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Viktor Kozlov Introductory Press Conference


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1. Welcome to the VHL! What are your goals here?

2. Any pre-game rituals you have?

3. What kind of player do you wanna be?

4. Favourite NHL Player?

5. If you were an animal, what would you be?

6. Name your top 3 favourite countries.

Edited by SlapshotDragon
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12 hours ago, SlapshotDragon said:

1. Welcome to the VHL! What are your goals here?

2. Any pre-game rituals you have?

3. What kind of player do you wanna be?

4. Favourite NHL Player?

5. If you were an animal, what would you be?

6. Name your top 3 favourite countries.

1. Чтобы разорвать всех 

* To break everyone 

2. Я сижу перед картиной с Путиным и говорю: "Путин позволил мне сломать кого-то сегодня вечером" 

* I sit in front of a picture to Putin and say "Putin let me break someone tonight" 

3. Это реальный вопрос 

* Is this a real question 

4. Igor Larionov

5. Медведь   


6. Россия, Украина, родина

* Russia, Ukraine, The Motherland

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19 hours ago, Sonnet said:

1) What brings you from the motherland to the world of the VHL?

2) Who are you looking forward to playing with the most?

3) If you could compare yourself to an NHLer, who would it be?

4) How would you describe your role on the ice?

5) Currently, the VHL hosts no Russian teams. How do you feel about being separated from your homeland for the first time?

1. Чтобы разорвать людей

*  To break People

2. Евгений комаров (@gooningitup) выглядит как хороший парень. Он лучший друг

*  Evgeni Komarov ( @Gooningitup) seems like a good guy. He be best friend

3. Нет, я уникальный игрок, чье мастерство лучше, чем кто-либо другой.

*  None, I am a unique player whose skill is better than anyone else.

4. Я там, чтобы сломать людей. Песчаный ( @eaglesfan036) я буду копировать чертов изумленный взгляд и держать его в качестве трофея.

* I am out there to break people. Gritty (@eaglesfan036) I will rip a fucking goggle-eye off and keep it as a trophy.

5. Это позор, Россия является лучшей страной и заслуживает команды.

* It’s a disgrace, Russia is the best country and deserves a team.

Edited by Kuch9
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/23/2018 at 11:00 PM, Sonnet said:

1) The season is about to begin, what did you work on the most this offseason?

2) Following up on last week's questions, you called out Gritty @eaglesfan036 specifically. Why him?

3) Who's been the most helpful in making you feel welcome in Halifax?

4) Now that you've met your team, where do you think you're going to end up in the standings?

5) What's a personal goal you want to hit in S64?

1. Я хочу взять меньше штрафов

     I want to take less penalties


2. Он большой оранжевый капли, нет причин бояться его.

    @eaglesfan036 is a big orange blob, no reason to be scared of him.


3. @McWolf хороший парень хороший ГМ

   @McWolf good guy good GM


4.Топ 3 команды. Нужно больше россиян 

   Top 3 team. Need more Russians 


5. Чтобы привести Лигу в хиты.

  To lead the league in hits.

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1. Do you hope to become the VSN member?

2. How much do yo want a Russia team in VHL?

3. How much Putin is better than others?

4. Your opinion on VHL having a team from Latvia? 

5. Что за нахуй?

6. Was it wasy to understand the last question?

7. Your fav member not named Sonnet?

8. How can it be done - lead the league in hits and not taking a lot of PIMs?

9. Which city is better - Moscow or Khabarovsk?

10. Not too much questions?



11. ваше мнение о Дональде Трампе?

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On 1/3/2019 at 2:36 PM, hedgehog337 said:

1. Do you hope to become the VSN member?

2. How much do yo want a Russia team in VHL?

3. How much Putin is better than others?

4. Your opinion on VHL having a team from Latvia? 

5. Что за нахуй?

6. Was it wasy to understand the last question?

7. Your fav member not named Sonnet?

8. How can it be done - lead the league in hits and not taking a lot of PIMs?

9. Which city is better - Moscow or Khabarovsk?

10. Not too much questions?



11. ваше мнение о Дональде Трампе?

1.Yes I would like to be given a shot at VSN.

1a. Да я хотел бы быть дан выстрел в ВСН

2.It would be great if we get a Russian team or more teams related to bears.

2a. Было бы замечательно, если бы мы получили российскую команду или больше команд, связанных с медведями

3.He is a top leader.

3a. Он является ведущим лидером

4.It is close to Russia which is nice, but if it was in Russia it would be better.

4a. Это близко к России, которая хорошая, но если бы это было в России, это было бы лучше.

5.Новый на английский, спасибо за вопрос в свой язык.



7.Sonnet is not my favorite member, it would have to be my GM mcwolf, good guy.

7a.Сонет не мой любимый член, он должен быть моим ГМ McWolf, хороший парень.

8.Not hard, just don’t charge the guy

8a.Не трудно, просто не заряжайте парня

9.Khabarovsk, small towns are great.

9a.Хабаровск, малые города большие.



11.Есть место и время для всего, и это не место или время.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Do you have any funny stories about language barriers that you can tell us?

2. Any tips for fighting in hockey?

3. Any tips for physicality in general?

4. Tell me 3 fun facts about you.

5. What are your favourite chirps?

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