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Around the League- playoff addition


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Another week closer to being done and a week closer to my player being active again.  Tough not making playoffs as it truly makes the suffering of the off-season feel much much worse.  I have been paying attention to the playoffs and it has been exciting in all three leagues. Its times like this I wish I could muster a decent graphic but here we are.  So, this week’s Around the League I will talk some playoff madness, stats, and some random stuff.



Rummaging through some stats today I see that Wann Kerr @VattghernCZis leading the league in points with 20.  Even more impressive is he has done it in 9 games.  London is built to score in bunches and will be a huge challenge for either Seattle or DC in the finals. 


London has 4 players in the top 10 in scoring with Kerr, Leonard Triller, Lloyd Braum, and Sjin. Seattle has two in top 10 and has played two more games, and DC has none in top 10 but have The Frenchman, Henry Tucker, and Mark Calaway and they have shown that when hot, they are nearly unstoppable. 


Prediction:  Seattle vs London

Cup Champ:   London in 6


VHLE News:

A similar look in on the VHLE we see Antonia Bucantini @CowboyinAmerica from Oslo leading the playoff scoring with 15 points in just 8 games. The #1 overall pick in the league last year is trying to lead Oslo to a Renaissance Cup against Vasteras Iron Eagles but are currently down 2 games to 1.  Defenses have tried to contain her but she is almost a 2 point per game average.  In Vasteras, the other Italian superstar, Gianfranco Del Rocco @Victor has been stifled these playoffs with 1 goal 5 assist 6pts and a -8 overall.  The regular season 35 goal scorer has appeared handcuffed this playoff and the Iron Eagles still hold the series lead over Oslo.  If Gianfranco can get hot it will be tough for Oslo to contend but right now the Oslo defense is gearing up to keep old GDR off the scoresheet. 


This is going to be a tight series and I predict Oslo GM @dlamb to make some key decisions and bring Oslo a much-deserved Cup. 


Prediction:  Oslo in 7.  


Some Random VHL Related Thoughts:

So, I have been in the league since November 22, 2021 and while that seems like a long time I have really only started my second player’s VHL career.  My first player, Brian Payne taught me a lot about how to build a player and just the amount of work (and fun) it takes to make that player good in a league of great. 


While I still am confused about much of the league and still consider myself a bit of a noob about the league and definitely a noob computer literacy wise, I ALMOST saw myself put in for the AGM position in Miami, under @Ricer13.    I am not sure I am ready (or qualified) for that position, or any position really other than good earning player, and that’s ok.   Sometimes getting involved in the management side interests me since I am active on discord and always want to help this league that has been a source of fun for me for so long.  Then, there are other times when I hear or see people chat about shit I have no clue about such as trades, salary cap, future earnings and planning, and scouting actives and I feel lost as hell. 


I am sure this statement echoes many in the league’s feelings.  The urge to give back with the balance of time.  Can I keep an elite player and devote the needed time to mentor new players and be a fixture in several locker rooms?  


Anyway, I just wanted to share this and hopefully it generates some advice and/or ideas.   Have a great weekend everyone!



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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Scurvy said:

  I am not sure I am ready (or qualified) for that position, or any position really other than good earning player, and that’s ok. 


I feel this so much lol

Edited by VattghernCZ
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3 hours ago, Crstats23 said:

Actually Oslo is up 2-1 over Vasteras 

Doh.   My bad. 

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Would love to see you in an AGM position! I think some people way overestimate what it takes to GM a non-VHLM league, and to AGM in general. Sure, the great AGMs are in there pretty well 50/50 with their GM, but even the ones who pick away at press conferences, answer some questions and are generally just Discord active pick up a ton just by being around and experiencing. Get yourself in with a great GM who will pull you out of your comfort zone and suddenly you'll be a GM yourself one day! And if it doesn't work out, you're not out anything, hey Ricer switches AGMs a couple times a season anyways, no big deal!

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