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Claimed:A Really Bad Media Spot [Reviewed]


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An Exceptionally Bad Media Spot


Wow, this off-season has flown by. As short as it seemed and not terribly significant in terms of moves or trades, although I was surprised to see New York pull the plug, I have to say this off-season has seemed to be a pretty interesting one. I'm not sure what it is, maybe the 2 players announcement and lottery, or maybe its just the fact that Higgins did a bunch of the work this season which gave me a chance to enjoy it a tad more than usual. 




One thing I was particularly happy to see this season was the return of some kind of VHL Awards Ceremony. Higgins hadn't told me about it before-hand so I was pleasantly surprised to see it appear (complete with a well designed seating plan!). I always enjoyed the old ceremonies that Victor used to do whether it was his live thread ones or the ones where he partnered with The Pajodcast/Blades of Steel, and it's really a tad shameful that we got into the habit of just posting the list in recent seasons so hopefully we can start doing these every season again. @Phil and @Knight provided excellent coverage of the ceremony on their podcast and to anyone who missed it live as I did, I would certainly recommend listening to the recorded version to hear some interesting thoughts and perspectives from Knight Time Studios. Next season we just need to get @STZ to bring back the classic intermission GIF's.


As far as Two Players goes, this an exciting time for the league and I'm looking forward to seeing how it changes the dynamics of the league. It's a pretty massive change to the league really when you think about it, far-reaching implications and all that. Although I'm a bit disappointed that my number didn't get pulled as one of the inaugural 10 to kick this new system off, I think we got a fairly good group of people to get it started. By the look of the members who did get lucky enough to make it, the S52 draft should be a very interesting one. But really, the next several seasons and drafts after S51 should be exhilarating times as more and more members get to take part in this new component of the league.


I'm not really sure where the rest of this article is going. The good news about STZ slacking and not doing the magazine this week is that I can say things like 'I'm not really sure where the rest of this article is going'. I could talk about Quebec...but nah, ya'll will just be hatin and stuff if I do that. Instead, I'll reiterate sterling's post by reminding you that today is VHL's 9th birthday - AND the 50th season is set to start, well, tomorrow! Indeed, as I said above, exhilarating times! You haven't seen much yet but rest assured, the celebrations will be plentiful and rewards will be...fruitful. Now there's a word! Here is an image depicting fruitful:




Thank you. Have a terrible tonight and an even worse tomorrow. 

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Grading strictly subjectively, is that the right term?? Anyway gramma, length, spelling, etc met the requirements. Content wasn't consistent but I think you knew that and no one really cares anyway. Keep up the articles, help Koponen fight regression. 

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