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Helsinki Titans Press Conference


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On 3/24/2024 at 2:54 PM, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


Lazy one this week, forgive me!  I've had so little sleep!


1.  Who will have the most goals this season on the team?



2.  Who will have the most assists on the team?




3.  Who will have the most points?



4.  Who will have the most hits?

Tom sleeves 


On 3/24/2024 at 2:54 PM, Triller said:


5.  Who will have the most shot blocks?

Tommy boy again here 


6.  What is your favourite chocolate bar?



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New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Is the HoF something you strive for with your player or is it just a cherry on top if it happens?

2.  Does it matter to you where you place the draft?

3.  We are in a bit of a slump right now, how do you get yourself out of a slump?

4.  How far ahead do you usually plan out your point tasks?

5.  How long do you think you will be a part of the VHL before you retire permanently?

6.  What is something you do that may be considered odd to others?


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1.  Is the HoF something you strive for with your player or is it just a cherry on top if it happens?


Not at all. I intend to be more casual with this player. I'll still try to max earn, but if it doesn't translate into player talent, so be it.


2.  Does it matter to you where you place the draft?


Nope, not anymore. I prefer to slip if at all possible. Less pressure and nice to give a team value when taken lower.


3.  We are in a bit of a slump right now, how do you get yourself out of a slump?


Keep working, grinding, sweating until something goes the right way. Form is temporary, class is permanent.


4.  How far ahead do you usually plan out your point tasks?


I try to get them out of the way as early as possible. I hate the stress of being up against a deadline.


5.  How long do you think you will be a part of the VHL before you retire permanently?


It's getting closer....I can feel it.


6.  What is something you do that may be considered odd to others?


My boobie obsession had divided the VHL community, but I will never stop highlighting the beauty of the breast.

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1. not really, this is my first player I ever made so even if he’s just a bust, I don’t really mind


2. Nope, it’s what you do for the team that matters, even if drafted in the later picks, you can still succeed and be better than earlier picks


3. Just keep playing hard, line changes if needed and a bunch of sweating


4. I plan to get em as early as possible but I’m normally to lazy to even do something 

5. I started last season so I think I’ll last a good amount of time, it’s a bunch of fun 


6. A lot of people find me really weird for this but I like carrots and strawberries with ketchup on em

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On 4/1/2024 at 12:47 AM, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Is the HoF something you strive for with your player or is it just a cherry on top if it happens?

Not happening for this player. Maybe my 4th player. 


2.  Does it matter to you where you place the draft?

1st round is always nice. 


3.  We are in a bit of a slump right now, how do you get yourself out of a slump?

Get very angry and rage against our opponents 


On 4/1/2024 at 12:47 AM, Triller said:

4.  How far ahead do you usually plan out your point tasks?

Lol zero.  I don't do them anymore 


5.  How long do you think you will be a part of the VHL before you retire permanently ? 

want to at least so one more player. 


6.  What is something you do that may be considered odd to others?

Go through weird food phases 


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New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  The season isn't going as planned, why do you think that is?

2.  Helsinki will be moving into a retooling phase, have you been through or been a part of something like this?

3.  Do you think the slider change in STHS is having an impact this season?

4.  Theme week is “Rebrand”, what are you planning?

5.  What is your favorite meal of the day?

6.  Do you walk around barefoot at home?

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1.  The season isn't going as planned, why do you think that is?


What do you mean? Were we not supposed to lull the opposition into a false sense of security and then sweep home to enter the playoffs?


2.  Helsinki will be moving into a retooling phase, have you been through or been a part of something like this?


Yes multiple times. Wait, perhaps I'm the reason why these teams have needed to rebuild? OMG....


3.  Do you think the slider change in STHS is having an impact this season?


My player is still shit, so I haven't noticed a slider adjustment to be honest.


4.  Theme week is “Rebrand”, what are you planning?


Sssshhh, It's a secret. I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you. Then life would become complicated for me. 


