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Lesieur Looks to the VHL Draft


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The finals have concluded for both the VHML and VHL and congratulations are due both the Houston Bulls and Seattle Bears for their hard-won victories. It is every VHL player’s most fervent dream to hoist the Cup for their team. Enjoying these finals, somewhat enviously, from the stands instead of the ice where he longs to be, Guy Lesieur has really been reflecting on where he might land in the upcoming draft.


Fortunately for fans of Lesieur and the Las Vegas Aces, VSN reporter Charlie Parker caught up with the juniors star right winger to talk about Lesieur’s hopes for the future.


Parker: Thanks for giving us some time to share your thoughts on the upcoming draft. What are your hopes for the upcoming draft? Have your eye on any particular team?


Lesieur: You know, Charlie, I’ll just be happy to be drafted by any VHL team. It’s every junior’s dream to find a VHL team willing to take a chance on them.


Parker: Yes. I’m sure you will do your best wherever you start your career. But surely you have a team or two in mind?


Lesieur: I’m afraid this is going to get me in trouble with the other teams and I do mean what I said – I’ll play my heart out for anyone willing to give me a chance. But I don’t want to be that player than only gives the “safe” answers. Later, when fans hear me say, “This is where I always wanted to play”, if it’s true, I want them to know that it’s the truth. If not, they’ll be able to believe me when I say, “no, it wasn’t my first choice, but now that I’m here and have played in front of these people, I couldn’t be happier.”


Parker: (eagerly) So, tell us. Where are you hoping to go?


Lesieur: When I saw those Bears lifting the Cup, I saw myself out there. Only I wasn’t wearing a Bears sweater.


Parker: Who’s then?


Lesieur: I saw myself in the red, gold, and black of the D.C. Dragons.


Parker: (incredulously) The last place Dragons? An expansion team with a long road ahead of them to compete with the big boys?


Lesieur: (indignantly) Last place for now – in our very first season!


Parker: “Our”?


Lesieur: (fumbling) I mean their, their first season. I mean, their – or our – heck, I don’t know. I just feel like I’m a Dragon already. Let’s put it this way, I’m a Las Vegas Ace – and a Dragon until some other VHL team calls my name on draft day. That’s just the way I feel.


Parker: Why? Why the Dragons?


Lesieur: Easy. The people. Starting with management. I’ve had such good talks with both the GM @Enorama and AGM @McWolf. They really treated me so well. Talking about my juniors career and how I might continue to build on my game. I’ll be clear, they gave me no promises of drafting me. They were just doing a routine scouting as others have done and I appreciate all of the contact I’ve had with VHL management, but I just felt early on in the conversation that this is a management team that I could play under for a long time. I’m not one that likes to hop from team to team. Especially when I hit the VHL level – and I could see a long career playing under Eno and Mac.

Then there’s the guys already in the Locker Room. When I read the article about Mikko Aaltonen’s @GRZ recent five-year extension, I was so impressed. His way of describing the organization, the city, and the fans – it felt like he was talking for me. If that is who management gave the captain’s C to and that’s the way he’s handling it,
sign me up!


And then there’s the fans of D.C. They are such great students and lovers of the game of hockey and they are there every night in record numbers to see their Dragons take the ice. Ok, it’s rough starting a new team and they only won 20 games – trailing Prague by 12 points to come in dead last in the league. But did the fans give up on this team, NO! And we won’t give up on them either. We are bringing a Cup to this great city!!!


Parker: (smiling) “We.”  (seriously) You know, I want to thank you again for your time – and for your being real with us sharing how you really feel instead of just giving the standard, “I’ll be happy just to be drafted” answer. Any final thoughts?


Lesieur: (also smiling) Well, I will be happy just to be drafted. But I’ll be happier still to be drafted by D.C. When I take the ice for the very first time in the VHL, I hope I’ll be wearing a D.C. Dragons sweater. I want to be a part of the rise of this excellent organization and then one day help it win the ultimate prize – the Continental Cup!

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