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A6.1 Challenge pryce


Aegislash-shield w focus sash - iron heads

Steelix w leftovers iron tail vs glaceon, stone edge vs lapras

Charizard fire blasts lapras

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11 minutes ago, McWolf said:

Day 5 Action 4




Mewtwo @Oran Berry

Aura Sphere


Victreebel @no item

Leaf Blade


Gourgeist@no item

Leaf Blade vs Pupitar

Leech Seed on first turn, then Leaf Blade vs Rhydon









It's a certified cat fight! Persian Bites with it's teeth while Mewtwo exerts a mysterious Aura that somehow does Fighting type damage. Persian does not like it, but hangs on long enough to get a 2nd Bite in before falling.




Pupitar comes in and Crunches on Mewtwo, sending it to the abyss.




"No sweat! Not only did I catch the Mewtwo, I'm going to run you out of town and takeover your gym!" Giovanni does not respond.




Victreebel unleashes a Leaf Blade that destroys Pupitar in one hit, dealing over 200 damage! Giovanni's only saving grace was the Rowap Berry Pupitar held, which caused one of the leaves to bounce back and slice Victreebel as well!





No one's sure if Giovanni is upset with the battle or that his Rhydon is slacking off. Giovanni pounds the table, then suddenly Rhydon jumps up and lands on an Earthquake. Victreebel hangs on and throws another Leaf Blade. Rhydon nearly falls over, but it stabilizes a little with a Sitrus Berry. A 2nd Earthquake finishes off Victreebel. Gary isn't worried. Here comes Gourgeist.




Gourgeist could have easily knocked out Rhydon with a Leaf Blade, but opts to make it suffer with Leech Seed. Rhydon hits it with a Stone Edge, but Gourgeist just laughs. It doesn't even bother to use Leaf Blade, it just stares and laughs as the Leech Seed saps away all of Rhydon's health. Giovanni is in shock.


"Wow, you're more diabolical than I am. Perhaps you could be leader of your own Team Rocket someday..."


Gary doesn't even hear him as he's already bailed on this joint, Earth Badge in hand.


Mewtwo gains 4 levels.

Victreebel gains 4 levels.

Gourgeist gains 4 levels.


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25 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

Gourgeist could have easily knocked out Rhydon with a Leaf Blade, but opts to make it suffer with Leech Seed.

it was mostly to use the potential sash turn 

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50 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A6.1 Challenge pryce


Aegislash-shield w focus sash - iron heads

Steelix w leftovers iron tail vs glaceon, stone edge vs lapras

Charizard fire blasts lapras


The two of you approach the arena, not saying a word. Aegislash and Jynx will begin our duel!


Aegislash slams it's Iron Head into Jynx, who falls under half health until it munches on its Oran Berry. Jynx counters with Blizzard. A 2nd Iron Head nearly finishes it off, but it gets to launch off another Blizzard thanks to that Berry. A 3rd Iron Head ends the battle. Here comes Glaceon!




Glaceon takes a Bite out of Aegislash. It stings, but Aegislash slams it back with Iron Head. A 2nd Bite finishes the job! Worker sends out Steelix.




Iron Tail knocks Glaceon down low, but its able to respond with a nasty Blizzard. Steelix weathers the storm and finishes the job with another Iron Tail! Glaceon's Focus Sash does nothing to help it here. Bryce has to rely on his last pokemon now.




And it seems like Lapras didn't expect to come out so soon. Still, it blasts on with Hydro Pump. Steelix barely survives and is able to get off a Stone Edge. Lapras eats an Oran Berry and finishes the job with Hydro Pump. Worker is down to his final pokemon now!




And its Charizard? This could be rough. Fire Blast comes out, and Lapras is feeling the heat. Still, it's holding strong and it comes back with Hydro Pump!



...and Charizard falls out of the skies!



But it lands on its feet! Down to 35 HP, it's all or nothing now. It shoots off another Fire Blast!



Lapras is holding...



But the fire is too much and it goes down! Worker wins and receives the Glacier badge!


Aegislash gains 2 levels.

Steelix gains 3 levels.

Charizard gains 3 levels.






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1 hour ago, omgitshim said:

Day 5 has come to an end! All remaining actions will be converted to work. Stay tuned though as Team Rocket is on the prowl and out to snatch away your friends!


@ctots works 3 times and gets $2556.

@dlamb works 4 times and gets $3309.

@Dom works 3 times and gets $2654. You also have the following encounter still unresolved:






Fighting them all with growlithe


actions 1-4 cerulean cave, fighting everything that is not mewtwo with growlithe


if mewtwo show up, master ball in his face.

