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Dil Press Conference


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1. Comments on your first season in VHLM so far?

2. What it´s like to play in Las Vegas?

3.  Las Vegas is currently second in VHLM in penalty minutes with 612, does that surprise you at all?

4. If you would have to pick one center from VHL to be the center in your line, who would you pick?

5. Do you ever get tired answering to reporters and media people after games?

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1. What are you looking forward to in the VHL?

2. What type of player do you want to develop into?

3. What’s your pre game routine like?

4. How would you describe the Las Vegas locker room atmosphere?

5. What do you think of the Las Vegas fan base?

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3 hours ago, jRuutu said:

1. Comments on your first season in VHLM so far?

2. What it´s like to play in Las Vegas?

3.  Las Vegas is currently second in VHLM in penalty minutes with 612, does that surprise you at all?

4. If you would have to pick one center from VHL to be the center in your line, who would you pick?

5. Do you ever get tired answering to reporters and media people after games?

1. It’s been good. Started off pretty rough but have been improving this second half.


2. It’s a great place to start off since everyone is extremely helpful.


3. Not really most of the players are quite new so not a lot of dicipline in the ice.


4. Probably Jasper Conmore


5. Not really. I love talking ?

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25 minutes ago, StamkosFan said:

1. What are you looking forward to in the VHL?

2. What type of player do you want to develop into?

3. What’s your pre game routine like?

4. How would you describe the Las Vegas locker room atmosphere?

5. What do you think of the Las Vegas fan base?

1. Honestly just being able to play in the big league is what I’m looking forward to.


2. A reliable sniper ?


3. Just a regular routine other than the 30 minutes I spend throwing darts at a picture of @Esso2264❤️


4. Very helpful and friendly.


5. I really appreciate our 8 fans :) 

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1. What attracted you to this game, and do you plan on sticking it out for the long haul?

2. Roughly, how many TPE do you think your player will earn by the time they retire?

3. Have you played any form of hockey in real life?

4. What VHL team do you most want to play for?

5. What do you consider to be your areas you need to work on?

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On 11/24/2018 at 11:38 AM, Exlaxchronicles said:

1. What attracted you to this game, and do you plan on sticking it out for the long haul?


It’s really active and there’s tons of things to do and ways things will work out. And yes I do plan on sticking around for a long time.

On 11/24/2018 at 11:38 AM, Exlaxchronicles said:

2. Roughly, how many TPE do you think your player will earn by the time they retire?

Not a clue. Hopefully I can get up there before he retires.

On 11/24/2018 at 11:38 AM, Exlaxchronicles said:

3. Have you played any form of hockey in real life?


I have played ice in the past and a lot of ball hockey currently.

On 11/24/2018 at 11:38 AM, Exlaxchronicles said:

4. What VHL team do you most want to play for?


There isn’t a certain team I want to play for I’m willing to play anywhere.

On 11/24/2018 at 11:38 AM, Exlaxchronicles said:

5. What do you consider to be your areas you need to work on?

Dicipline and strength. Those too are lacking quite a bit currently.

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1 hour ago, SlapshotDragon said:

1. What VHL Team would you like to be drafted by?

I don’t mind who I am drafted by to be honest. I’m willing to play anywhere.

1 hour ago, SlapshotDragon said:

2. Favourite VHL Player?

Jasper Conmore

1 hour ago, SlapshotDragon said:

3. Favourite NHL Player?

Either Elias Pettersson or Steven Stamkos

1 hour ago, SlapshotDragon said:

4. Name two VHLM wingers you would want on a line with you.

Well I am a winger myself so if you mean centre... 100% Ylonen

1 hour ago, SlapshotDragon said:

5. Any pregame rituals?

Burn a picture of @StamkosFan

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1. How happy are you with your season thus far?

2. Where do you see yourself at this time next season?

3. Second favorite VHL player?

4. Where would you like to play in the VHL?

5. Who wins the championships in VHL/VHLM this season?



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On 11/29/2018 at 7:00 PM, Banackock said:

1. How happy are you with your season thus far?

2. Where do you see yourself at this time next season?

3. Second favorite VHL player?

4. Where would you like to play in the VHL?

5. Who wins the championships in VHL/VHLM this season?



1. Unfortunately we lost in the first round but it was a fun season


2. Hopefully standing over Dahlbergs dead body


3. My father Robert Malenko


4. Anywhere to be honest I don’t mind


5. Unfortunately Ottawa 

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1. Trump and Trudeau have been summoned to fight to the death. Who wins and what's their weapon of choice? Please make me laugh.

2. What stinks when living and smells good when dead? (riddle time, baby)

3. What is your favourite sport? Who is your favourite team? 

4. Fuck one, kill one, marry one - GO! (Blake Lively, Beyonce, Margot Robbie). Google, em.

5. If you could invent something right now, what would your beautiful inventions be?



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3 hours ago, Banackock said:

1. Trump and Trudeau have been summoned to fight to the death. Who wins and what's their weapon of choice? Please make me laugh.

2. What stinks when living and smells good when dead? (riddle time, baby)

3. What is your favourite sport? Who is your favourite team? 

4. Fuck one, kill one, marry one - GO! (Blake Lively, Beyonce, Margot Robbie). Google, em.

5. If you could invent something right now, what would your beautiful inventions be?



Oh boy...


1. Trudeau chooses Syrian refugees and trump chooses Nikolas Cruz......... no one wins


2. My dad said this one to me, A PIG




4. Fuck Margot Robbie, Marry Blake Lively, kill Beyoncé


5. A meme machine. No explanation necessary 

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