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(S66) LW - Cam, TPE: 30


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Welcome aboard @Cam! I'm the GM of Minnesota. We are going to be contending this year but we still have some roster spots to fill up. Let me know if you're interested! We can offer you quality minutes

Edited by Eudaldkp
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Welcome in the league, @Cam.


If you need any help getting started, there's a channel dedicated to helping newer members in the VHL Discord where veterans can answer every question you have or help you in any way you need. You could also check the newest VHLM Newsletter they are full of useful resources. Or feel free to send a DM to either @Sonnet or I with any question you got.


We are just past the draft but still right in the middle of offseason, so talk with GMs about signing with their teams. Take your time to make sure you find the best fit for you.

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Hi, GM of Yukon. Likely going to be a contender this year.


What my counterparts failed to mention is that as the draft just ended you'll be picked up as an FA. All minor league contracts are for the same value (1.5M / season).


Let me know if you're interested in joining the Rush.

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Welcome to the league! 

I'm the GM of the Saskatoon Wild. 

We have openings on our top six and we'd love to add you to the lineup. The Wild have an active community locker room (VIA Discord) and a team of roster players and alumni members that would be more than willing to assist you in anything you need. Looking forward to your decision! 


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Hi there,


I’m the GM of the Philadelphia Reapers looking for some active players to fill my top lines.I’m a new expansion team GM and am looking to fill my team with players who want to have some fun this season. The Reapers have a discord LR and Forum LR as well. So if you want to have fun and be on a team that will help you succeed as a new member please consider the Reapers when you are signing not only will you have top mintes you will be on a team that will help you grow.


all the best,


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