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A Message to Mississauga's Unsung Hero


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The unsung hero of the Mississauga Hounds.


There is one player who has kept the locker room in Mississauga going strong. One member who is not paid any TPE and has no as per the VHL. This member puts so much time and effort into the team even though their player will usually go under people's radar as they don't earn much. It's not the earning rate that makes this person so liked by the Hounds or the players build. It's the member themselves that everyone likes and appreciates.


I'm sure if you are one of the players who have been on the Hounds you know exactly who I am talking about. The member is none other than GlowyGoat.


Glowy is a perfect locker room manager not only will they answer any questions that arise in the locker room. But Glowy will go out of their way to make sure that everyone is enjoying the league and being as successful as possible. 


It is hard to quantify the amount of work and effort Glowy puts in to the Hounds. There are no stats to show the amount of people they have helped or the retention they have assisted with. It's quite hard to show the effect they have had on the locker room as a whole.


When put as a press conference question who would you put as GM of the Hounds if Gustav was unable to do the job a lot of players picked Glowy. It shows that this person puts so much time and effort into making the Hounds a great place. They help keep conversation flowing, create jokes and create an atmosphere where everyone feels included and able to speak their mind.


Glowy has had 3 players so far and Gustav and myself have tried as hard as we could to draft Glowy each time. I know that one of their players was drafted in the VHL just for the locker room presence. 


I just wanted to let all of the VHL know what a great person Glowy is. They are definitely my top unsung hero of the VHL website, I don't know how many people know of Glowy. I don't know how many people have witnessed the greatness that Glowy can bring to a team but I wish you all could. 


I honestly don't think there could be another member that I could write a full media spot about and be genuine the whole way through.


Glowy has won, locker room presence award at least once whilst playing for the Hounds. But more importantly has won the prestigious 2nd best Australian award ⅔ times.


If your locker room needs a pick me up and you need a great defender in the upcoming draft I wouldn't look passed Glowys player.


So thank you for reading this I have also created a Glowy Goat signature cause why not. 


Thank you Glowy for being an incredible human. Best of luck with the overthrowing of Gustav I hope you find a suitable volcano.


@GlowyGoat @GustavMattias

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I wouldn't be nearly as active if it wasn't for @GlowyGoat. I enjoyed the league at the start but they got me into many other activities and discords around the league that I got sucked in. I can only hope I can do half the job Glowy has done in retaining and engaging players.

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Hello I don’t know any of you and I don’t play this game and am not part of this forum but I believe that you are the highest quality human being for recognizing how wonderful Glowy is. We met on RP forums and became great friends, and Glowy is my beloved and dear internet child, and you are all lovely for recognizing such a special person.


I have spoken.

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