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Ramblings of an overtired blue


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You know what’s crazy? For the first time since S64 or something (I don’t recall when I started simming the M, I know it was a few seasons before the VHL) I am not simming and therefore can’t just claim 12 Monday morning when I wake up and move on with my life. That creates a complication during theme week because I can still get the bonus from my job pay but I need to actually complete minor tasks to finish up. Therefore I’m here with one of these new fangled rambly 590’s (drop a comment if you get that reference). This paragraph alone was probably close to the word count but anyway:


- I was without power for 65.5 hours so that sucked, still kinda trying to adjust to having lights again, it feels wrong. That’s part of why I’ve been pretty absent this past weekend though. Newborn already dropped my activity levels a bit (obviously) but that on top of having no power for nearly three days while she has a cold (at 10 days old, that’s just mean) pretty much did me in. Hell my phone was dead 95% of the time. I’m alive though and didn’t get washed out to sea so… hi.


- I have seen some rumblings (via @Tate) about how we should have a third blue and that’s probably true, @Josh and I have discussed it. Especially since we came very close to having baby brain at the same time (his munchkin is due next month I believe) it’s probably not a great risk. We’re just trying to decide on the right person for the job since APPARENTLY I keep scaring everyone away.


- Papa is playing kinda mediocre this season which is annoying. Still, we’re doing alright. I set the franchise record for playoff wins last season and am only 56 away from taking the regular season crown as well so hopefully I can get there.


- Finally had to use the portal trivia tool so that was cool, hadn’t used it before. Questions were easy. What the hell do you normal people do for the last 2 TPE though? Oh right, PC is a thing. Maybe I’ll go and do that now.

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  • Commissioner
10 hours ago, Garsh said:


Ok Grandpa, lets get you to bed.

We used to only get 9 TPE a week and we were damn happy with it!

8 hours ago, v.2 said:

Fan 590!!!! Lets go!!!

This guy gets it!

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