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1 hour ago, Victor said:

And Kylo Ren is not a great villain (teenage Snape basically) but I can see why they did what they did and he can improve.


Why does everyone seem to miss that this is intentional? Kylo Ren is a fantastic villain, because he's an actual character. Ren is a massive Vader fanboy, he wants to be just like him. The First Order overall are like, "Hey, the Empire had the right idea... But they didn't go far enough!" Plus there's the theory that Snoke had them build Death Star 3.0 to try and lure Luke out of hiding. Anyways, once Ren takes the mask off, we realize he's just a kid. The hilarious thing is, he thinks he's still intimidating without the mask and the voice modulator. But he isn't. He looks like a dork.


That's the point.


In fact, he's exactly what prequels Anakin should have been. But now he got fucked up by an untrained girl and he's off to finish his training. Expect him to come back in a big way going forward.

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I understand that, I even said I know why they did it but it doesn't change the fact that as far as movie villains go, this version of Ren (if he does become more evil or whatever in the future) isn't going to rank highly. I've seen some people call this the best Star Wars movie ever and if I had to say one thing to counter* that it would be that the villain isn't as good as Vader. Even if that's the point, that's still the case.


*there are obviously other things I could say to counter that



On a separate note, did they straight up blow up Coruscant? That's gonna fuck up some/a lot of expanded universe stuff.

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49 minutes ago, Victor said:

I understand that, I even said I know why they did it but it doesn't change the fact that as far as movie villains go, this version of Ren (if he does become more evil or whatever in the future) isn't going to rank highly. I've seen some people call this the best Star Wars movie ever and if I had to say one thing to counter* that it would be that the villain isn't as good as Vader. Even if that's the point, that's still the case.


*there are obviously other things I could say to counter that



On a separate note, did they straight up blow up Coruscant? That's gonna fuck up some/a lot of expanded universe stuff.


Vader also has six movies to flesh out his character. Hard to compare Ren to him after one. In fact, if you compare him to Vader after A New Hope then he's a much more fleshed out character already. I wouldn't call it the best, but it's a toss up between A New Hope and Force Awakens for second place IMO. Empire is still king.


And they blew up Hosnian Prime (and the entire Hosnian system) which was the current capital of the New Republic. The capital moves around every few years along with the senate, so who knows what's up with Coruscant right now. Plus, the old EU was tossed when Disney bought Lucasfilm. They've been writing new canon in books, comics, games, animation, etc. and many of these things are picking and choosing elements of the old EU to bring back. Hell, Force Awakens alone has a lot of indirect references to Knights of the Old Republic.


Ugh, page crashed and I lost part of the post. Here goes again:


Here's the new map of the Star Wars galaxy. If you overlay the old map on top of it, it strongly suggests that Starkiller Base was built into the planet Ilum, and that a certain someone is hiding out on Rakata Prime; a planet first introduced in KOTOR. J.J. Abrams is apparently a huge fan of those games, so it's not surprising that there seems to be quite a few references towards that era in the movie. For example, Ren's lightsaber is based off an ancient design used during the Great Scourge of Malachor, which is a direct reference to the KOTOR games. On top of that, Starkiller Base even has a lot of similarities to the Star Forge seen in the first KOTOR as well.



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1 hour ago, Sandro said:


Vader also has six movies to flesh out his character. Hard to compare Ren to him after one. In fact, if you compare him to Vader after A New Hope then he's a much more fleshed out character already. I wouldn't call it the best, but it's a toss up between A New Hope and Force Awakens for second place IMO. Empire is still king.


And they blew up Hosnian Prime (and the entire Hosnian system) which was the current capital of the New Republic. The capital moves around every few years along with the senate, so who knows what's up with Coruscant right now. Plus, the old EU was tossed when Disney bought Lucasfilm. They've been writing new canon in books, comics, games, animation, etc. and many of these things are picking and choosing elements of the old EU to bring back. Hell, Force Awakens alone has a lot of indirect references to Knights of the Old Republic.


Ugh, page crashed and I lost part of the post. Here goes again:


Here's the new map of the Star Wars galaxy. If you overlay the old map on top of it, it strongly suggests that Starkiller Base was built into the planet Ilum, and that a certain someone is hiding out on Rakata Prime; a planet first introduced in KOTOR. J.J. Abrams is apparently a huge fan of those games, so it's not surprising that there seems to be quite a few references towards that era in the movie. For example, Ren's lightsaber is based off an ancient design used during the Great Scourge of Malachor, which is a direct reference to the KOTOR games. On top of that, Starkiller Base even has a lot of similarities to the Star Forge seen in the first KOTOR as well.




Sure, but I still say that having Rylo go through similar things as Anakin, even as a "Vader fanboy" is the safest and honestly most boring route they could of taken. Again, same goes with the Death Star stuff. Seeing another Empire fail to use ridiculous large tactics against what still amounts to pockets of small resistance is annoying. They try to sell like these guys have great tacticians, but they have never demonstrated that ability. If anything, during Ep1-3 the then Republic displays way smarter tactics and abilities, especially during the Clone Wars. Good way to win a war? Make force users generals and send them in on the front line with your soldiers. They are only worth about 1000+ troops each. :P 


To your final point though I agree. I don't think A New Hope takes second, for me that is still Ep 3. A New Hope for me remains one of the most overrated pieces of cinema in history. It has a boring main character that subscribes to literally every single main character cliche, it's a film saved by it's iconic setting, it's amazing secondary characters, and it's ability to start exploring and setting up a new universe. But I find some of the worse parts of it just as boring and frustrating as elements of Phanton Menace. But we all agree Empire is king, it's probably a perfect movie. However as far as I'm concerned Clone Wars the animated series once it got off the kiddy droid humor and matured in the 2nd season and forward is the best piece of Star Wars content that exists. KOTOR is up there as well. I also caught the nods to it, even Kylo and his attire has some influence from Darth Revan. 



