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Roast of Jala


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I also said multiple times to bring me a budget for ad costs and we'd run with it. He's a liar.

He's not a liar, he talked to me about it. I never said he posted here, nor did I say he told me he did. So do me a favour and don't put words in my mouth to prove a point of yours.


It's something we'd conversed about a few times.


The way he stepped down may have been dickish but you know what, he's not wholly wrong. There's a reason this league is stagnant as hell. It was that way before he became head of recruiting, so it's not like it's some new development since he had taken over.


He ALSO only accepted head of recruiting because so many people wanted him to take it and he felt bad saying no.

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He's not a liar, he talked to me about it. I never said he posted here, nor did I say he told me he did. So do me a favour and don't put words in my mouth to prove a point of yours.

It's something we'd conversed about a few times.

The way he stepped down may have been dickish but you know what, he's not wholly wrong. There's a reason this league is stagnant as hell. It was that way before he became head of recruiting, so it's not like it's some new development since he had taken over.

He ALSO only accepted head of recruiting because so many people wanted him to take it and he felt bad saying no.

When did I put words in your mouth? I'm stating facts.

He's not much of a self respecting person is he? I've for nothing personally against him or you (considering I gave you both jobs here) but come on? He leaves without explaination over some post Victor made? Further, he can't say no so he just takes a job and proceeds to do nothing? Tell him to come back here and defend himself.

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When did I put words in your mouth? I'm stating facts.

He's not much of a self respecting person is he? I've for nothing personally against him or you (considering I gave you both jobs here) but come on? He leaves without explaination over some post Victor made? Further, he can't say no so he just takes a job and proceeds to do nothing? Tell him to come back here and defend himself.


He's not a liar, he talked to me about it. I never said he posted here, nor did I say he told me he did. So do me a favour and don't put words in my mouth to prove a point of yours.

If you think this is just over a post victor made, you have no idea what happened.


And no, he doesn't give a shit about this place anymore as is evident by the fact that he left the way he did.


Funny how many people were constantly singing Jala's praises while he was still around and how much great shit he did for the league, but he fucks off and suddenly he's just some piece of shit who never did anything he was supposed to.


But hey, thanks for ignoring him getting Bern a cup, discussing shit in the BoG and his dedication to the VHLM mag over the one thing that he may have put his foot in his mouth on.




This isn't an shl thing vs s vhl thing. This is someone wanting an excuse to leave

He never needed an excuse to leave, he needed excuses to stay. He ran out of them recently. Get over it.

Edited by Caillean
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And we lose a great, productive member in jala because of this. Maybe someone can answer this better but edgar asked in the Toronto LR who was interested in taking over. jala was not one of them. He was then approached because edgar's choice was apparently not good enough. Whoever thought having to approach someone who initially did not have interest in a GM position was a good idea when there were, I'm sure, plenty of qualified and interest members made a poor decision.


And then we get to the trade. I had a player option. I was leaving if a deal with Stockholm wasn't figured out. I wanted to go to Stockholm but wanted to help Toronto's rebuild out at least a little bit. So before you go roasting him yet again on this deal, learn more about the circumstances.


That being said, it was a shitty thing for jala to just get up and leave in the middle of the season. But as much as I was surprised that he didn't show an initial interest in GMing, I was more surprised when he was approached and named GM after choosing not to pursue it. I don't really know what else happened but knowing jala a bit, I highly doubt he just left without a good reason. Maybe chose a poor way to leave, sure, but not simply because he lost interest, I'd imagine.


And I have to applaud this league for running a great smear campaign on the SHL. Kept me away for almost a year. Now I am questioning whether I'll recreate when I'm done with Poole.

Edited by Ninetyfourgoalie
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And we lose a great, productive member in jala because of this. Maybe someone can answer this better but edgar asked in the Toronto LR who was interested in taking over. jala was not one of them. He was then approached because edgar's choice was apparently not good enough. Whoever thought having to approach someone who initially did not have interest in a GM position was a good idea when there were, I'm sure, plenty of qualified and interest members made a poor decision.


And then we get to the trade. I had a player option. I was leaving if a deal with Stockholm wasn't figured out. I wanted to go to Stockholm but wanted to help Toronto's rebuild out at least a little bit. So before you go roasting him yet again on this deal, learn more about the circumstances.


That being said, it was a shitty thing for jala to just get up and leave in the middle of the season. But as much as I was surprised that he didn't show an initial interest in GMing, I was more surprised when he was approached and named GM after choosing not to pursue it. I don't really know what else happened but knowing jala a bit, I highly doubt he just left without a good reason. Maybe chose a poor way to leave, sure, but not simply because he lost interest, I'd imagine.


And I have to applaud this league for running a great smear campaign on the SHL. Kept me away for almost a year. Now I am questioning whether I'll recreate when I'm done with Poole.

Fucking bingo. Like I said, Jala leaving the way he did was not cool. But acting as if he never did anything useful or good around here is bullcrap.

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When did I say he never did anything? Aren't you putting words in my mouth now? I am stating facts about the poor job he did as the leader of the recruitment crew. Are you defending that?

I'm also critical of the way he left because it's a bitch move. At least come on and explain why you're leaving.

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And we lose a great, productive member in jala because of this. Maybe someone can answer this better but edgar asked in the Toronto LR who was interested in taking over. jala was not one of them. He was then approached because edgar's choice was apparently not good enough. Whoever thought having to approach someone who initially did not have interest in a GM position was a good idea when there were, I'm sure, plenty of qualified and interest members made a poor decision.

For the record who was it that was "not good enough", I ask because I can't remember.

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And we lose a great, productive member in jala because of this. Maybe someone can answer this better but edgar asked in the Toronto LR who was interested in taking over. jala was not one of them. He was then approached because edgar's choice was apparently not good enough. Whoever thought having to approach someone who initially did not have interest in a GM position was a good idea when there were, I'm sure, plenty of qualified and interest members made a poor decision.

And then we get to the trade. I had a player option. I was leaving if a deal with Stockholm wasn't figured out. I wanted to go to Stockholm but wanted to help Toronto's rebuild out at least a little bit. So before you go roasting him yet again on this deal, learn more about the circumstances.

That being said, it was a shitty thing for jala to just get up and leave in the middle of the season. But as much as I was surprised that he didn't show an initial interest in GMing, I was more surprised when he was approached and named GM after choosing not to pursue it. I don't really know what else happened but knowing jala a bit, I highly doubt he just left without a good reason. Maybe chose a poor way to leave, sure, but not simply because he lost interest, I'd imagine.

And I have to applaud this league for running a great smear campaign on the SHL. Kept me away for almost a year. Now I am questioning whether I'll recreate when I'm done with Poole.

There's no need for a smear campaign. I think people take this way too seriously. I liked the guy a lot, but for gods sake why would you take over jobs if you're not interested in them?

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There's no need for a smear campaign. I think people take this way too seriously. I liked the guy a lot, but for gods sake why would you take over jobs if you're not interested in them?

because he got pressured. I saw him tell several people that he didn't want the GM job OR the head of recruitment job, but he kept getting bugged so he caved because he wanted to make this place better.

 Then he stopped caring.

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Well that's a really shitty thing to do. I hope you won't pester him too much into commitment. When I take a commient on I do it or I step aside with an explaination. There's many people around who would step up and do it, I guess he was pressured because the community respected and valued him as a member, I know I did

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Ah yes. I think the reason for that was he was up for the Seattle job which was more of an issue at the time then replacing Edgar in Toronto. Although it was an issue as we've said.

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