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Claimed:KölnCast: Episode 4

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I don't think you get the banner drama.

First of all, jersey change was pretty obviously. There is an actual jersey change on the current banner. But, the big deal is I had 2 choice : since the color scheme was Yellow and Black, the only logo who was available to do a jersey change was the Vasteras Iron Eagle, a team who's ''hated'' through the league. Plus, it's a team that will no longer exist after this season, so why would I put that team on my jersey change if I would receive hate toward my jersey change. And having a jersey change with another logo with different colors would have taken too much attention, which is not the point of the banner. I wanted people to see it as a whole not as a banner with some blue and red on it.


So at the end, I decided to not do any jersey change because I though it wasn't a big deal. I did choose a respected bruins player in David Krecji and I wouldn't take Crosby since many people hate him.


My main complaint is, why would anyone appreciate my banner but suddenly, at the end, everyone hates it because it has no jersey change and it has a bruins player ? Why didn't I received those complaints before ? That pissed me off. 


and it's not Brière, it's Bergeron (hey, another bruins player)



and we are on a goddamn forum...professionalism doesn't seem to be our main focus. 

and hating a NHL player on the banner because the team he plays isn't what I consider ''professionalism'' in a league with members all around the globe.

Edited by boubabi
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As I said in the podcast, I don't think it's about the jersey change anyway. There were five banners that included players and one banner that didn't, and that one banner won. Doesn't that already tell you enough? Apparently people prefer banners that don't include players and only one of the contestants had either the vision or the luck to recognize that. And your banner still finished second and a large majority of the people that voted for a "player banner" voted for yours, so what's the problem? They certainly don't seem to hate your banner as you still received like 30% of all votes, which is A LOT in a poll with 5 options.

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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I have 2 less hits then Laich and have over less then half his PIMS. Drop down.


Edit: Noooo Device Riga gave up Valiq because he was becoming GM and in return Riga got first overall for Valiq. They didnt give him up for free, and Quebec later traded Chershenko (a guy they got from CGY in the expansion draft) to trade for Calgary's first. And then one season later Quebec drafted Niklas Valiq... and Cologne had no choice to draft Taylor at number 2 because obviously Kendrick wasnt GM of Cologne for at least a season.

Edited by MÉTIS
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  • Senior Admin

Jesus, you guys are lucky my class got cancelled this morning and I didn't check my email until after I made coffee, so there was no going back. Im 1.5 hour into it so I shall finish tonight. 

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Jesus, you guys are lucky my class got cancelled this morning and I didn't check my email until after I made coffee, so there was no going back. Im 1.5 hour into it so I shall finish tonight. 

I'm starting to feel the worth and luck come over my body already.

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

OK, that was a long-ass cast. It's okay, though, it was pretty enjoyable and I have come to look forward to these podcasts. Yes, I think MF's decision was stupid. I learned my lesson when I entered the VHL with over 400 TPE, not 300. That was almost double Vlasis and my stats were nothing compared to his. So the sim does not guarantee anything regardless of your TPE numbers. This might be the first time I've met someone else who's favorite game was Fallout 3, I love that shit! NV wasn't as good but still awesome none the less. You have all seem to have forgotten about me (you dicks) as a defenseman who has the potential to step into the shoes of Low when he departs the league. :(

Professionalism: 1/1


Editing: 0.75/1

The background noise, I know you said there was work being done but it was pretty loud at points. Also it seemed like you were on three different sound levels - Awful was loud, Romanes was in the middle, and Devise was quiet. It was troubling because at times, (especially when devise/awful were bickering) Awful was way to loud yet if I turned the volume down I could barely here Devise.

Overall: 5.75/6

Final: 6/6

Also you should get me on this sometime, I can pretend im on Cologne

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Awful was loud, Romanes was in the middle, and Devise was quiet. It was troubling because at times, (especially when devise/awful were bickering) Awful was way to loud yet if I turned the volume down I could barely here Devise.


And of course this wasn't intentional :ph34r:


What are your favorite games (video/board/card) btw boubabi? After all these questions you asked us I want to hear your answers to some of them as well :)

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Like David, I'm a big fan of Dragon Age Origins and II and probably Inquisitions as well, along with Skyrim and the ARMA series. I'm strictly PC until I finally decide on a console. Sadly, my favorite board game is Trivial Pursuit, closely followed by the classic, Mousetrap. Sue me. As for card games, my dad tried to teach me cribbage but failed, so I only really play poker(badly, as several guys on here can attest to..."Mr All-in in first hand") on the odd occasion. Oh and if it counts....cards against humanity.

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