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Should also mention, I know villain development is all the craze these days but there is nothing wrong for me with there being a just straight up badass villain (Vader) who is developed later.


I'm not here to argue the merits of either way but I think it's safe to say Ren will never be as iconic as Vader. That said, I am glad the dark side actually has a normal face for once.

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Kylo Ren is and will not be the big villain of this trilogy. My guess is Snoke. Kylo Ren will turn back into Ben Solo in VIII or IX.  Lea says that Snoke "seduced" Ben and he then became Kylo Ren. Either Ben is going to realize that he's not doing to good thing and turn to the Light side or Snoke is just going to say "Fuck that! This kid can't do shit, I'll have to do it myself."


I'm not going to give you all my theories and my thoughts, watch Harley Morenstein(Epic Meal Time)'s recap/theories video and it's EXACTLY what I thought throughout the movie.


Kylo Ren was absolutely amazing, I thought that he was going to be this super dope villain, but when they revealed that he was in fact Ben Solo, I knew, that he was just going to be this "little emo kid" that flips off when nothing goes how he wants it to be. The two times when he fucking destroys everything with his saber was great, I loved it. I was spoiled that Han died and during that scene where him and Ben/Kylo were face-to-face and Kylo started crying and asked for help, like he didn't want to be the guy he was, I felt that it was in some way real. Yes, it was also a way to kill his dad, but it was real. Adam Driver.. CHAPEAU!


Also, I found my future wife, Daisy Ridley.. OMAGAWD!

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I just want to know when we get a Mara Jade character in here and why Luke abandoned his kid on that planet, unless it was planned in a vision of sorts for him.

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8 hours ago, FueledByRamen said:

Kylo Ren is and will not be the big villain of this trilogy. My guess is Snoke. Kylo Ren will turn back into Ben Solo in VIII or IX.  Lea says that Snoke "seduced" Ben and he then became Kylo Ren. Either Ben is going to realize that he's not doing to good thing and turn to the Light side or Snoke is just going to say "Fuck that! This kid can't do shit, I'll have to do it myself."


I'm not going to give you all my theories and my thoughts, watch Harley Morenstein(Epic Meal Time)'s recap/theories video and it's EXACTLY what I thought throughout the movie.


Kylo Ren was absolutely amazing, I thought that he was going to be this super dope villain, but when they revealed that he was in fact Ben Solo, I knew, that he was just going to be this "little emo kid" that flips off when nothing goes how he wants it to be. The two times when he fucking destroys everything with his saber was great, I loved it. I was spoiled that Han died and during that scene where him and Ben/Kylo were face-to-face and Kylo started crying and asked for help, like he didn't want to be the guy he was, I felt that it was in some way real. Yes, it was also a way to kill his dad, but it was real. Adam Driver.. CHAPEAU!


Also, I found my future wife, Daisy Ridley.. OMAGAWD!


I think Snoke will be more like the emperor, the main man but not really involved. What you predict would probably be better though but it really depends on how innovative they are in the next two episodes.



Going back to my Coruscant comment earlier - it would appear that even if it wasn't Coruscant, lots of people think it was because of what it looked like. I think they didn't execute that brilliantly.

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2 hours ago, Victor said:


I think Snoke will be more like the emperor, the main man but not really involved. What you predict would probably be better though but it really depends on how innovative they are in the next two episodes.



Going back to my Coruscant comment earlier - it would appear that even if it wasn't Coruscant, lots of people think it was because of what it looked like. I think they didn't execute that brilliantly.


I thought it was Corsucant lol. But given that they could easily just say that the New Republic capital planet was elsewhere and not in Coruscant (EU) then it would make sense. But I'm sure almost all EU people thought they just destroyed Coruscant but I'm not even sure if the non-EU fans would even know that is the capital planet. Thats just even one more thing they can deviate from the EU. 


Did anyone else think that the super beam laser in the movie was centerpoint station from EU?

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1 hour ago, Victor said:

I only read maybe 3-4 of the books at random but Coruscant features in the prequels prominently and the planet that got blown up looked just like it.


Yeah it did, but in the dialogue they specifically say the Hosnian system which isn't Coruscant. Corsucant is in the Corusca Sector in the Coruscant sub sector.


The Hosnian sector I believe was made from the movie, as I don't think it existed before in EU.


Note: I seriously disliked them de-canonizing EU though but I can understand why.

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just noticed this post. A few takes from the force awakens:


1) it's not as bad as the 2nd trilogy

2) it's not even close to the first trilogy

3) Kylo Ren had so much potential and they turned him into a whiny bitch

4) 4 of the 7 Star Wars movies have had Death Stars(or some form of it) in them, and now the next one will too. It's getting stale, change some shit up!

5) Finn is annoying comic relief, not like Han's witty comic relief, and he switches from super goofy to super serious in an instant

6) the last battle scene was bs and I hate it

7) I can't get myself to like the new main charachter

8 ) Mark Hamill appearance at the end definitely gave me an erection

9) didn't meet the hype, I can say my lowered expectations of "please just be slightly better than the last 3 and please oh please don't let Darth Jar Jar be a thing" we're met, not surpassed

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