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Tensions rise over Peter Quill call-up


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1 hour ago, The Trollfecta said:


By not allowing this to happen and for those "so called vets" to help out new members to a team and help keep them around. I mean last I checked, it's not just 1 specific person's job to help people out. It should be a league wide effort to help new people understand the league and keep them interested. What do you think a new member is going to say when they see someone getting called up just because "insert bullshit reason here". I mean the league was set in place for a reason. It wasn't meant for you to go in and want to be called up whenever you please as long as you are drafted. I could see if the Dynamo were set to make a deep playoff run and they needed the depth, but the team has 0% chance of doing anything in the playoffs. The only other reason I could see it be fit outside of the playoffs run would be to hit the cap floor. The ONLY two reasons it should be allowed.


Underestimate Davos at your own peril!

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12 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

Why does a player need to play a full season to be able to claim Achievement Tracker anyways?

I mean, if they get called up, that means less stats, meaning less potential TPE. That should be a big enough punishment.


It should be looked upon as a reward for playing out the season.


8 minutes ago, ASIANBOOM said:


Underestimate Davos at your own peril!



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25 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:


It should be looked upon as a reward for playing out the season.

False. It should be looked at a reward for their success in the VHLM, regardless of if that time was cut short because of a call-up.


The Achievement Tracker wasn't introduced years ago as a reward for playing in the VHLM. It was a reward for having stats in the VHLM. Quill has stats in the VHLM this year and thus he will get TPE from those (regardless of how low or high that TPE number becomes).


I think there is a huge disconnect in what you want and what you are arguing. The VHLM is a developmental league and if players get called up and they have talked to the VHL GM about it, that is their choice. If a VHL GM had not talked to them and just called them up, we might have an issue; but thats not the case here.


See folks this is why cliques are dangerous in sim leagues, you'll get dragged into an argument where you have no real point but you just like arguing for the sake of arguing.

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For the record if any VHL GM wants to call up Ottawa players to their squad, go right ahead. I will consider that a win-win as the player gets what he wants and Ottawa got a good season out of said player. It's about developing these players, not my own personal GM trophy cabinet.

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8 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

For the record if any VHL GM wants to call up Ottawa players to their squad, go right ahead. I will consider that a win-win as the player gets what he wants and Ottawa got a good season out of said player. It's about developing these players, not my own personal GM trophy cabinet.


This just sounds like a fucking load of bullshit. Keep condoning the ruining of the VHLM. Great fucking work you are doing here asshole. You and the rest of the clown crew should go take a fucking hike and get off your high horses. You aren't better than anyone else. Just the lowest of the low on the VHL.

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11 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

False. It should be looked at a reward for their success in the VHLM, regardless of if that time was cut short because of a call-up.


The Achievement Tracker wasn't introduced years ago as a reward for playing in the VHLM. It was a reward for having stats in the VHLM. Quill has stats in the VHLM this year and thus he will get TPE from those (regardless of how low or high that TPE number becomes).


I think there is a huge disconnect in what you want and what you are arguing. The VHLM is a developmental league and if players get called up and they have talked to the VHL GM about it, that is their choice. If a VHL GM had not talked to them and just called them up, we might have an issue; but thats not the case here.


See folks this is why cliques are dangerous in sim leagues, you'll get dragged into an argument where you have no real point but you just like arguing for the sake of arguing.


There is 0 success. Cut the shit out.

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VHLM Achievement Tracker should be for everyone in the VHLM, even if you get called up. If you get called up, you get less padding of your stats, so that should be the punishment.



Also, players getting called up to the VHL isn't killing the VHLM. Just like players getting called up to the NHL isn't killing the AHL.


If one of your players gets called up you should be happy for them, not be mad because it's fucking your team over. It's about the players as a priority in the VHLM.

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8 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:


This just sounds like a fucking load of bullshit. Keep condoning the ruining of the VHLM. Great fucking work you are doing here asshole. You and the rest of the clown crew should go take a fucking hike and get off your high horses. You aren't better than anyone else. Just the lowest of the low on the VHL.

Why does it sound like bullshit? I'm giving the 100% go-ahead for them to do it because I then know the member behind the player may do as they wish. The job of a VHLM GM is to develop and help new members and recreates reach their potential or at least give them the building blocks to start their career. Both @JardyB10 and I know that we can't stop call ups and if it happens, next man up on the lines.


