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Podcast questions


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1. How are you enjoying being in Davos?


2. What are your goals for this season?


3. Where would you rank yourself amongst current top line centers?


4. Build your ultimate 2-line(2 C,2 RW etc) fantasy VHL team and give a little reasoning.

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1. Will you and Jericho ever see eye to eye?


2. Have you met the expectations and goals you have set fro Brovy thus far into your career?


3. What are your goals for Brovy at the end of his career? 


4. How far do you see Davos going into the playoffs (realistically)? 

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1. Did you ever get discouraged from the league because of how often people used to pick on you

2. Did you ever take it to heart when people picked on you? Or did you kind of just brush it off

3. Do you plan on playing all 8 seasons? If so, will you test FA again, or resign in Davos?

4. What position will your next player be?

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10:10pmyo STZ ask me some questions for the podcast
Who would win in a streetfight Wesley Kellinger or Sergey Brovalenko?
Why do you think you don't get a VHLM GM Job?
Ask them in the question thread smiley-razz.gif
We had our draft tonight and almost half the GM's no-showed. Do you think there's bias because of your reputation?
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With Brovy on the tail end of his career, have you given any thought to what you'll do differently to improve your second player?


What are your personal goals for Brovy before your career ends?


How likely are you to finish your career in Davos, barring any more trades?


Are you unaware that 90% of the time I'm being incredibly sarcastic, and unmalicious, with you?


Favorite VHL podcast during your time here (whether it be around nowadays or not).

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"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities."

Do you concur with this thesis and do you believe the implementation of its key elements and morals is of an effective nature?

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Since no one can hear you in the first podcast, reuse some of your older questions that aren't time relevant. And so you have some new ones, here you go.


Are you surprised with the success that Davos has had this season?

Who will have the better season, Brovy or Davey Jones?

Are there any teams that Brovy has been on that you wish you could have stayed on? (barring problems with members, ect.)

Do you realize that Brovy will never be as good as Ball? How does that make you feel to always be #2 to me?  :P

 If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? If it does, does anyone really give a shit? I mean its a tree, fuck them.



I recorded a few podcasts (and guested on some) on my phone and it was pretty decent. Depends on the phone I suppose.


I concur that is how I did my first podcast. Iphone to be exact.

Edited by sball66
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