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Just now, Dom said:

Fighting them all with growlithe


actions 1-4 cerulean cave, fighting everything that is not mewtwo with growlithe


if mewtwo show up, master ball in his face.


Just of note: Mewtwo has already been caught and will not show up again.

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54 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

A1: work


Trade $700 to @OrbitingDeath for 3 greatballs and 1 ultra ball


You spend some time acting as a Hypnotherapist. You aren't fully sure what you accomplished but you made $939 for the work. You then send $700 into the ether for a conglomeration of balls.

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1 hour ago, omgitshim said:

Day 5 has come to an end! All remaining actions will be converted to work.

@Ptyrell Can I still do my 5.5 action? I know I’m behind, but it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying! 

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44 minutes ago, Alex said:

6.1: work


 buy as many pokeballs as possible


You head to the shop to perform your job as a Flower Arranger. The flowers don't look so good today, so you only take home $851. You then rush to the pokemart and slam down $900 for 9 Pokeballs.


44 minutes ago, Alex said:

6.2: visit lake of rage


You hope to find something extra special at the lake today... and in fact you do!


Pokemon Level
Horsea 26
Sneasel 24




Well, at least if you consider Horsea as special!

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13 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


You ride your Wartortle inside the cave and see a pair of Pichus trying to become snake charmers.



Pokemon Level
Pichu 27
Pichu 25
Ekans 28

Use Larvitar to take down all three Pokémon. He can using whatever ground attack he has. Stomping tantrum? Maybe

If he falls then finish the remainder of them off with ivysaur 

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5.5 Challenge Pryce


Oran Berry on Magnezone


Lead with Weavile, spam Dark Pulse on Jynx.


Next is Charizard, spam Fire Blast on all.


Last is Magnezone, spam Zap Cannon on all.

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30 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


You head to the shop to perform your job as a Flower Arranger. The flowers don't look so good today, so you only take home $851. You then rush to the pokemart and slam down $900 for 9 Pokeballs.



You hope to find something extra special at the lake today... and in fact you do!



Pokemon Level
Horsea 26
Sneasel 24




Well, at least if you consider Horsea as special!

Catch everything, (use greatballs first).

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Gourgeist @no item

Leech Seed on first turn, then Synthesis on even turns / Leaf Blade on odd turns vs every Pokemon


Mewtwo @no item



Victreebel @no item
Leaf Blade

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1 hour ago, Dom said:

Fighting them all with growlithe


actions 1-4 cerulean cave, fighting everything that is not mewtwo with growlithe


if mewtwo show up, master ball in his face.

As omg stated, Mewtwo is gone already, so let me know if you want to change your actions for the day. As for your dogfight...


Growlithe is able to take out the Smoochums with relative ease, but Larvitar literally Stomps your pooch out cold.


Growlithe gains 3 levels (28)


Who would you like to send out against the Level 21 Larvitar?

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Buy a Quick Claw.


A1: Challenge Erika


Focus Band on Poliwrath; Oran Berry on Flareon.


Lead with Gardevoir and Psychic.


Follow with Poliwrath and Dynamic Punch.


Finish with Flareon/Fire Blast.

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1 hour ago, Ricer13 said:

Use Larvitar to take down all three Pokémon. He can using whatever ground attack he has. Stomping tantrum? Maybe

If he falls then finish the remainder of them off with ivysaur 

Your Larvitar rolls up, and it does not appreciate these silly rats trying to charm this innocent snake.


The first Pichu tries to shock it, to no effect. Larvitar stomps on its tail, nearly knocking it out. It manages one largely harmless Quick Attack before going dow.


The second Pichu tries Thundershock as well before getting annihilated.


The Ekans is a different story. Turns out, it WAS charmed by these mice! It Bites into the larva, inflicting a notable amount of damage for the first time in this fight. Larvitar continues throwing a tantrum. The Ekans second bite brings Larvitar down to just 1.7 hp! But one last Stomp takes it out for good.


Larvitar gains 12 LEVELS! (32) and evolves into a weird looking Pupitar!


You also find $357 laying about.

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1 hour ago, Ricer13 said:

Buy incense 

Action 6.2 Go fishing 


Set 1:


Squirtle lv 25

Magikarp lv 23

Magikarp lv 27



Set 2:


Horsea lv 26

Lugia lv 27

Poliwag lv 25



Set 3:


Grubbin lv 25

Squirtle lv 24

Grubbin lv 28

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