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Sergei checks into Anger management


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After beig shut out in the award voting despite the fact he put up stellar all around numbers in his rookie season. Komarov was seen arrested and senctanced to anger management. After he went on a rampage, in New York city. He punched out a man at a night club, and procceeded down the street screaming and yelling. Its unkown how this will effect Komarovs training in the biggest offseason in New York in a long time. One that some see, as a potential darkhorse contender.


Not to mention Komarov needs this offseason to learn the ways of a winger. Any missed training could be a huge loss for the Americans, he needs to be ready playing along side breakout star Fujimoto, and one of his rookie rivals Chase Keller. Its unclear at this point how long he will be in rehab, but he will be stepping away for a bit. 


He has been quoted as saying he feels underappricated, and unwelcome by the VHL. Who favours North American stars, the votes been seen by many as a joke, given an NFLer made the cut over VHL players.

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