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Town of Pallet #2


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9 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Buy 10 greatballs

Use them to catch Lapras, Horsea and Rhyhorn. 

If any remain standing and im out of greatballs then use Dratini to take down rhyhorn with his water pulse.

Action 4.4 Work

Lapras 19
Horsea 22
Rhyhorn 19


You get prime shipping delivered and catch all 3 in 4 throws!


Then earn $854 working



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4 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You have 2 actions left. Since day 4 likely won't close for half a day, I'll let you review in case you want to change your last 2 actions. If not, I'll process those later.


I'll keep Action 4 - Work. I'll use some money to buy whatever evolution stone will evolve Kirlia when the time comes.


Action 5 - Battle Tower lv 29 AGAIN

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7 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Ivysaur leads using Earthquake on Steelix/Koffing and Razor Leaf on Poliwhirl

(If Koffing uses Self Destruct, Ivysaur should have the next move)

If Poliwhirl first and Koffing 2nd, use earthquake then razor leaf on koffing


Honedge next uses Surf against Steelix/Koffing, Night Slash against Poliwhirl


Gyarados 3rd uses hydro pump


"You wish to challenge the great Chaz?!"




James cares not for this nonsense and throws his Ivysaur into the arena. Despite being a Bird Keeper, Chaz doesn't have any actual bird pokemon with him, so he uses his closest thing: Koffing! Ironically, this means Ivysaur's Earthquake is the key to victory! Koffing shoots off one Sludge, but goes down quickly.




Chaz looks for some snacks as he sends out Steelix. It leads off with an Iron Tail, then Ivysaur unleashes an Earthquake. Steelix tries a Dragon Breath but it isn't as strong. Ivysaur pretends it only knows Earthquake. Steelix decides to Dig, and Ivysaur can't hang on. James sighs, but sends out his Honedge. Honedge rides that surf, and Steelix just barely doesn't survive. Finally Chaz sends out Poliwhirl.




Poliwhirl comes out with a Water Pulse. Honedge counters with a Night Slash. This continues for several hours until finally Honedge can't withstand all the drenching. James seems perplexed, but he sends out Gyarados, who immediately Hydro Pumps Poliwhirl into the next galaxy.




Ivysaur gains 2 levels.

Honedge gains 2 levels.

Gyarados gains 1 level.


Honedge contemplates the meaning of this.




And gains another sword!


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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

Buy 1 master ball 


4.4 go to Bell tower 


You climb up the tower. You ring some bells. You don't find all that many bells though. You begin to wonder why they call it the bell tower when there is only two bells. You then think that most towers don't have any bells. As you ponder this, pokemon approach you!


Pokemon Level
Meowth 22
Pidgey 19
Gastly 21
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2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Sneasel lv 23

Poliwag lv 23

Sneasel lv 23



Flamethrower - Drawception


Charmander comes out instead


Just kidding, you do have a Charmeleon but the sheet wasn't updated as you said


Charmeleon uses flamethrower!

The first Sneasel goes down but the 2nd doesn't get scratched


Koffing takes the first Sneasel out with Sludge but takes heavy damage

Against Poliwag...

Poliwag takes out Koffing!

Poliwag has 20 HP left. Who do you want to get the Poliwag levels?


Charmeleon gains 3 levels

Koffing gains 1 level


You gain $328 (for all three)


Since Charmeleon didn't beat both Sneasel's and won't have first strike on Vikavolt which would cause it to lose out the gate, I'm gonna wait for your input



Wartortle can body slam the Poliwag.


I suppose for my next action I’ll once again explore the Lake instead!

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37 minutes ago, Gustav said:


I'll keep Action 4 - Work. I'll use some money to buy whatever evolution stone will evolve Kirlia when the time comes.




You say some encouraging words while you paint a masterpiece. You sell it for $775 and buy a Dawn Stone.


37 minutes ago, Gustav said:

Action 5 - Battle Tower lv 29 AGAIN


As you enter the Tower, you are nearly run over by a bicycle. Seems your opponent shows no mercy! Biker Tianna wishes to fight!


Level 29:

Battle Tower
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7 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


You climb up the tower. You ring some bells. You don't find all that many bells though. You begin to wonder why they call it the bell tower when there is only two bells. You then think that most towers don't have any bells. As you ponder this, pokemon approach you!



Pokemon Level
Meowth 22
Pidgey 19
Gastly 21

Catch Pidgey with Greatsballs 


Fight Meowth with Lucario meteor smash. 

Gastly with Ponyta Flamethrower 

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5 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:



Wartortle can body slam the Poliwag.


Wartortle puts in the littlest work possible and gains a level for it.


5 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

I suppose for my next action I’ll once again explore the Lake instead!


Despite all the lake being all the rage, you come across a much more calming sight.


Pokemon Level
Heracross 20
Cutiefly 22
Cutiefly 20
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4 minutes ago, Lemorse7 said:

Catch Pidgey with Greatsballs 


Fight Meowth with Lucario meteor smash. 

Gastly with Ponyta Flamethrower 


Pidgey accepts its fate and willingly goes into the Great Ball.


