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shoutout @Triller!!!


There are not many opportunities left in the league to walk into a franchise and walk out the undisputed best there had ever been. David Davis had a great season, Cole Pearce (notably appreciated) was the only goaltender to hit 100 wins for the club for a while. Jacob Tonn had a great couple of seasons. Tater Tot held off opponents the best they could for the time. But Jesse Teno blew each and every one of them out of the water.


When I took over London in S88, I was presented a mostly competitive young core, and a whole pile of trade offers. Some GMs would have taken the opportunity to shed these valuable assets and define their own vision, and boy were some of the trade offers tempting. But I knew that wasn’t an option. I knew Jesse Teno, and the accompanying aimkin were special since the season 84 JST. I took over the San Diego Marlins the following season, and knew that aimkin would be the perfect AGM. Teno had a difficult season on a sparse Saskatoon roster, but earned at a rate that caught the attention of Dil who could not pass up the promise of a homegrown starting goaltender.


Teno stood out from day 1, securing 7 wins in their rookie season, and never let go. Somehow the .923% in their rookie season would be their worst, ending their career at a mind-boggling .928% in the regular season. Teno always gave us the chance to win, even when I was learning all of the things that I did wrong long after I could have fixed them. We never missed the playoffs during my tenure with Teno (my Tenoure?). And in the playoffs, Teno was a different beast.


.928% is a ridiculous figure, but that was brought down by some random outliers over 72 game seasons. In the quick timeline of the playoffs, Teno was able to conjure a .936%.

Teno allowed me the ability to push the absolute limits of STHS and the salary cap, slashing our defensive spending every season, and Teno never caved in. Teno was our undeniable MVP in our Cup run, and was the reason we could even build the teams we did in the first place. At the end of every season I knew that we would be able to compete again because we had Jesse Teno.

One must be legendary if every opponent curses your name before and after every game. Jesse Teno, despite being the player of one of the nicest people I’ve ever shared a sim league space with, became a villain that everyone feared. Teno ended dominant regular season runs. Teno made Victory Cups seem useless. Teno stared you in the face while robbing you blind.


Teno was the best of us, and will be remembered as the face of London. Teno set franchise records that may never be broken. Teno sits amongst the greatest goaltenders to have ever done it throughout league history. And Teno will watch over us for the rest of time, protecting us like they always did.

Thank you Jesse Teno, thank you aimkin for always believing in me, always allowing me a place to spew thoughts, and for being the nicest villain this league has seen in as long as I’ve been around!


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Thank you, my friend. It was an honor to play for your all these seasons and I'm so glad we could give Teno a career no one will forget. 

Mad respect for one of Kauppi's first teammates in the M. A well deserved jersey in the rafters to a goalie that was practically a brick wall and a crusher of dreams for teams they played against in the playoffs. Proud of you @aimkin and the things your player did for London.

TENO TENO TENOOOOO!! well deserved as ever, forever a legend. so proud of you @aimkin!!!



The consistent thorn in the EU's side, the legendary netminder getting the rightful immortality and praise they deserve. Congratulations!!

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