5.  What is your favorite meal of the day?


Whatever one I don't have to pay for.


6.  Do you walk around barefoot at home?


No. If it's not snakes, then stepping in Kangaroo or Wombat poop will make a mess of my pedicure.

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17 hours ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  The season isn't going as planned, why do you think that is?


A little bit of everything it seems. Not  getting consistent play.


2.  Helsinki will be moving into a retooling phase, have you been through or been a part of something like this?


many times , no biggie 


3.  Do you think the slider change in STHS is having an impact this season?

Yes, I hate it 

17 hours ago, Triller said:

4.  Theme week is “Rebrand”, what are you planning?

Rebrand Rask to actually being good. 

5.  What is your favorite meal of the day?

Late breakfast 

6.  Do you walk around barefoot at home? 

Yes all the time.  Only on US TV shows do they wear shoes inside. 


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1.The shots are just not going in😓

2. I played in the Ajhl (junior A) when I was younger and the team was certainly retooling( we still somehow made it to the finals as last seed)

3. Haven’t heard much about this slider change but I think it’s had an effect

4. Rebranding the London United to the London grass snakes(graphic is already submitted)

5. On a weekend it’s a nice late breakfast since I don’t work on Sunday and sometimes on the Saturdays 

6. It depends on the day, but I do like my feet cold on the wood floors

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New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  With the TDL over, how do you think we did in preparing for the teams future?

2.  What do you think of the upcoming draft class? Who do we target with our firsts?

3.  Did you check out any compelling media from theme week?

4.  What are your favourite sports teams in every sport you watch? 

5.  Who is your favourite athlete?

6.  If you could make a movie, what genre would it be?

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8 hours ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  With the TDL over, how do you think we did in preparing for the teams future?

2.  What do you think of the upcoming draft class? Who do we target with our firsts?

3.  Did you check out any compelling media from theme week?

4.  What are your favourite sports teams in every sport you watch? 

5.  Who is your favourite athlete?

6.  If you could make a movie, what genre would it be?

1. I was traded at or near the deadline and when I do get the the vhl it will be fun and we will accomplish a lot of great things


2. I don’t really look at the draft class but it will be a good year as always


3. I haven’t but maybe I will after this


4. I like the sens, mostly like watching Tim Stützle


5. There’s a lot of good options but I’m going with an NBA player I love watching named “Ja Morant”.


6. Obviously sports, just thinking of this question I could probably actually make one

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1. A great job, the future us will be unstoppable.

2. Looks like a pretty good draft class with some strong players, we need an active player that can put the puck in the net

3. I might just have to check that out, I love looking at the graphics and articles people make

4. NHL has to be the Oilers since I don’t live to far away and I mean, they have mcjesus.

Dont watch too much Nfl but I do like the Seahawks for literally no reason

5. My favourite athlete of all time has to be Tiger Woods, this dude was a beast

6. Some sort of comedy/action movie with a dynamic trio in Adam Sandler, The Rock and Kevin Hart🤣

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1.  With the TDL over, how do you think we did in preparing for the teams future?


Well the roster looks a little dodgy, but the remaining players are all good enough to compete.


2.  What do you think of the upcoming draft class? Who do we target with our firsts?


As long as you don't draft a stud prospect at my position, I'm happy with anyone!


3.  Did you check out any compelling media from theme week?


I read/looked at most of it. There were some quality pieces.


4.  What are your favourite sports teams in every sport you watch? 


Seriously, I'd struggle to name them all.


5.  Who is your favourite athlete?


Ummm, Olivia Dunne. Her parallel bars routines are, ummm, good.


6.  If you could make a movie, what genre would it be?


Comedy, because I'm a joke.

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New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  I have started sending out some draft interviews, how do you like to be interviewed for the draft by interested teams?

