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The Positive Era Has Begun


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*The following message is brought to you by the Positive Peoples' Association (PPA)*


Dear VHL,


For years you have been running around, playing your little "sim games" like a bunch of petty children. You have debated, engaged in childish acts of sarcastic insults. All to either amuse yourselves, or each other. Perhaps you enjoy the deep seated emotional release you get when you see your fake player do good in a fake sim. Perhaps that rage you feel when you see that your team lost in the Continental Cup finals is real. 


We aren't here to change you. We aren't here to run your life. No, think of us like life guidance counselors. For too long the charade that is the Victory Hockey League has been engaged in on a manner that most would consider anarchy. Sure you could argue that the Simulation Hockey League is like a bunch of 3 year old children in a room full of paste. Alas that is no excuse. Children we are not, minus @DilIsPickle of course. 


We are asking those with a straight mind and a strong will to stand up and become more. We are here to make this league positive. As it was truly meant to be. I would say resistance is futile, but really it's more that it is irrelevant. This will happen. We thank you for your time, and we hope that one day you can elevate yourself to be the difference maker we all know you can be.


Remember, stay positive!





@pennypenny (NicePennyPenny)

Edited by Positivefan036
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Positivity is key! Without positivity, we have nothing but pure anarchy and absolute madness!


Come with us children, or adults as we must call you. We are leading the charge to a new world! A positive world! The VHL (Victory Hockey League) brought to the kindest, greatest, level it has ever been exposed to!


Signed, Nicepennypenny.

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"Devise is the most power hungry blue team member of all time and has kicked me from the board of governors


I thought when I returned home with my extra time I would come back and care about the VHL, but I still don't


I will not be retiring my players so GMs still have something to work with with my crap players


Someone notify me when chat has been brought back, that will be the only time I return.


VHL, I wish you good fortune in the wars to come"


@Positivefan036 its time for you to just stop.




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