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VHLM - time for a lockout.


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On August 28th it was announced that VHLM GM's salary will be increased to 4 TPE.


On September 19th it was announced that from the start of the S87 VHLM draft, VHLM teams are not able to trade all of their picks away or collect as many picks as they wish.  It is in the rules now that each team and management group must every season try to put together something that looks like a team.  


We can only wonder what will happen next. Is the league leadership going to hire supervisors for each team to make sure general managers do something to earn their salary? Do the GMs tell their players to upgrade scoring, do the GMs put in the lines and make changes at least once in a while, do the GMs send offers to new players, etc? Soon supervisors will monitor each team and management group. Once we have reached that point, we more than likely see the general managers being fired as the supervisors are more than capable of running the teams.


You could also ask what is the point of having general managers in VHLM. You can just let the leaguer leadership pick the best player available for each team from the draft, they instruct the players to put points into scoring, and the lines can be made automatically for each team to ensure no team gets an unfair advantage of having a general manager that could know something about the sim engine.  






Around the league, we have seen speculation about the VHLE and whether something needs to be done to the league, should it even be removed has been suggested. These recent changes with VHLM painfully indicate that it is not the VHLE that is going to be destroyed, it is the VHLM. The backbone of VHL is under attack. VHLM, the league that has taught many general managers in VHL everything they know about telling players to upgrade scoring over everything else, seasons in VHLM have taught the GM's the importance of taking risks with trades, gambling on the future to get a "maybe" level of chance to reach the finals is still better than never making it. What VHL needs is more risk takers and managers who are willing to compete and play the game the right way. Not doing anything is the easiest thing in the world. What about making moves and creating a strategy for the organization, recognizing the right window for competing? As we now see, the league leadership has in their infinite wisdom decided to step in and prevent general managers from doing what they do best - making moves and planning for the future.





At this point, we can only speculate what the future will bring, but the general managers of the future will lose a great opportunity to learn their trade if and when the league leadership decides to move forward with other ideas that greatly reduce the power of general managers in VHLM.


Now if ever we should unite and organize a lockout. I recommend that each VHLM teams management group keeps logging into the account of the simmer with wrong passwords, that will lock the simmer out. If every team does that - they are not able to log in to sim the games! Unite! Organize a lockout. Demand that the salary increase is reverted, so the leaguer leadership is not able to have power over you.


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Look as a player of the Vhlm organization it's nothing wrong with your media spot that you made but I wanna skate on the ice I really don't care about the salary it is all for fun it is like this if you wanna be a vhlm gm than you can write a application and if you don't want het than don't so why you wanna make a lockout or something it is there choice you left because it's your choice 

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On 9/21/2022 at 5:22 AM, rory said:

As owner of the Halifax 21st franchise I just want the strike to happen so I don't have to pay anyone

I'm with the owner of the franchise that I play with go 21st

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