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If tomorrow is the first day of regular season and I´m standing on the blue line and the ref asks me what I did during off-season? I would say I spent it with you. 


If I wake up during training camp, I see rookies and sweating, I feel like I want to go home. It´s okay if you are coming with me. 


Because your Quebec is my Quebec and my Quebec is your Quebec. It will take eternity to break us, the chains of the simmer cant hold us. Because your Quebec is my Quebec and my Quebec is your Quebec. 


If I lose my fame and my ability to skate, and I´m a free agent without a contract and I´m sleeping in cheap hotel, it´s okay if you are sleeping with me. 


As the seasons pass us by, we stay young through each other´s eyes and no matter how old we get, it´s ok as long as I got you baby.


Because your Quebec is my Quebec and my Quebec is your Quebec. It would take eternity to break us, the simmers chains cant hold us. 


My Love is Your love (Quebec remix) - by Whitney Houston. 



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  On 4/2/2017 at 4:25 PM, jRuutu said:

Shortly after Quebec wins the cup, so in few years roughly. 



Had to correct your mistake bud

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  On 4/2/2017 at 6:42 PM, Ahma said:

I had listen to the original song... Ruutu's version is better ;):shades:


I don´t want to start bragging or anything, but making music is a lot easier than I thought. 

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