2.  Are you watching the NHL playoffs?  Who is going all the way this season?

3.  A Helsinki home game is huge for the fans, how do we hit the ice to get them pumped up?

4.  What is a sport you haven't played but want to?

5.  If you didn't have to work but still got paid, what would you do to take advantage of your new found time?

6.  What is your players signature move?

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New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Are you a napper?

2.  What are your plans for this off-season?

3.  Who are you rooting for to win the Continental Cup?

4.  Do you like the rain?

5.  If you were to sell this league to your friends, what aspect would you focus on to get them to join?

6.  What do you like the most, VHFL, Super Coach, predictions or Fantasy Zone?

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10 hours ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Are you a napper?

2.  What are your plans for this off-season?

3.  Who are you rooting for to win the Continental Cup?

4.  Do you like the rain?

5.  If you were to sell this league to your friends, what aspect would you focus on to get them to join?

6.  What do you like the most, VHFL, Super Coach, predictions or Fantasy Zone?

1. No, naps don't make me feel good.

2. get more tpe

3. I just like seeing good hockey being player.

4. only when it was warm outside

5. I already did and I took advantage of the hockey aspect.

6. I guess just seeing what different people have to say.

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1.  Are you a napper?


Occasionally. If I'm feeling like crap, I'll go lay down and hopefully wake up a little later feeling less crap.


2.  What are your plans for this off-season?


Patiently wait for it to finish, and the PEDS to wear off before VHL Drug tests begin.


3.  Who are you rooting for to win the Continental Cup?


No one. I'm all in on the Titans, so whoever is playing, can lick my.....


4.  Do you like the rain?


Love it. I even enjoy walking around in it.


5.  If you were to sell this league to your friends, what aspect would you focus on to get them to join?


Well, with a boob ban in place, I'm not sure that I could sell it to anyone.


6.  What do you like the most, VHFL, Super Coach, predictions or Fantasy Zone?


Whatever gets me the best chance of earning that sweet, sweet TPE.

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New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  My player plays his last season next season. How have you/would you celebrate your player's last season?

2.  I'm about to get a haircut as I write this. Do you care who cuts your hair or do you always go to the same person?

3.  Have you ever created a player in tandem with someone else with the intent to build a story between the two?

4.  What would help you feel even more invested in the VHL?

5.  Sam has final exams going on, share some encouraging words!

6.  What is your dream refrigerator? Yes, I said refrigerator.

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1 hour ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  My player plays his last season next season. How have you/would you celebrate your player's last season?

2.  I'm about to get a haircut as I write this. Do you care who cuts your hair or do you always go to the same person?

3.  Have you ever created a player in tandem with someone else with the intent to build a story between the two?

4.  What would help you feel even more invested in the VHL?

5.  Sam has final exams going on, share some encouraging words!

6.  What is your dream refrigerator? Yes, I said refrigerator.

1. I would throw a big party in a big venue 

2. I recently found a barber that actually does what I want, so it’s always gonna be the same person

3. no but when my player retires I might with teniq

4. Probably more fun and unique ways to earn tpe

5. Don’t worry it will be over before you know it if you actually studied

6. That Samsung fridge with a screen that you can watch stuff on

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1.  My player plays his last season next season. How have you/would you celebrate your player's last season?


Already? Damn, I remember first seeing you post on here and it doesn't seem like a career could have gone past so quickly. Well, I'd just skate onto the ice for warmups in the final game, butt naked. 


2.  I'm about to get a haircut as I write this. Do you care who cuts your hair or do you always go to the same person?


My hair is so easy, I do it myself! Saving cash since 2016!


3.  Have you ever created a player in tandem with someone else with the intent to build a story between the two?


Aah, no. I get why some people do it, but it's not really for me. 


4.  What would help you feel even more invested in the VHL?


Allowing boob posts would be a great start.


5.  Sam has final exams going on, share some encouraging words!


You can do it...but if you can't, there's plenty of minimum wage jobs around. As long as you don't mind living in a fridge box.....


