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A Look Into The S62 Draft [1/2]

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                                                              A Look Into The S62 Draft

Next years crop of draftees rankings are now out and it appears that this up and coming draft will have the shelves well  stocked once again.


At this point eight of the top fifteen VHL hopefuls currently have their TPE at 100 plus, with the other seven in the top fifteen having a opportunity to hit the 100 TPE mark.  This makes for some good pickins come draft time. Everyone after the top fifteen appears to be a role of the dice, so its anybody's guess who will stand out amongst these draftees.

Now let's have a quick look at the top five players for next seasons draft:


Right now ranked number one in the draft is forward Leph Twinger who is tearing up the VHLM with a 105 Pts. in only 45 Gp. playing with the Yukon Rush. He has soft hands around the net and is equally adept controlling the puck with his slick puck handling skills.


 Twinger fits the mold of a high scoring sniper with his speed, puck control and scoring ability but he is also defensively responsible in his own end. The only knock on him appears to be is that he needs work on his passing skills.

Currently, he appears to be on another level skill wise compared to the rest of the competition, so I can see him hanging on to first over all for the rest if the season. If Twinger keeps his pace, look for him to go at least top two in next years draft.


Next up its a tight race in the rankings with big center man Rauno Paulo at this moment ranked second in the scouting reports. 

Paulo has good speed and puck handling skills and that's benefited his offence with Oslo being able to contribute 25G and 59Pts. in 45 games. He's also coming into his own in the face off circle and is getting better defensively.


At this point in time he projects to be a defensive two way forward. If he can produce like this in the VHL though, his stock will definitely rise but that's a whole different ball game.


Being a guy his size, his play would benefit if he was more physical on the ice but right now he plays soft. Paulo also needs to work hard on his passing  skills for him to take his game to another level.


Sitting third in the scouting rankings is massive left winger Konstantine Mulligan. This guy has to be one of the biggest players in the VHLM standing at 6'8" and 280 lbs. He's already a hard hitting checker but here's another player who could stand to benefit his game by working on improving the physical aspects of his play.


His biggest assets right now are his size and checking ability but he seems to be working hard in practice to improve his mobility, strength, passing and defense.


Don't expect Mulligan to light the score board on a nightly basis but if he continues to work hard improving his skill set, he looks to be playing a defensive role in the near future, playing against other teams top lines and spending a fair amount of time on the PK. And if he can dial in the physical side to his game he will be a valuable defensive asset to any team. He kind of reminds me of a bigger version of Phil Bennington at this point in time.


Just right behind Mulligan and fourth in the scouting ranks is once again another left winger in Vesto Slipher. He's dropped down two spots  in the rankings so that could be a red flag for the future.

He has good size being at 6'2" and weighing in at 220 lbs but like a lot of player's with his stature, they don't take advantage of what genetics gave them. 


Sliphers biggest advantage at this point seems to be his scoring touch. He's produced at a steady clip this year playing 46 games and potting 23 G and 55 Pts. but he appears to be more geared towards setting up his line mates than putting a shot on the net.


His skating and puck handling are decent but there also needs to be more work done on his passing and defensive skills before Slipher can take his game to a higher status.


Lastly at number five in the scouting ranks is defence man Maxim Kovalchuk, the top rated defender in next seasons draft.

Kovalchuk has good solid frame to him but it doesn't impede his skating ability as he is quick on the offensive rush.

He has solid puck control when moving up the ice and uses his size well to protect the puck.

His strongest suit is play along the other teams blue line. With 12G and 36Pts in 46 games, Kovalchuk would be an offensive asset on any club.

While an asset offensively, he is a defensive liability. Maxim needs to focus his efforts on his play away from the puck for him to take his game to the next stage. His future as an offensive defence man may be limited to special teams play if he doesn't take time and learn the defensive side to his play.


And that's it folks.


Let me know what you think of my writing guys' good or bad n thanks for reading!

Word count:  903.

Edited by Exlaxchronicles
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39 minutes ago, Hybrid1486 said:

I have no idea how I'm falling behind people after maxing out every week

Welcome to myself against @street last season. People have a good way of finding uncapped stuff I never notice; even while I’m the one approving most of it.

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2 minutes ago, Exlaxchronicles said:

I think its what Bek has said. I tend to just get 10-12 TPE each week, and you have guys' like Beavis being able to pretty much double that weekly.


Im 13 a week ? if I could claim all my jobs I would be close to 20 though.

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