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What the league needs


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People really need to quit viewing BOG as an old boys club. Even if it was literally a 10-man Victor clone circle jerk, I wouldn't give a shit, and neither should anyone else. Far too many people look at BOG members and think, "Look at these 1% fuckers thinking they're the shit because they run the league." That is mostly wrong; the Blue Team is still very much in charge. The BOG is basically a Chinese sweatshop for logistics of potential changes. When David and I were running things (and Sterling and everyone else before us), the VHL Mag and other public threads like this were basically our BOG, and we worked the rest ourselves. Honestly I feel like it worked best that way.


But now the reality is that the average age of the league is going up, and as we get older we have more life shit to deal with, and suddenly you can't have two people doing all the grunt work. So we have the BOG.


No one should envy them. And not unlike the people who make our shoes, people shouldn't even have to know they exist. Don't let their presence prevent you from making threads like this. Controversial or not, ideas will get discussed and put through the wringer, and sadly occasionally forgotten. But obviously no one would forget a real game-changing idea would they? Some shit, while worth talking about and maybe even implementing, isn't REALLY worth the effort to get rushed to the Rule Book.


tl;dr: Stop bitching about the BOG, their job sucks, pretend they don't exist, and act how you would as if they didn't exist. Like we do with a pair of Nikes.

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Of course I'm not trying to say they should be underground and changing things in the league like Korean dictators. Obviously things that are seriously discussed should be transparent. I'm just saying you shouldn't blow their role out of proportion. They're not exactly Admins of the month.

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Interesting conversation.


- Devise taking shots at Boubabi and Streetlight

- Streetlight taking a shot at Devise for not being offered admin

- Jardy posted three times


What this clearly shows is that this thread has turned very unproductive.


I also disagree with the notion of the BOG as an old boys club.  Then again, I'm apparently a member of this old boys club..and hell I voted every single member in a season after I joined the Board of Governors.  I don't get on as much as I would like to anymore.  Part of it is a lack of interest as I know that AVB IV will certainly be my last fully active player here...and if nothing else...the last as a General Manager.  Part of it is while I do create ideas, I usually pass them through Devise (yes, believe it or not streetlight, he has actually done a ton for this league).  After tweaking the idea, he usually goes and posts it cause he is on here more than me.  The Board of Governors can at times be incredibly active.  Especially in the off-season, I feel at times that I have to catch up in a significant way every time I come on.  Perhaps that is how it should be, but it will never be that way all the time regardless of who is in it.


People who want these reports..Devise is right..no one gave two shits.  Don't act like you did, because there was no discussion whatsoever.  This came up a lot in the BOG and in conversations I had with Devise, where he shared his frustration in that he puts together these long ass posts like he always does, only to have no responses other than jokes.




^ People want a post like that and go on to discuss nothing.  Therefore, what is the point? No one wants to consistently write that only to have people not appear to remotely care.

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Part of it is while I do create ideas, I usually pass them through Devise (yes, believe it or not streetlight, he has actually done a ton for this league).

Did I ever suggest that he doesn't? The biggest thing that pissed me off about Devise is that he seemed to be bothered whenever I would come to him with ideas for the BoG to discuss.

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People who want these reports..Devise is right..no one gave two shits.  Don't act like you did, because there was no discussion whatsoever.

I know that I cared. Maybe I didn't reply to that thread, fine. That doesn't change that.

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Did I ever suggest that he doesn't? The biggest thing that pissed me off about Devise is that he seemed to be bothered whenever I would come to him with ideas for the BoG to discuss.

Fair enough.  I took your response to him not being offered admin as an opinion of him not doing enough in the league.  I mean for fuck's sakes, Victor said had he realized I wanted to be admin I would have gotten one of them but good lord do I not deserve one.  In fact, non-admins often do more than admins here I think (not saying you suggest otherwise).


I know that I cared. Maybe I didn't reply to that thread, fine. That doesn't change that.

I think it was as much about those who did reply and how they replied.

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Fair enough.  I took your response to him not being offered admin as an opinion of him not doing enough in the league.  I mean for fuck's sakes, Victor said had he realized I wanted to be admin I would have gotten one of them but good lord do I not deserve one.  In fact, non-admins often do more than admins here I think (not saying you suggest otherwise).

I more meant that just to be poking fun, not to say anything about Devise's level of contribution to the VHL. And honestly I don't actually remember if the commish spot was mine if I wanted it, but I was asked if I was interested and was told I would have been highly considered or something like that. That was back toward the end of Glover's career. Truthfully, though, I too don't really think I would've deserved it, nor would I really want it. I like to help out and do what I can, but I don't want to be that committed to it truthfully.

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