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After huge gains today and just overall I feel like sharing a little stock advice with you people. Call me generous or nice or just say I am gloating. Whatever.

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Some Short Term stocks you should buy

EVI  bought today afternoon at 0.065 closed at 0.20 for 207.69% increase

NEXT bought today afternoon at 0.09 closed at 0.14 for 55.56% increase

DOJI bought today afternoon at 3.50 closed at 3.98 for 13.71% increase


That's just three that I found today. These are penny stocks. If you are only investing hundreds you wont see huge gains but if you play with bigger amounts like I do then 55.56% on a few thousand is pretty good. Hell I will take 13.71 increase on any investment. 207.69% is just insane. Don't expect this always. I made off like a bandit with these ones. I plan to sell all three by Friday or when they start to dip.



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Long term

ACB bought in early October for 1.78 it current sits at 11.91 (roughly 569% increase) and projected to go to 20-30 before Weed becomes legal in June. I sometimes sit on set watching this and laugh at the HUGE gains I am making.


Canopy Growth. Bought in early October also at 14.07 it closed out today at 36 (Roughly 160% increase) I've seen it hit. Last week wasn't good for weed stocks.


MPX bought at 0.91 closed today at 0.90 (Yes that's a drop) they are just getting going but they are expected to hit 10-15 by June


These are just a handful (5 fingers 5 Stocks plus 1 cause i feel like being nice) of my stocks. The long term stuff you need the patience to sit it out. If you invest for quick gains because you need the money then do not do the long term. But in the end the long term will pay tons. It already has for me. 


Never tell me I never did anything nice on this site



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I'll be another nice guy and if you want to hop into Crypto... now is the time... everything is low and despite what you might think or might know, it'll rebound again. Volatility and dips like this are no uncommon. It fluctuates fairly heavily usually. 


TRX is a decent longterm buy - I made some killer coin off it when I bought in at 0.006 and watched it climb to 0.26. 

XRP is questionable, but I have faith in it. It may not climb to crazy amounts, but good amounts still.

ADA will be another decent one to hold onto if you're into that thing.

BNB, binance coin - down to 11-12 dollar range - was hopping around 25 a few days ago.


Many, many good coins out there and while risky, it could be worth it. You don't need to sink 48467632 dollar into it, sink what you can. What you're willing to lose. I mean, right now $10 of Tron will grab you 250 (minus fees, so rough guess 245). Says she bounces from the current 0.04 to only .9 and you've made 225. For me, with 9,000+, that beautiful and totally likely chance nets me 8,100+. 


Again, there's risk - but it's enjoyable, addicting and totally worth it. You can longterm hold, or do a little day trading. I do a bit of both but about 85% of my net is in holdings. If you're interested in getting involved, let me know and I can help you swing the bat and hopefully we can retire together shortly. 

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  On 1/17/2018 at 4:14 AM, Banackock said:

I'll be another nice guy and if you want to hop into Crypto... now is the time... everything is low and despite what you might think or might know, it'll rebound again. Volatility and dips like this are no uncommon. It fluctuates fairly heavily usually. 


TRX is a decent longterm buy - I made some killer coin off it when I bought in at 0.006 and watched it climb to 0.26. 

XRP is questionable, but I have faith in it. It may not climb to crazy amounts, but good amounts still.

ADA will be another decent one to hold onto if you're into that thing.

BNB, binance coin - down to 11-12 dollar range - was hopping around 25 a few days ago.


Many, many good coins out there and while risky, it could be worth it. You don't need to sink 48467632 dollar into it, sink what you can. What you're willing to lose. I mean, right now $10 of Tron will grab you 250 (minus fees, so rough guess 245). Says she bounces from the current 0.04 to only .9 and you've made 225. For me, with 9,000+, that beautiful and totally likely chance nets me 8,100+. 


Again, there's risk - but it's enjoyable, addicting and totally worth it. You can longterm hold, or do a little day trading. I do a bit of both but about 85% of my net is in holdings. If you're interested in getting involved, let me know and I can help you swing the bat and hopefully we can retire together shortly. 


Own TRX and ADA. Well I owned TRX. I gave up on it


As you said there are risks but if you have expendable money and want to take a risk. These stocks are a good start

Edited by BluObieZ
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  On 1/17/2018 at 4:38 AM, BluObieZ said:

Own TRX and ADA. Well I owned TRX. I gave up on it


As you said there are risks but if you have expendable money and want to take a risk. These stocks are a good start


I'd hop back into TRX if you got spare jingle. The volatility offers a good chance at a nice return if you play your cards right - and it's bound to climb up. Even if this was the downslope, it wouldn't die off that fast! 

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  On 1/17/2018 at 5:01 AM, Banackock said:

I'd hop back into TRX if you got spare jingle. The volatility offers a good chance at a nice return if you play your cards right - and it's bound to climb up. Even if this was the downslope, it wouldn't die off that fast! 


I took a look when you brought it up. That's when I noticed I used to own it. I always have TOO MUCH expendable money. But it looks to be plummeting. I'll keep an eye on it. If I see it starting to go up I'll buy in. Hell as I typed this I put it in my watch list. Told my app to remind me if it hits .05. It's at .048 atm

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  On 1/17/2018 at 11:04 PM, TheLastOlympian07 said:

im not sure im smart enough to get stocks tbh


Then gamble with crypto. 


Some people aren't though. Not saying you're not - but I've advised a couple friends and such to stay away. There's lots to learn - even in an unregulated, volatile market that's totally unpredictable. 

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