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Wingate [REVIEWED]


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Damn, this is cool. Really nice work on the render effects. Super sick. I like the bright background. Unique, and executed very well. Text is good, wish the 'hans' was a bit more brought out though. Great work, keep it up.

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  • jack changed the title to Wingate [1/2]
  • Commissioner

Sexy. Very very sexy. The render effects and BG are perfectly executed, great use of colour and really well put together sig. My only real complain comes from the text. Honestly, I think you tried too much with it. it's creative and I do like it but the "Toronto Legion" part especially can go, it just doesn't seem to fit. Also, I almost wonder if it would look better not having Hans at all and just using it's style for Wingate instead of having the BG text. As I said, i do like it, I'm just curious if it makes things too crowded. Anyway, still sexy, well done.

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