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2013-2014 NHL Discussion Thread


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Kendrick's logic: Someone disagrees with my blind love of mediocre BC boys, they're fucking retarded!


You are so much fun to talk to.

No I've discussed it in the past but you seem to think these guys are all world. See Sandro you say I'm fun to talk to jokingly but yet you are still the guy who says Gillis is a dumbass after a loss and then praise the whole organization after a huge blowout win. Fair weather fan is what that is and it's hard to talk to someone so iffy about their love for their team. We know you like your team, but at least show some consistency with your thoughts.


Weise is stupid, misses checks, has hands of stone and can't fight worth shit. But yet you think he can when supporting your thoughts on why Ebbett sucks.


Sestito is the worst big man in the league. The Vancouver commentators call him a heavyweight when he gets ready to fight but no player in the league is afraid of him. Sestito has no balance to fight, or skate or check. He is so often out of position that its almost to the point where I think he has learning disabilities. Also, when he does fight he usually just body slams the guy to the ice.


These two players have no qualities that would help any team in a playoff run. Claiming Weise from the Rangers helped the Rangers out more than it helped the Canucks out. It was the same thing with Sestito from the Flyers. Gillis seems to think little waivers claims here and there are whats going to make fans love him, when I honestly believe him and his pro scouts are horrible at grading talent. You know who told him about Santorelli? David Booth. I honestly think the best judge of talent the Canucks have for evaluating players to pick up or sign is the players themselves, cause the management team sucks. The only one thing they ever did right is signing Chris Tanev cause Dave Gagner was his rollerhockey coach. I almost think staying in the NJ media was better for my interest in this sport. Or better yet you should move to NJ and be a hockey fan there. You seem to be painted with the same brush the Vancouver media says or does around here. They like to live up their players for more than what they are. Like when Buffalo and Vancouver completed the Hodgson/Kassian trade. It was a HUGE trade…for Buffalo. Why? Because they knew they were getting rid of Kassian who is a third line scrub. The Vancouver media tried to find the positives in the player by saying he had tons of potential or he is the next Bertuzzi. You bought into that as well it seems.


At some point you have to take your mouth off the straw and move up to a big boy glass when looking at your team.


/rant #devisewouldbeproud

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I don't know if you've been watching the canucks lately, but Weise has 4 points in his last 5 games, and is on pace for a 20 point season. He's around 10 minutes a game lately and he hasn't done anything to warrant a decrease in ice time. I'd be happy with any streak a fourth liner right now, and 20 point pace is fair imo. For what he costs, he's just fine. Once again you're letting your opinion take over FACTS.

Edited by 8Ovechkin8
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I'm not even going to acknowledge Kendrick's bullshit anymore, he either doesn't read what I say or he's being very selective and twisting my words. 8O8 is bang on as well, Weise has been playing very well of late. I get frustrated with the guy from time to time and he's not a great fighter, but he is WILLING to do it. That's more than you can say about some guys we've had in that role in the recent past.

Edited by Sandro
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With our cap issues he's more than a capable "plug". If you scratch him or waive him who do you expect us to replace him with? Don't give me the crap saying a young guy can take his role, because we all know giving a younger player a 4th line role does nothing but hurt him. And don't mention anything about me being a Weise lover or on his bandwagon, because I know that would be coming in your next post.

I think I've covered most of the basis on your typical responses :lol: .

All that's left is for you to say that its not worth arguing with people that are blinded by the media blah blah blah false sense of talent evaluation blah blah.

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I'm not even going to acknowledge Kendrick's bullshit anymore, he either doesn't read what I say or he's being very selective and twisting my words. 8O8 is bang on as well, Weise has been playing very well of late. I get frustrated with the guy from time to time and he's not a great fighter, but he is WILLING to do it. That's more than you can say about some guys we've had in that role in the recent past.

Haha yet your wishy washy shit game to game is legit? Sandro you may think you're a big fan but you're as fair weather as they come.

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With our cap issues he's more than a capable "plug". If you scratch him or waive him who do you expect us to replace him with? Don't give me the crap saying a young guy can take his role, because we all know giving a younger player a 4th line role does nothing but hurt him. And don't mention anything about me being a Weise lover or on his bandwagon, because I know that would be coming in your next post.

I think I've covered most of the basis on your typical responses :lol: .

All that's left is for you to say that its not worth arguing with people that are blinded by the media blah blah blah false sense of talent evaluation blah blah.

No but you see you guys think the common belief is to bring in a young guy, or that most people think that. There are guys on the Comets that are bottom six type guys that would introduce something better to the lineup, or at least a spark. You can't deny the media in Vancouver paints everything Canuck related as gold. Total change of pace here than on the East coast.

Edited by Kendrick
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Your first sentence confuses the fck outta me because its the exact opposite of what I said. Oh yea we all know that the media hypes our players to the max, I didn't deny it, but theirs a reason I don't listen to the media at all, nor account to their hype. LOL Yea ok... Only person on the Comets right now which I would see as MAYBE being a better option than Weise is Ferriero or Defazio. Please enlighten me as to which bottom six player on an AHL team is worthy of being in the NHL.