Lucario smashes Meowth with a Meteor Mash.


Ponyta disintegrates Gastly with Flamethrower.


Lucario gains 1 level.

Ponyta gains 2 levels.

Bird Keeper's wallet gains $230 levels.


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2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:
Rhyhorn 23
Elekid 19
Growlithe 21


You catch Growlithe on your first try! Nice!


After 2 Stomping Tantrums.. Rhyhorn has 0.1 HP remaining! It gets another attack off Larvitar before it dies. Will it make a difference?


Elekid comes out swinging with... Thunder punch???

ELEKID by Bird Milk x The 3D Hero - The Toy Chronicle

It does no damage.

Then it follows that up with Quick Attack. Not very effective.

Larvitar takes out both!


Larvitar gains 3 levels

You gain $269


But don't leave your seats folks! Now in the Caves you find...

  Hide contents


Exeggcute 21
Growlithe 21
Pichu 23



Exeggcute 24
Exeggcute 24
Growlithe 21



Exeggcute 22
Lapras 23
Elekid 19


I'll go with the second one.

Umbreon Dark Pulse on the two Exeggcute, then on the Growlithe. If needed, Charmeleon will come in and use Surf.


I'm sending a Growlithe to @Gustav along with $250 in exchange for his Onix w/ Metal Coat.

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13 minutes ago, McWolf said:

I'll go with the second one.

Umbreon Dark Pulse on the two Exeggcute, then on the Growlithe. If needed, Charmeleon will come in and use Surf.


I'm sending a Growlithe to @Gustav along with $250 in exchange for his Onix w/ Metal Coat.


Buy a Metal Coat, which I'll apply to Onix--and consider this a deal.


I now have 4 unique Fire species and have traded for a Fire-type--2 VPs please!

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7 minutes ago, Alex said:

you spend $480 to buy 2 ultra balls


In the Safari zone you find:


Swinub 21
Dratini 19
Rhyhorn 20


Throw an Ultra Ball at Rhyhorn.


Alakazam against the Dratini. Use Future Sight, then Recover, then switch in Wooloo for the Future Sight hit. Switch back to Alakazam for the Swinub, if Alakazam has less than 20 HP at this point, use Recover. Else, Future Sight -> Recover -> switch to Wooloo for the kill.

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37 minutes ago, McWolf said:

I'll go with the second one.

Umbreon Dark Pulse on the two Exeggcute, then on the Growlithe. If needed, Charmeleon will come in and use Surf.


I'm sending a Growlithe to @Gustav along with $250 in exchange for his Onix w/ Metal Coat.

Umbreon makes quick work of the 2 Exeggcutes finishing both them off in two hits. Growlithe also falls to Umbreon's Dark Pulse in 2 hits.


You find $361 on the ground and Umbreon gains 8 levels.


The trade has been processed as well and Onix evolves into Steelix

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40 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

As you enter the Tower, you are nearly run over by a bicycle. Seems your opponent shows no mercy! Biker Tianna wishes to fight!


Level 29:


Battle Tower




Focus Band on Kirlia; Focus Sash on Poliwag.


We're going to lead off with Poliwag as a sacrifice bunt of sorts.


Poliwag will use Water Gun against whoever is up first, and presumably be knocked out by that whoever.


If Poliwag is knocked out by Charmeleon or Haunter, bring in Kirlia and use Psybeam. Hope RNG does its thing.


If Poliwag is knocked out by Arbok, follow up with Flareon. 

  • Let Flareon burn through everything with Fire Blast.
  • If there's a way to pull Flareon and bring in Kirlia for a final KO, that would be nice. If in that case I'm allowed to ask for Flareon to use a move that stops short of a knockout, that would also be nice. I'll leave that up to mod discretion--if not, let Flareon deal with Arbok, put in Kirlia for whoever's next, accept that I'm probably going to lose, and use Flareon as backup going forward.


As a reminder, if Kirlia somehow manages to record a KO, I've just bought the evolution stone 👁️

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Action 1-4: cerulean cave for all


fight everything that is not mewtwo, using larvitar as first, growlithe as second and lapras as third. ( shouldn’t faint further than that I hope, of so, use whatever) 


if Mewtwo shows up I use my master ball

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3 hours ago, omgitshim said:


Wartortle puts in the littlest work possible and gains a level for it.



Despite all the lake being all the rage, you come across a much more calming sight.



Pokemon Level
Heracross 20
Cutiefly 22
Cutiefly 20

I actually did the math this time and Char Man can actually handle it this time.


Start with Heracross, then the Cutieflies.


Flamethrower all!


Action 4: Challenge Bugsy


 I’ll lead Charmeleon to Flamethrower Vikavolt. When Vikavolt drops, I’ll hard switch into Koffing for the Bee.


Koffing will spam Sludge against Bee until Koffing goes down. Weavile will come in to finish the job with Ice Beam.


Weavile should be able to eat a hit from Scizor and can retaliate with Revenge. When Weavile goes down,Charmeleon can come back out and (hopefully) finish it off with a Flamethrower. 

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