special


You start with your iron curtain Steelix!

Steelix uses Stone Edge.. It's super effective!

Vikavolts Rowap Berry causes Steelix to take an extra 7 damage.

Vikavolt responds with X-Scissor, but eventually goes down.


Next up is Ribombee. Ribombee opens up with Pollen Puff, which isn't very effective.

Iron Tail is super effective! Ribombee is down to 25 HP after 1 hit.

Ribombee follows up with Draining Kiss and eats an oran berry. Ribombee is back up to 75 HP!Iron Tail strikes again..


Ribombee's heals keep it alive with 6 HP!

Ribombee uses Pollen Puff...


Steelix survives with 8 HP! Another Iron tail and Ribombee goes down


Last up is Scizor, who takes out Steelix.

Scizor is quite tough, but surely it can't take out 2 Pokemon right?


You send out Axew who uses Crunch

Scizor retaliates with Iron Head!

After 2 blows back and forth, Scizor takes out Axew!


Last up is Vikavolt...

Vikavolt uses thunderbolt...

Scizor is down to 10 HP!

Scizor's X-Scissor takes out half of Vikavolt's HP

Vikavolt goes for the finishing blow with thunderbolt.

Does Scizor's Focus Band proc???


NO! Scizor goes down!


🎉You've defeated Buggsy!🎉


Steelix gains 5 levels

Vikavolt gains 3 levels





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2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Use Greatballs to catch level 23 Smoochum. 

Wartortle will battle Larvitar and lvl 20 smoochum.


Use Ivysaur if needed 

Smoochum 20
Smoochum 23
Larvitar 24


You catch Smoochum on the 4th try


Wartortle takes out both of the other 2 pokemon and gains 4 levels. You gain $430

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2 hours ago, Spartan said:

Buy 1 evolution stone and give to Growlithe


Action 4.3 Work


Buy exp share and give to Grubbin

Buy pokeballs with remaining money


Action 4.4 Go fishing again

Your Growlithe evolves into Arcanine!

Pokemon Arcanine GIF - Pokemon Arcanine Fire - Discover & Share GIFs


You and Arcanine work as Jr Police Officers and earn $711


You buy the new and improved (and hopefully not OP) EXP Share along with 3 pokeballs and go fishing!

Poliwag 22
Pidgey 24
Dratini 20
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2 hours ago, McWolf said:

Buy a Master Ball, just in case

4.3. Cerulean Cave

You buy a Master Ball, just in case


Does it pay off?


It does if you were looking for one of these!

Rhyhorn 23
Elekid 19
Growlithe 21



But no Mewtwo


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2 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Your Growlithe evolves into Arcanine!

Pokemon Arcanine GIF - Pokemon Arcanine Fire - Discover & Share GIFs


You and Arcanine work as Jr Police Officers and earn $711


You buy the new and improved (and hopefully not OP) EXP Share along with 3 pokeballs and go fishing!


Poliwag 22
Pidgey 24
Dratini 20

Pokeballs until success on Dratini first, then Poliwag


Magnemite spark on Pidgey

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3 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Buy TM Earthquake for Ivysaur

Buy Enigma Berry


A2: Lt Surge

Ivysaur leads, holding an Oran Berry, uses earthquake

Honedge next uses Surf

Gyarados uses Hydro Pump and holds Enigma Berry


Remind me to nerf these OP random gym leader items. What a pain! 21% chance Jolteon holds an item that completely screws me.


You go out shopping and spend $1800 on a devastating move for your Ivysaur and a berry!


Then its time to battle with Lt Surge


pokemon games GIF


And Jolteon refuses to wear an item as he is confident he can take out a grass type.


What he did not account for is that this ivysaur had the power to unleash an earthquake on him!



earthquake GIF


They feel it in San Francisco


Jolteon manages to fire a pin missile back, but the hit is endured and Ivysaur proceeds to eat his berry



Magneton comes up next and due to the increased health on Ivysaur, it lives the first hit of its Flash Cannon

It gets in another hit bringing magneton in knock out range for the next pokemon to come in.





