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The Truth about being a new player in the VHLM


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If you want me to be transparent about the whole "recreates" situation, sure I can tell you basically everything.


First off, we have the three McFleurys that were all going to play with each other regardless of what team that they were going to go to. I play for Alex in the VHL and on top of that, Alex was the one who helped start my entire VHL career back when I played for him on the Philadelphia Reapers, hence why he ended up joining my team. The other two McFleury's ended up joining me, due to the fact that Alex joined me and they didn't want to be seperated.


Moving forward, the next player that ended up joining me was AJW's player. I'm going to be honest, I had no clue that he was going to join me, but I do remember him saying that there's a possibility that he joins me, or that he's most likely going to go to Houston since he does GM that team. He ended up joining me due to the fact that Houston was most likely going to miss the playoffs, and he said that he wanted to play in Mexico because it seemed like a fun place to hangout in and a great environment, something that I ended up creating.


Next up we have Fonzi and Kyl's player. I've known Kyl through Nyko and on top of that, through the riot-games section in the VHL server where we've talked for a while now and have played league of legends together. It was basically confirmed that if he ended up recreating, he would recreate to join me just because he wanted to hangout with friends and that he liked talking to me. The Fonzi one the reason why he ended up joining me was because we had played on the Reapers a while back in my waiver season in the VHLM and he thought it would be super cool to reunite again in the M.


There was no coordination between the six players, the only three that "coordinated" was the McFleurys. The other three didn't coordinate to join me and stack a team on purpose, they joined me because they were friends with me and enjoyed hanging out with me 😄


There you have it, I didn't really "coordinate" every single player coming to my team. I sent out a pitch and basically said "hey, if you want to come, feel free." and most of them joined due to me having history with them. That's it. I'm sorry if I ended up causing problems for the league, I didn't mean to cause such a huge uproar and upset so many people.

Edited by badcolethetitan
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3 minutes ago, Spartan said:

SSK's bot defenseman went -3, 6 human players went -3 or worse. I agree that you want to avoid playing bots on a roster but the bot doesn't seem to be the issue here either.. Also I only saw three players, the McFleury's, coordinate to play together. Saskatoon didn't even offer on the third defenseman Reinhard von Konming or the forward George Constanza. However, I know Kylrad and Nyko are friends and Nyko is an advisor for Mexico City. So there was some sway there for sure, but all 6 recreates certainly didn't coordinate with each other. I'd say that the three McFleury's chose to play with each other and RvK joined Mexico City because of the connection with management. If Saskatoon didn't even offer, they didn't get robbed of those players.

Like I said, I agree with the statistical assessment but any concern I may have would be how it all looks to someone who hasn't been here before or knows who any of those users are or who their friends are.


I am not suggesting any changes to how this works, just a different perspective that a lot of long time VHLers may not recognize or seek out from new users.


I'm off as well.  To dream away the Oilers loss tonight against Calgary.

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2 hours ago, badcolethetitan said:

If you want me to be transparent about the whole "recreates" situation, sure I can tell you basically everything.


First off, we have the three McFleurys that were all going to play with each other regardless of what team that they were going to go to. I play for Alex in the VHL and on top of that, Alex was the one who helped start my entire VHL career back when I played for him on the Philadelphia Reapers, hence why he ended up joining my team. The other two McFleury's ended up joining me, due to the fact that Alex joined me and they didn't want to be seperated.


Moving forward, the next player that ended up joining me was AJW's player. I'm going to be honest, I had no clue that he was going to join me, but I do remember him saying that there's a possibility that he joins me, or that he's most likely going to go to Houston since he does GM that team. He ended up joining me due to the fact that Houston was most likely going to miss the playoffs, and he said that he wanted to play in Mexico because it seemed like a fun place to hangout in and a great environment, something that I ended up creating.


Next up we have Fonzi and Kyl's player. I've known Kyl through Nyko and on top of that, through the riot-games section in the VHL server where we've talked for a while now and have played league of legends together. It was basically confirmed that if he ended up recreating, he would recreate to join me just because he wanted to hangout with friends and that he liked talking to me. The Fonzi one the reason why he ended up joining me was because we had played on the Reapers a while back in my waiver season in the VHLM and he thought it would be super cool to reunite again in the M.


