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Claimed:Power Ranking the S45 Goaltenders [Final 6/6]


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There are at least three goalies coming into the VHLM this season, and each of them brings something unique to the ice.  While there is some disparity from goalie to goalie, it is important to note that these three appear to be very far in their development and have the makings of decent goalie class.  Here are where they rank in playing ability right now:






1. Greg Clegane


TPE: 155

Strength: Huge

Weakness: Slow


There are two Clegane goalies entering the next VHLM draft, which will make things a little bit confusing at times.  For clarity sake let us just refer to the hulking Greg Clegane as The Mountain for the time being.  The Mount has earned his nickname from not only being a 6’8 beast, but also knowing how to use his ungodly limbs in the net to his advantage.  The only knock against Greg is that his size has severely limited his ability to move quickly in the net.  The Mount relies on covering as much net as possible and hoping that the other team cannot thread the needle.  Also working in his favor is an intimidation factor that is unparalleled; his mean streak is down right Hextallian.






2.  Ariel Weinstein


TPE: 112

Strength: Well Rounded

Weakness:  No True Strengths


Ariel really made a push in my head for top billing.  She holds serious starter potential and could be a star in the VHL.  Right now she is not the best at anything.  Weinstein might be well advised to focus on really beefing up one area to give her something to stand on next season, but the balanced approach to her training is nothing to be scoffed at as it will help her get ready for the VHL in a few seasons.






3.  Sandro Clegane


TPE: 96

Strength: Speed

Weakness: Technique

The younger Clegane Brother hardly looks like his elder brother in net.  For starters he does not own the ridiculous size that his brother carries.  But that has given him an ability which both prospects ahead of him lack: SPEED!  Sandro has a lightning glove and the reflexes of a cat which should help him in net.  However, that raw speed and talent has not been worked with near closely enough for him to have developed a solid form in net, leading to him giving up far too many rebounds and making him look ugly as he moves post to post.  Many believe that his poor form comes from him refusing to squire for a more experienced goaltender in his youth.  Whatever the case may be Sandro will have to find a way to make up for his game’s deficiencies before he can make the leap.  He does have the potential to be a quality VHL starter one day, and a VHLM team might have a short term use for him as his glove may save him often as he works on redefining his play.

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Teuvo Rinne


I wrote the majority of this post two days ago before Rinne was created. The power at my work went out yesterday when I wanted to post it originally.  So I just got to it now.  That's why he's missing.

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I'm a man, I just have large man boons. My Jewish name is very confusing i know


I really know guys named Ariel.... I am so embarrassed right now.  I thought I saw something where you said you were a woman, but I guess my mind just played a trick on me.  My sincerest apologies.

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I really know guys named Ariel.... I am so embarrassed right now.  I thought I saw something where you said you were a woman, but I guess my mind just played a trick on me.  My sincerest apologies.


It's all good man, just thought i'd point it out before it spread like wildfire

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Content: 3/3 - The length of the article is as much that is asked for, and it was a solid article at that. There are some great, young, goaltenders coming up in the ranks.

Grammar: 2/2 - I didn't spot anything.

Appearance: 1/1 - I like the pictures you used, especially for the Cleganes. Using Labarbera who sort of looks like The Mountain from Game of Thrones, and using a cut up Patrick Roy to look like the burnt up Hound of GoT as well. Not sure if intentional but it works.

Overall: 6/6

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