This isn't running the VHLM. The fact that you said that shows you clearly do not know what the VHLM is actually for. There is no high horse man, if there was I'd be sitting here whining about a player being called up to the VHL; but alas that isn't me that is you doing that. I know I'm not better than anyone else, thats why I give them the go-ahead. I sincerely think you have no idea about this topic but just like to be involved in it to make you feel good. You're argument isn't very good and it's not winning anyone over anyways, so it's best to just throw the towel in.

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12 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:


There is 0 success. Cut the shit out.

What shit out? Doesn't it get tiring losing arguments all the time because you just say what you feel instead of actually looking at said issue (or non-issue)? I mean you don't even know what the 200 cap is for or the VHLM's identity. You are arguing for the sake of arguing again.

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6 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

VHLM Achievement Tracker should be for everyone in the VHLM, even if you get called up. If you get called up, you get less padding of your stats, so that should be the punishment.



Also, players getting called up to the VHL isn't killing the VHLM. Just like players getting called up to the NHL isn't killing the AHL.


If one of your players gets called up you should be happy for them, not be mad because it's fucking your team over. It's about the players as a priority in the VHLM.

It is Trav, it always has been. Don't let the confused guide you on this issue. The VHLM Achievement Tracker is for anyone in their current draft year or past draft years who has played in the VHLM. Only ones excluded are trade deadline recreates and creations going into the next draft class.

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23 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

Why does it sound like bullshit? I'm giving the 100% go-ahead for them to do it because I then know the member behind the player may do as they wish. The job of a VHLM GM is to develop and help new members and recreates reach their potential or at least give them the building blocks to start their career. Both @JardyB10 and I know that we can't stop call ups and if it happens, next man up on the lines.


This isn't running the VHLM. The fact that you said that shows you clearly do not know what the VHLM is actually for. There is no high horse man, if there was I'd be sitting here whining about a player being called up to the VHL; but alas that isn't me that is you doing that. I know I'm not better than anyone else, thats why I give them the go-ahead. I sincerely think you have no idea about this topic but just like to be involved in it to make you feel good. You're argument isn't very good and it's not winning anyone over anyways, so it's best to just throw the towel in.


OF course. Keep throwing a once successful league in the thrash. What's next? The 2 player program? Expansion?

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2 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:


OF course. Keep throwing a once successful league in the thrash. What's next? The 2 player program? Expansion?

You literally don't even know what you are arguing right now haha. It's funny because it just shows you aren't paying attention and like arguing for the sake of arguing. VHLM GM's can't get upset, it's not really their place.

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4 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

You literally don't even know what you are arguing right now haha. It's funny because it just shows you aren't paying attention and like arguing for the sake of arguing. VHLM GM's can't get upset, it's not really their place.


No what you are saying is pure bullshit. I know what I am arguing about and my point at hand. You and all those other idiots, including Power and Robbie are on some real bullshit. The VHLM is a stepping stone. You should only be rewarded for staying the whole season there. There should be no call ups or send downs during the season.

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Just now, The Trollfecta said:


No what you are saying is pure bullshit. I know what I am arguing about and my point at hand. You and all those other idiots, including Power and Robbie are on some real bullshit. The VHLM is a stepping stone. You should only be rewarded for staying the whole season there. There should be no call ups or send downs during the season.

Oh look see now the personal shots come out. I thought you were talking earlier about "disrespect"? Hmm... crazy.


The VHLM is a stepping stone. One used for players who want to become VHL players someday. Quill feels it is his time to do that and you are upset because it takes a player away from your squad. Why does Green owe you anything? You have disrespected him in the other thread and here a tad as well. Don't tell me you think this hissy fit will help anything? If so it might be wise to just back up a bit and analyze what the VHLM really is about. I've been in this league since day one, the VHLM Achievement Tracker is for anyone who has spent time in the VHLM in a given season and collected stats, period. No "ifs", "and's" or "but's" in this. Thats just what it is. You are arguing for nothing man. This is laughable that you even think you're going anywhere with this.

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17 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

Oh look see now the personal shots come out. I thought you were talking earlier about "disrespect"? Hmm... crazy.


