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Draft Lottery Drama?




The atmosphere in the VHL Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland had never before been so tense as league Commissioner Donald S. @Draper stepped up to the podium with the lottery ball. It was a highly anticipated lottery this season and one that many had a huge vested interest in. As you know, the four teams from the regular season that did not make the playoff all have a 25% chance of getting the top pick, and before the lottery took place there was a little kerfuffle regarding one of those four teams – Helsinki.


Helsinki had just missed the playoff by one measly point to Davos, who not incidentally, was their last regular season match-up. Some would say that they threw the match, other would say it was meant to be, given that they have just one player on their roster, but regardless the result of that match was the only reason that the Board of Governors stirred to life. 


It was released that Helsinki had gone the entire season playing under the cap, which is pretty shocking considering the great start they had to the season, but less so when you realize that the likes of Shayne Gow, Thor Odinsson, and Dmitri Dadanov are all still on their rookie contracts. However, the GM unfortunately had to resign and this forced the league Commissioner Mitchell Q. Higginsworth to step up and take over the franchise, as he has done before (prior to his role as Commissioner). With the club in disarray and the young guns all a nervous wreck, @Higgins decided it was best to start afresh and got great value for his top prospects and sent them packing to different teams.



According to the report, both GMs were told of the cap issue by the League Financier but failed to act accordingly. So, when Helsinki now finished outside the playoff berth, the BoG thought that something must be done about this treachery.


There were mixed feeling around the BoG, some screaming for their 1st round pick to be void, others for Helsinki to forfeit a second-round pick, but some even thought that no punishment was necessary. 


But the sacred rules of the VHL were breached. How is that not cause for punishment?


Simply put: the way the league has the salary brackets set up completely cancels out the entire point of having a cap floor. The reason for the cap floor is to avoid teams completely tanking and thereby increase the competitiveness of the VHL season. However, when you can sign inactives with <100 TPE to a max $7,000,000 contract, how do that achieve the goal?


The decision has not been officially released, but soon the VHL should be releasing a statement about it.


Okay, let’s head back to the Draft lottery, where the atmosphere was tenser than a guy’s abs while taking the biggest dump of his life. 


There is no clear #1 pick in the draft, although that thought may change depending on who you talk to. We talked to two of the four GMs who had a shot at first overall: Stockholm Viking’s GM Chris Miller (@Advantage) and New York Americans’ GM Ryan Power (@Mr. Power). 


“I really want to add Phil Shankly to our team,” Miller told VHL.com “He is my undisputed first pick. He comes from a long line of successful players from the Knight agency and is exactly the type of player I need to develop a core around.”


“It’s not very often that a generational talent comes around and Shankly is definitely that,” Power said. “His hard-hitting, soft-hands style of play would go brilliantly with Maxwell scoring prowess and Ravenwing’s distributing ability. I cannot select anyone in lieu of him.”


So we had Helsinki, New York, Stockholm, and Quebec. As Draper drew the ball, with all four GMs practically bouncing on the edge of their seats, he drew a deep breath and announced:


“The number one selection… of the S52 VHL Entry Draft… will be… the New York Americans.”


My editor has just informed me that my article is running too long, but I’ll end by saying that one of the reasons this draft is going to be so interesting is that this will be the first draft with the second-players… and if Shankly is selected by New York, he will not only be the first of the second-players to ever be selected, but he’ll be the first second-player to ever be drafted first overall. Now that carries some very high expectations for this young power forward.

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Should be an interesting draft, that's for sure.  Excited to see where I end up. My TPE count isn't where I thought it'd be with me missing a week or more of updated with my wedding/honeymoon :(


Good luck at the next level, @Phil!!

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27 minutes ago, evrydayimbyfuglien said:



Should be an interesting draft, that's for sure.  Excited to see where I end up. My TPE count isn't where I thought it'd be with me missing a week or more of updated with my wedding/honeymoon :(


Good luck at the next level, @Phil!!




But belated congrats! I learned something new today! 

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