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Claimed:Slowly developing [Needs 2nd Grade]


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Komarov was a hard worker always was he's the first person in last person out of the gym. He shocked many his rookie season with high PIMs, hits, and shots blocked, well putting up modest numbers. This season Komarov development seemed to have taken a bit of a hit. He has been seen playing sick often and has not been with the media as much as he likes too. That being said Komarov is still growing in to what he hopes can be a franchise defender.




"I don't want to be second best I want to be the best, I'm not going to score a lot but i want to be the best defensive defender this league has ever seen" Komarov stated after the Gladiators game.Komarov seems to be becoming exactly that his training has mainly been on his positioning to go along with his checking. He has been seen working even on getting in the shooting lanes well he doesn't face real pucks to avoid injury he knows it takes practice and heart to block shots. He has come as advertised again this season and as he continues to grow into his body he has the potential to become the best hitter and shot blocker the VHL has ever seen. "My goal is to be competent in the offensive zone but to be a beast among men when it comes to my own zone" When asked about his training regiment.




The Storm know this better than anyone Komarov has been a big reason why the Storm have the lowest goals against by a long margin. "It's not all me we have some other good defenders on the team and our goalie is a beast himself". The Storm have faced the second lowest shot total against of any team currently in the VHLM as they hold one of the best records in VHLM history. The Storm are early favorites to capture the cup this season their defense and goalie are a big reason why. Klose and Baumann provide solid offensive production, well Graves provides solid secondary scoring. New addition Freedom should add more punch to a solid offensive group. Komarov, Light will carry the main workload on defense again, well Kowalski and newcomer Hill provide tremendous depth. This is arguably the best defensive group to ever dress in the VHLM can anyone score on these guys when it comes playoff time? If the defense isn't scary enough Mikaelson will be in net to shut the door like he has so many times this season as he is a lock for the goalie of the year award.




The Storm shocked the world last season when they made it all the way to the cup finals to lose in 5 games. Can they take the pressure of being favorites or will they fall like a few did last season. Komarov knows as long as they keep believing in each other like they have since day 1 nobody can stop the storm that will be rolling all the way to the cup.Komarov will do everything in his power to emerge with a cup and then will turn his sites to returning Davos to its former glory.

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

I'm sure your development will pick up again, this quadruple week should definitely help get you ready to move onto Davos next season. The article itself was kind of all over the place, but I know English isn't your first language and it was pretty well written considering. 


Grammar: 1.5/2

There was a lot of strange word mistakes, which I put below, but there was also a lot of missing punctuation.


Komarov was a hard worker always was = Komarov is a hard worker and always was.

well putting up = while putting up

Komarov = Komarov's

shooting lanes well = shooting lanes. While

than anyone Komarov = than anyone. Komarov

cup this season their defense = cup this season and their defense


Appearance: 1/1

You've got pictures here and thats OK, but in the future try to add a title and maybe some other pretty things.


Overall: 5.5/6

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Content: 3/3 - Not many people in this league want to make defensive defensemen as they find them boring. If Komorav continues as a shot blocking machine, he may be highly valued by GMs due to his unique team first attitude. Best of luck to Oslo with winning the cup this season. Keep up the good work!


Grammar: 1.5/2 - Graper got it all.


Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good but add a title next time.


Overall: 5.5/6


Final: 6/6

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