The VHLM is a stepping stone. One used for players who want to become VHL players someday. Quill feels it is his time to do that and you are upset because it takes a player away from your squad. Why does Green owe you anything? You have disrespected him in the other thread and here a tad as well. Don't tell me you think this hissy fit will help anything? If so it might be wise to just back up a bit and analyze what the VHLM really is about. I've been in this league since day one, the VHLM Achievement Tracker is for anyone who has spent time in the VHLM in a given season and collected stats, period. No "ifs", "and's" or "but's" in this. Thats just what it is. You are arguing for nothing man. This is laughable that you even think you're going anywhere with this.


Let me know when someone in the minors for the NHL gets to call when he is ready to come to the league. Don't worry, I will wait. I am not upset about this being from Oslo, but the VHLM. You are taking your own twisted ideas and trying to blossom them into something. Stop trying to read between the lines when what I say is in plain sight. Now you're literally pulling shit out of your ass.

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1 minute ago, The Trollfecta said:


Let me know when someone in the minors for the NHL gets to call when he is ready to come to the league. Don't worry, I will wait. I am not upset about this being from Oslo, but the VHLM. You are taking your own twisted ideas and trying to blossom them into something. Stop trying to read between the lines when what I say is in plain sight. Now you're literally pulling shit out of your ass.

Uhhh did you just compare the NHL to the VHL in regards to a prospect calling their NHL/VHL team to be called up? My goodness. You realize this league is for fun and no one here actually makes the money deposited in the bank for their player right? Wait all you want but you are literally comparing apples to oranges haha.


Why are you upset over it concerning the VHLM? Literally no one else is worried and the member gets to have his player play in the VHL; which is something he would like his player to do. This literally doesn't affect the VHLM at all in regards to it's daily operations moving forward. All that happens is Quill goes from Oslo to Davos in the sim and things move on.


What exactly have I said that is a twisted idea? You are going on about absolutely nothing. What you say is in plain sight and it's embarrassing because you think you know things when you don't. It's like arguing with a pet rock. From this day forward you are the VHL's pet rock. I should state though you probably do look good in a garden.



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8 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

The Point ------------>  .




Your Head ------->    '   '



---------------> My point
















-------------> Your logic

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6 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:


---------------> My point
















-------------> Your logic

You honestly do not know anything VHLM related and you're trying to argue points home that don't make sense. Brush up on why the rulebook is the way it is before you enter a discussion. It would do us all a favour (including your own argument).

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5 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

You honestly do not know anything VHLM related and you're trying to argue points home that don't make sense. Brush up on why the rulebook is the way it is before you enter a discussion. It would do us all a favour (including your own argument).


How about you stop being an asshole and leave the VHLM alone. All you are doing is hurting shit. I know more about the VHLM than you probably do which is sad.

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45 minutes ago, The Trollfecta said:

If the VHL is for fun, why keep track of stats and have records? That's not for fun.


Part of the fun is presenting a simulation of the types of experiences you could have if you were really playing. Getting drafted, traded, free agency, Hall of Fame and records all play into this. 


The issue is you guys try to put to much of an iron grip on creating a certain type of ideal VHLM experience and you think it's a one size fits all problem. It's a player league at its core meaning ensuring our players have choices and options is important. Throwing a temper tantrum because a member chooses to go up is as childish as it gets. Honestly. 

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7 minutes ago, Devise said:


Part of the fun is presenting a simulation of the types of experiences you could have if you were really playing. Getting drafted, traded, free agency, Hall of Fame and records all play into this. 


The issue is you guys try to put to much of an iron grip on creating a certain type of ideal VHLM experience and you think it's a one size fits all problem. It's a player league at its core meaning ensuring our players have choices and options is important. Throwing a temper tantrum because a member chooses to go up is as childish as it gets. Honestly. 


Throwing a temper tantrum? How about all of you who are trashing the VHLM. If anything, YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES throwing the TEMPER TANTRUM. I am just appalled that you guys, the supposed "vets" of the league, are throwing this under the bus. How about talk about things that could help improve it instead of calling it dead. At that rate why don't we call the VHL "dead" due to the fact we had to resort to 2nd players. What happens when it's just those people in the league? Do we go to 3rd players or do you finally just give in, say fuck it and reset the league? It will come a time that has to happen. That's the best way to get rid of the VHLM. Just reset the league and literally EVERYONE will be on fair ground.

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