6.  What is your dream refrigerator? Yes, I said refrigerator.


...oh and look at that, I tied my previous response into this question. I'm so fucking smart. I just want a double-door matte black fridge with a 5 year warranty at least. I don't need a fucking TV on the front of my fridge.

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  • 2 weeks later...


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Did you watch the VHL draft on twitch? If not, what were you up to?

2.  How did we do with our draft picks?

3.  Are you going to be checking out the E and M draft?

4.  The VHL just added a new league affiliate. What is the maximum amount of leagues you've been in at once?

5.  Are you friends with your neighbours or do you avoid them as much as possible?

6.  Do you like eating raw cookie dou


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7 hours ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Did you watch the VHL draft on twitch? If not, what were you up to?

2.  How did we do with our draft picks?

3.  Are you going to be checking out the E and M draft?

4.  The VHL just added a new league affiliate. What is the maximum amount of leagues you've been in at once?

5.  Are you friends with your neighbours or do you avoid them as much as possible?

6.  Do you like eating raw cookie dou


1. Kind of? Not really. Had it streaming in the background for you to help Sam do picks but I was too busy with the family visiting to pay attention 😅

2. You and Sam know what you guys are doing, I think you both did well with the draft picks. 

3. Most likely not due to a busy schedule. 

4. Zero. I was about to join one after someone recommended it to me. But I just felt like I don't really have time for anything else at the moment. 

5. I tend to avoid neighbors if I find we don't have anything in common and keep it civil and polite. 

6. Yes, I made us too many cookies with family visiting and ate probably more than I should have as I was baking lol. 

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7 hours ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Did you watch the VHL draft on twitch? If not, what were you up to?

2.  How did we do with our draft picks?

3.  Are you going to be checking out the E and M draft?

4.  The VHL just added a new league affiliate. What is the maximum amount of leagues you've been in at once?

5.  Are you friends with your neighbours or do you avoid them as much as possible?

6.  Do you like eating raw cookie dou


1. I did!  I was hoping to hear my name called early and was pumped to find out I was headed to Helsinki

2. Surely an A+!  Especially with that Maple Dogwood pick...

3. I always try to watch as many events as I can!

4. Not sure I even really know. I'm in a bunch of them, that's for sure.

5. I would say somewhere in the middle?  We're cordial enough, but not close pals or anything.

6. Raw cookie dough is almost as good as baked cookies.

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20 hours ago, Triller said:


New week, new presser!  No one word answers. 3 questions for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE!


1.  Did you watch the VHL draft on twitch? If not, what were you up to?

2.  How did we do with our draft picks?

3.  Are you going to be checking out the E and M draft?

4.  The VHL just added a new league affiliate. What is the maximum amount of leagues you've been in at once?

5.  Are you friends with your neighbours or do you avoid them as much as possible?

6.  Do you like eating raw cookie dou


1. No I was watching a drone show but I'm sure the draft was super good

2. I'd say very well
3. I'm likely going to have a look yeah.
4. One, the VHL is the best.
5. I avoid them as much as possible. (they're kinda weird)
6. Yes, however I still like the actual cookies more.

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1.  Did you watch the VHL draft on twitch? If not, what were you up to?


Nope, I missed it. I was probably asleep, but regardless, I didn't see any of it.


2.  How did we do with our draft picks?


I'm sure that our elite management team made the best decisions for the future of the Titans.


3.  Are you going to be checking out the E and M draft?


Ummm, no. I'm positive that I'm busy that day.


4.  The VHL just added a new league affiliate. What is the maximum amount of leagues you've been in at once?


I think it was 7, but I'm back to a more manageable 5 these days.


5.  Are you friends with your neighbours or do you avoid them as much as possible?


I purchased 200+ acres to specifically not have to put up with other people. I'm friendly enough, but I don't need to hear other peoples bullshit.


6.  Do you like eating raw cookie dough?


No. I separate all the ingredients such as eggs, flour etc and eat them one at a time. That way, the cookies bake in my stomach.

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