Honedge is up next and it uses surf against magneton to knock it out (barely)


This leaves up Raichu versus two pokemon of James.


Raichu his thunder hits really hard, but Honedge endures a hit and eats a little health of the Raichu before the next thunder finishes it off.

Then its time for Gyarados, the last pokemon. You would assume Raichu has no trouble killing this off.


Warning Told You GIF by Mashed


But the Gyarados holds an enigma berry, and after a hydro pump, Raichu still stands and unleashes a powerfull thunder!

But the enigma berry pops off, and due to this gyarados still stands after resisting 25% of the damage!


One more hydro pump finishes off the Raichu,  and Lt Surge is defeated!


Ivysaur gains 2 levels

Honedge gains 3 levels

Gyarados gains 2 levels


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2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A3: challenge faulkner but this time without rng fucking me over please


Charmeleon lv 26 flamethrowers 

Steelix lv 29 iron tails togekiss

Scizor lv 28- iron tails on togekiss , air slash on hawlucha

Scizor oran berry - shouldnt need this, please only eat it if hawlucha is not knocked out the turn after. 

"YOU AGAIN? Haven't you learned your lesson yet? How'd you even get back here so fast? The Pokecenter is all the way across town!"


Saying nothing, you send out Charmeleon with a look of determination on your face.

Charmeleon flamethrowers the Pidgeotto twice until it starts to smell like chicken in the arena. Pidgeotto eats some leftovers during the battle with terrible table manners.


Next up is the hella tanky Togekiss!

Ancient Power brings Charmeleon down to 5 HP. It gets a flamethrower off before fainting.


Steelix barges in and starts iron tailing everything around it.

Togekiss uses a super effective Aura Sphere, but falls to the second Iron Tail.


Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, The moment you've all been waiting for...

Entering the ring, standing at 1.5 meters tall (look I'm using metric units for you), weighing in at 150 lb. The Bird with the Word. The Fowl that plays foul. It's HAWWWWWLLLUUUUUUUCHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!


Hawlucha enters the ring and immediately leaps onto Steelix smashing him into the ground.

But Steelix survives with 8 HP! Enough to get 1 hit off on Hawlucha.


Scizor knows he won't lose this time. Air Slash goes out..

Hawlucha hangs on with 6 HP..

The crowd cheers wildly for an acrobatic Flying Press!

Another Air Slash...

Does some OP item ruin this battle as well?



Hawlucha goes down!


🎉 You've defeated Falkner! 🎉


Charmeleon gains 2 levels

Steelix gains 1 level

Scizor gains 2 levels


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Action 4.2 - Challenge Brock


Use Ivysaur to start off using Razor Leaf.


if ivysaur falls then switch too Wartortle and she water pulse. 

if anyone survives from Brock finish them off with dratini with water pulse 

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2 hours ago, Gustav said:

You know what, let's run it again now that I should have some idea what's going on and Flareon is more powerful.


Battle Tower lv 29 again! Let's evolve Kirlia (I hope).

You face Gardener Garvin!


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1 hour ago, Spartan said:

Pokeballs until success on Dratini first, then Poliwag


Magnemite spark on Pidgey

Poliwag 22
Pidgey 24
Dratini 20


You've got 8 Pokeballs and Dratini isn't easy to catch....


You catch it on your 3rd thow!

Poliwag takes 2.


Magnemite shocks the pidgey to death

Grubbin has the EXP share right? Grubbin gains 2 levels and evovles into Charjabug!

Magnemite gains 1.5 levels

You gain $122

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A4: Attack Buggsy


Steelix leads vs Vikavolt with Stone Edge,   Iron Tails on Ribombee/Scizor until it faints

Charmeleon /w focus sash continues with flamethrower


This should be succesfull, otherwise Scizor continues to air slash


Edited by OrbitingDeath
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buy incense $200 and 3 pokeballs then explore Golden rod city for A5

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