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Kendrick actually just took to Facebook to bitch and moan because we disagreed with him. Yeah. Okay.


Haha yet your wishy washy shit game to game is legit? Sandro you may think you're a big fan but you're as fair weather as they come.


What wishy washy shit? I call Gillis out for his dumbfuck moves, commend his smart ones, and as much as I shit on the team I very rarely (if ever) miss a game. You are so fucking delusional. Stick to the Devils and stop trying to act like you know anything (let alone EVERYTHING) about the Canucks.

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This is a forum Sandro, he can post whatever he wants on his person facebook account, I don't think it should matter, let alone have any relevance here. Just my opinion though.


I just found it hilarious that he was passively aggressively ranting about it on Facebook.

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Sandro what I post on Facebook is my business, if you don't like it that's okay, you don't have too.


808, to answer that. I thought Archibald did a better job positionally and hits wise than Sestito has done all year but they sent him down.


Also, Sandro I am a Devils fan, you're right but that doesn't mean I know nothing about the Canucks. I've lived here for 8 years and been around the business with my uncle long enough to realize certain things. I don't know everything, never claimed I did but you seem to think worshipping every player game to game is a legit way of decided talent. It's not, you do it over a bulk of games and decide if they guy is worthy of praise. They thing I have beef with though is when after a loss you will say "Gillis needs to just blow this team up and start fresh" than two days later when the win you say "This team is so solid right now and are on the biggest roll!". I ever discount your opinion or thinks it's less than mine, I just sometimes look at it and wonder where your head is at because its sometimes all over the place.

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I was talking in comparison to Weise. Not Sestito. Doesn't take a doctor to figure Sestito is useless.

Well yes I can't say you're wrong about Weise over the past 4-5 games, the thing I worry about with him though is if he thinks thats good enough. So many times a fourth liner will achieve some good stats over a bulk of games and think he is good for the rest of the year (ex. Jeff Cowan). If Weise can make that goal scoring thing a regular thing every 6-8 games than sure, he has a spot. However if he is one of those guys that sits on the roster with 4 goals and 10 points all year, he is useless. Why? Because if he isn't doing that he isn't doing everything. He is one of the guys that seems to miss all his checks/hits and is often times in the wrong position. Part of the reason the fourth line is so bad is because they are always in their own zone from poor positioning. If Weise can somehow do more outside of his little scoring streak, than he becomes useful. I am hard on 3rd/4th line guys because for years I watched Jim Dowd, Jay Pandolfo and Sergei Brylin chip in offensively despite being on a defensive team where they were in the bottom six. 


I mean if you were to look at the Devils in the early 2000's they ran a trap, and a trap would assume their 4th line gets like 5 points a year cause they barely see the ice in the offensive zone. But they somehow performed well and went out and hit opposing teams. That's what I think the Canucks need in Torts system, a line that can go out and shutdown opposing teams whether its the third or fourth lines. Seeing as their third line doesn't really have an identity, they need to establish that on a fourth line and Weise and Sestito are not guys you'd want for that. If they are trying to make Sestito and Weise the mould of their fourth line long-term, they are in for some huge trouble scenarios.

Edited by Kendrick
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When the hell did I ever say anything even remotely resembling that?

It's not a direct quote Sandro. Its more of the attitude I've seen, and to be honest others have called you out on it. So back and fourth. At least stick with one side.

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Most of us on the smf site had come to terms with Sandro being over passionate at times, and there for ignoring him when he has his outbreaks. Don't see the point of bringing up old shit from debate that was originally about the moves Gillis had made.





Btw I do understand the concept behind the Devils comparison. Do I think Weise will sustain his play? No probably not, but whose to say he doesn't have the potential to do so? Most recent Cup winner all have had a 3rd line that stepped up and produced bigtime for the team. Weise obvs doesn't have that role but it still doesn't take away the fact that he can be an effective 4th line guy. Missing hits is something that'll come to him eventually as he plays more minutes consistently. But something that you need to realise is that teams never just have a set in stone 4th line now a days. The cap prevents this and often its meant for the players with the lowest cap hit but the most reliable. For the most part Weise has been good with penalties and his positioning is much better then you give him credit for. You also have to keep in mind its hard for them to establish anything if they get 2min or less a game, but I'm not against the time they're given. I'm just saying its hard to evaluate them on the basis of what you are saying because of the limited ice time, and your skewed view of how a fourth line "should" look like based on the Devils 10 years ago.

Edited by 8Ovechkin8
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Most of us on the smf site had come to terms with Sandro being over passionate at times, and there for ignoring him when he has his outbreaks. Don't see the point of bringing up old shit from debate that was originally about the moves Gillis had made.

My bad, guess I'll just accept the back and forth. The convo was about Gillis, Weise and all that jazz. They all suck. Move the team to Portland.

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*Except Mason, Couturier, Read, and Downie


And I can never remember that the Red Wings are in our division now. Seems so weird.


Who is this idiot?


hopefully the flyers suck tomorrow


Flyers don't play until Saturday after this game.

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