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Royal Resolution: Press Conference


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So I know why you all are here. You want to know where I will be taking talents in s50. Well after a long pondering I have made my decision. A decision that is hard because I leave very good anday strong offers on the table. First I would like address the first loser so you can call them 3rd place. Seattle had a very strong offer. Tons of money to play for a horrible team for one season. Then less money to play for a shot at the cup. I turned it down because ultimately I want to win as many cups as possible and sacking for a season makes no sense to me. I wanted to do it but I couldn't. 


Next up is is the 2nd place team. This was VERY HARD to turn down. Every inch of me was saying Covington you fucking moron go there. They have a legit shot at the cup this season. They have many guys that I like. But in the end I could not sign there.  Why? I'm not exactly sure at this moment. This maybe something I regret at the end of the season. But the 2nd place team in the Covington sweepstakes is... Cologne. Thank you for the offer and the tons and I mean tons of messages from multiple players on the team. But in the end after that trade Davos made it made it hard to leave Davos. So yes I am staying in Davos for another season with a PO on season 2 but we all know I won't pick it up. If we fail in Davos this season I will not waste another season there. I also have the GM's word if things go south this season he will trade me. This is all. The hockey world can lose their minds now.


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Despite all the theatrics I don't quite understand, this one actually is a big deal. Davos has a very legit top line, and while I know something will probably change, Cologne's only sitting on three forwards. Ballsy move by Davos might pay off.


I should add, with the caveat I don't believe anything's set in stone until Robbie actually accepts the contract.

Edited by CowboyinAmerica
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Davos losses tfong, but wins Robbie.


Just based on where their players are in development, and the fact that fong is staying at least for 2 seasons here... I think I know who still as the upperhand :col: 


Oh well. Best of luck Robbie. It was fun trying to snag you over here. Thanks for making FA interesting! 

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So after mauling it over I think I came up with a better reason as to why I picked staying in Davos


The "voting" kinda broke down like this



Cologne came very close to getting me they just scored .5 on the last one. If they got the 6 and it was the tie they would have won a tie breaker. I really wanted to join Cologne. They got a great group of guys over there that I get along with or at least lately tolerate. I enjoyed the back and forth between me and players on Cologne during the whole process. Until that trade Davos made that trade they weren't even a thought in my head. But once I saw it, I thought hmmmm... because that top line we will make there will be killer. As it was stated above. It will be Davos Offense and goaltending against Cologne D. SWC3 is a offensive player and I wanted him to play on a more offensive team and that is what it really came down to. Hope everyone enjoyed the FA antics. I know I did

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12 minutes ago, gregreg said:

Hey people sometimes make dumb mistakes and robbie makes them all the time. No shocker here 

Really had say that? my decision was not personal at all. Hell I was willing to play with Kendrick. He wasn't even a factor in my decision. It came down to I have been in Davos through a rebuild. They now have a team to take a shot at it with. I just wanted to be the one hoisting that cup for them in the end if it happens. I was C for the last 2 seasons and will be for the upcoming season. It would be the ultimate payoff for the 2 shitty ending seasons. That is why I am staying in Davos and not joining the amazing and stacked Cologne. Nothing personal at all. I loved your pitch and how players on your team tried to get me to come. It was a real sense of team work. I liked that. And no that is not sarcasim

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