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Few ideas on how to tweak the league a bit


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So, basically, this is what I put in the portal suggestions thread, but I may as well get TPE for it too :P




As most know, the plan is to eventually automate the Player Store so that, all we really need to do is make sure everything goes smoothly. Salaries would be logged in the portal, and added to the player's Bank. Players would then take their bank and purchase whatever they like, assuming they can afford it, and their bank would be updated accordingly, at the time of any purchase(s). Changes to the store are coming, and will occur before that, but it's on its way!


My question, or, rather, suggestion, is we take it even further! From the time a player enters the league, make everything run through the portal.


  • VHLM FA? Once a player receives their first offer, the 12 (24?) hour clock begins, and they can accept a contract from any of the teams in there, with that being the first money to go into their bank.
  • VHL Draft? Have it done through the portal. Schedule a time when all GMs are available, run it like a fantasy draft. If a GM is gone/unavailable, they can set their draft queue however they wish, and their picks can be auto-selected. If they don't have a queue, they get the highest TPA available, regardless of position. Drafts would be real smooth, AND GMs wouldn't actually need to be there since they could set their lists ahead of time.
  • Trades? One GM proposes the trade, the other accepts, and it gets posted to the forum directly without needing both GMs to post that they agree. Players with NTCs can use them in the forum if they wish to veto the trade.
    • I'd also make it so that teams can retain salary on any trades, with the amount they can retain changing as the season progresses.
      • Off-season -> Game 40: Can retain up to 35%
      • Game 41 -> Game 100: Can retain up to 45%
      • Game 101 -> Game 150: Can retain up to 55%
      • Game 150 -> Game 190: Can retain up to 65%
      • Game 190 -> Deadline: Can retain up to 75%
    • Basically, teams can decide how much they wanna retain, if any
  • Free Agency? Again, teams make offers through the portal, players accept, money for that season goes directly into their bank. Money for all other seasons would be 'deposited' once the playoffs end.
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Maybe Free agency can also be for VHL too? And then just open up a FA Discussion thread so people can chat in there sort of like we do with the draft. 


The VHL draft is done on Discord but having us click a player for our selection and it being updated on the portal and people just watch there would be sweet. 


For trading, could be like trading on a GM sim league portal if you have any experience with those? If not, could base it off that. 

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7 minutes ago, Spade18 said:

I feel like this is probably the long term goal for the Portal.  But there also may be limitations as far as STHS are concerned.


I think the only real issue would be contracts, but I think STHS has a contract section, so carrying it over might be possible? If not, you could at least make it so that teams can make an 'offer' in the portal, but also have to officially make the offer on the forum. Then the player can accept both, on the forum and in the portal, where their player would automatically be added to that team's roster.


Also, I think that there should be limits on contracts to 3 seasons, with no options. RFA rules should stay the same, but with careers being only 8 seasons, I don't think it makes sense for players to be signing for longer than 3, when things can change so quickly. Actual player movement would be fun and create some more discussion.


2 minutes ago, Banackock said:

Maybe Free agency can also be for VHL too? And then just open up a FA Discussion thread so people can chat in there sort of like we do with the draft.  


The VHL draft is done on Discord but having us click a player for our selection and it being updated on the portal and people just watch there would be sweet. 


For trading, could be like trading on a GM sim league portal if you have any experience with those? If not, could base it off that. 


Yep, VHL Free Agency is in there, and would be a part of it whenever VHLM free agency became a part of it.


For the draft, definitely would be fun if there was a table and you could literally watch players come off the board. But even from a pragmatic sense, it would reduce the need of finding a time that fits everyone if all GMs had to do was set their list beforehand. Trades would obviously need to be done in real-time, so GMs would need to be present for that, but I think having a draft board available makes the draft much more interesting, and it's easier to track prospects like that.


Haven't done GM sims, but it'd basically be like fantasy hockey. GM A makes offer to GM B, and GM B can either decline, counter or accept. Assuming that GMs would talk before hand, there'd rarely be a counter offer, but if there were, GM A would have the same options of declining/countering/accepting,


Hell, you could even take it a step further and implement a trade block, where a team could post a player (or pick) they're thinking about trading, and teams can put forward their best offers. Depending on the offers, the team could accept one, keep the player, or make counter offers if they want.

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  • Senior Admin
15 minutes ago, Quik said:

I think the only real issue would be contracts, but I think STHS has a contract section, so carrying it over might be possible? If not, you could at least make it so that teams can make an 'offer' in the portal, but also have to officially make the offer on the forum. Then the player can accept both, on the forum and in the portal, where their player would automatically be added to that team's roster.


Also, I think that there should be limits on contracts to 3 seasons, with no options. RFA rules should stay the same, but with careers being only 8 seasons, I don't think it makes sense for players to be signing for longer than 3, when things can change so quickly. Actual player movement would be fun and create some more discussion.


We actually don't even use the contract crap on STHS, far easier for the simmer to just set the rosters up manually each off-season based off our forum finances rather than entering a bunch of contracts. 


So since finances/rosters would be available on the Portal and trade/FA claims were posted on the forum for the simmer to process, nothing would need to change with STHS. Unfortunately automating trades and stuff in STHS itself is a no go so the simmer will still have to do that stuff manually anyways. 

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24 minutes ago, Will said:


We actually don't even use the contract crap on STHS, far easier for the simmer to just set the rosters up manually each off-season based off our forum finances rather than entering a bunch of contracts.  


So since finances/rosters would be available on the Portal and trade/FA claims were posted on the forum for the simmer to process, nothing would need to change with STHS. Unfortunately automating trades and stuff in STHS itself is a no go so the simmer will still have to do that stuff manually anyways. 


Fair enough. Gives a bit less incentive to do it, but could still be a nice way to clean some things up a bit, especially the draft. Transactions would need to create an automatic thread in the forums, but could eventually be doable as well?

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I’d be so happy if we could have a draft board that would have 5 min time limits per pick and all we have to do is lock in the pick on the draft board. The drafts would go a lot smoother then..... Higgins.....

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  • Admin
3 hours ago, Beaviss said:

I’d be so happy if we could have a draft board that would have 5 min time limits per pick and all we have to do is lock in the pick on the draft board. The drafts would go a lot smoother then..... Higgins.....

It is part of the age-old GM bonding experience to have one guy to complain about.

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3 hours ago, Beaviss said:

I’d be so happy if we could have a draft board that would have 5 min time limits per pick and all we have to do is lock in the pick on the draft board. The drafts would go a lot smoother then..... Higgins.....


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