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Apology (Please read?)


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Okay, so this may feel like nothing to most of the people reading this, but I want to apologize. There are members who have had contact with me and I feel like they might have got me wrong many times... Reason? My english, writing skills and expressions skills aren't the best. I'm not good at them at all. So, those who might feel that I have offended you at anyway, I'm sorry. Many times I choose the wrong words and I form phrases very badly. I hope people understand my "problems" with this. And there some real life and personal stuff too behind my actions and posts. I guess that many times someone has understanded me wrong. I’m sorry, guys. I will continue to get better at expressing myself. And now, I sound like a little kid or a complete fool, heh. :’( People, I just don't want you to get me wrong when I post something little stupid or weird or something.


Just for the sake of this not getting too whiny and ”sad”. I’ll say this: I going to play VHL a lot, I don’t plan to quit anytime soon. I want to make a name of myself here. Just so you know.

(I bet you can find many typos in this post)

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Ton anglais est parfait, dû moins, selon mon point de vue.

I don't speak french, but Google Translator gets the job done. You might have forgotten this, I'm from Finland :)

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