There was no coordination between the six players, the only three that "coordinated" was the McFleurys. The other three didn't coordinate to join me and stack a team on purpose, they joined me because they were friends with me and enjoyed hanging out with me 😄


There you have it, I didn't really "coordinate" every single player coming to my team. I sent out a pitch and basically said "hey, if you want to come, feel free." and most of them joined due to me having history with them. That's it. I'm sorry if I ended up causing problems for the league, I didn't mean to cause such a huge uproar and upset so many people.


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These new gens are already smarter then some of these dumb mods we got.


Waiving order is an EXCELLENT idea btw, they completely ignored it too lol.


If they truly wanted to balance VHLM teams and stop teams from tanking so hard. That waiving system would be one of the step to do it. The only negative I can see from this are re-creates being sad not to bandwagon on a team on purpose. Stay butthurt idc


It would make bottom teams to at least have the chance of getting good players so they can improve there depth for a playoff push instead of the lame scenario of re-creates all getting on one team playing 4th line + useless that those teams loses even more games for a draft that doesn’t even really matter tbh.


+ If those good players truly don’t want to play for those « bad teams ». They can trade them and at least they’ll get some kind of player back or picks instead of absolutely getting nothing.


A team going 0-72 is TRULY sorry to see. These new pick rules and waiving system would definitely prevent that, the ONLY downside are re-creates being salty to not immediately bandwagon on the best team and that’s something we can deal with it.

I guess the other downside of this is having the league commish work a bit more which he don’t want to lmao


Good shit @Achilles



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43 minutes ago, ThePerfectNut said:

Waiving order is an EXCELLENT idea btw, they completely ignored it too lol.

On all creates or just re-creates. If it is on recreates does it include people that have come back from a long time off or only people who just retired?

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@Berockathe re-creates from the TDL.


The new creates can sign like they always do since they don’t know anything about the league.


For the old re-creates, I believe there’s a thing where if you you’ve been gone for an X amount of time. You can be considered as a first gen again so they won’t need to go trough the waive system.


But if they elect to choose there carryover instead, they’d go to the waiving system just to be fair.


Also for new people that decided to re-create for whatever reason in his first VHLM season. They’d still be a first gen I guess although I don’t see why someone would go trough all that trouble just to change teams with a worst player 

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29 minutes ago, ThePerfectNut said:

the re-creates from the TDL.


The new creates can sign like they always do since they don’t know anything about the league.

Funnily enough what you're suggesting is what the VHLM used to be, with new players being signed as they are now and recreates being assigned to teams based on priority claims 


I think they got rid of it when they were trying something different with recreates and first-gens (they had VHLM players bank their recreate TPE until they got to the VHL so the advantage of being a recreate meant priority waivers for recreates no longer made sense) but that's also gone now. 

Edited by MubbleFubbles
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One thing that is really important to note here is that a when a player recreates a main part of their decision is whether or not the have a good relationship with the GM and other players on the team. For myself that pretty much immediately ruled out Ottawa, not because I have anything against Z, I just wasn’t a fan of how he was bending the rules by playing forwards on D all season and how he would offer recreates top minutes ahead of first gens who should always come first in the M.


 The main reason why I went to Mexico is because I have a great relationship with Cole and Thunder and I was really interested to join a team that was currently in 8th and that way we could go for a underdog playoff run.

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50 minutes ago, ThePerfectNut said:

@MubbleFubblesdang 2016.


Okay I see why they wanted to do something new but I'm guessing that the player base was much lower.


But with the VHLE being here now and now being a 500 TPE just to somewhat produce in the VHL, I don't see anyone banking until the VHL these days. It should totally come back

The banking wasn’t a choice thing. Everyone started at 30 (catch up TPE wasn’t a thing yet) and carryover couldn’t be applied until a user hit the VHL.

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2 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

what flavour do rainbows have (and do not tell me something like 'rainbow' or 'colourful')...


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