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For far too long the Geneva Rush has been stealing their identity from the far superior Yukon Rush to cover up how much lamer of a franchise they are. Well, I say no more! Get ur own gosh darn identity! Anyways, during the VHLE Draft stream, it was mentioned that people don't like the rush logo. I also vaguely remember during my time AGMing Yukon that it was a tough brand to sell and a rebrand was somewhat considered. Personally, I don't get it I think it's a great logo but I also like the idea of a rebrand for Geneva. So here are some of my ideas of what a Geneva Rush rebrand could look like.



Or alternatively (since literally half the VHLE teams use yellow)




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I also think that the logo of the Rush is a bit anemic. My two cents: Switzerland has not as much history with Horse as much as the US or Canada has (even though ironically we were the last European country to abandon the Cavalry as an element of our recon forces in 1973). Geneva's City badge sports an Eagle and the real live Hockey club even has a live eagle as a mascot which they have fly through the arena before any home game. So maybe that would be a more fitting approach.


Alas, I take your contribution as it is: A clear upgrade to the existing logo (imho), and the above 'disconnect' from Swiss and Geneva background does not take away from a cool concept.

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25 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

I also think that the logo of the Rush is a bit anemic. My two cents: Switzerland has not as much history with Horse as much as the US or Canada has (even though ironically we were the last European country to abandon the Cavalry as an element of our recon forces in 1973). Geneva's City badge sports an Eagle and the real live Hockey club even has a live eagle as a mascot which they have fly through the arena before any home game. So maybe that would be a more fitting approach.


Alas, I take your contribution as it is: A clear upgrade to the existing logo (imho), and the above 'disconnect' from Swiss and Geneva background does not take away from a cool concept.

I respect that, I don’t think you could use an eagle as the team’s identity though because because the E already has the iron eagles

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Just now, Zetterberg said:

I respect that, I don’t think you could use an eagle as the team’s identity though because because the E already has the iron eagles

Fair point, I did not even think of that... there was a historic event called 'l'Escalade de Geneve' which could be used as a starting point to implement the 'Rush' theme... how to convert this artistically is an other question (let alone that few people will get the reference)...

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2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Geneva Wranglers?

there is a lot of words that come to my mind when I hear 'Geneva', but none of them involves manly, hardworking animal handlers ;)


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These aren't too bad!  I am likely in the minority here but I like Geneva's logo as is.  Nice simple shape to work with.  If anyone needs a rebrand I would look at the Hounds.  I think they suffer the most since new players might not be very inclined to join the team with an old dog as a logo.

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40 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

there is a lot of words that come to my mind when I hear 'Geneva', but none of them involves manly, hardworking animal handlers ;)


I thought Calgary was named after jeans!

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2 hours ago, Triller said:

These aren't too bad!  I am likely in the minority here but I like Geneva's logo as is.  Nice simple shape to work with.  If anyone needs a rebrand I would look at the Hounds.  I think they suffer the most since new players might not be very inclined to join the team with an old dog as a logo.

It is a Hound not a dog... these dogs look old, because of their breed. Hounds were used to track and hunt down big game like deers and boars but also apex predators like wolves, lions and bears (and in a darker era for tracking runaway slaves). Most of them were mastiffs of some description which have these jowls making them look old-ish

Edited by Daniel Janser
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9 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

It is a Hound not a dog... these dogs look old, because of their breed. Hounds were used to track and hunt down big game like deers and boars but also apex predators like wolves, lions and bears (and in a darker era for tracking runaway slaves). Most of them were mastiffs of some description which have these jowls making them look old-ish

I am aware, I have seen Fox and the Hound several times, but the fact still stands, they look old.  The logo looks like an old dog.  Bad looking logo.

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