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From Noob to Assistant GM


      The last little while in the VHL has been a whirlwind for me. I have recently become the Assistant General Manager to the Yukon Rush. Between that and my player currently moving on to the VHLM finals the last few weeks have been exciting. I have only been a part of the VHL for four short months and so much as happened in that time. I want to express what it has been like since the start and how it has led me to be in the position I am in today.


The Beginning


      In September I was listening to a local podcast in Vancouver. It is a newer podcast called "The Canucks Conversation." The only reason I began listening to this podcast is because the one I used to listened to had come to an end. The Patcast tragically lost a member of its team and so the podcast was ended. #RIPBOTCH. I searched for a new podcast to listen to afterwards and that's when I started listening to The Canucks Conversation. This podcast played an add about a simulation hockey league called VHL Hockey. At first I thought that seemed like a stupid idea and just disregarded the information. As weeks went on, the adds kept popping up so I decided to give it a look. I didn't know where to start and what any of this mumbo jumbo meant but I decided to make a player anyways and see what happens. I stumbled out of the gate trying to navigate through what seemed like an overly complicated website with all these different tasks and ways of building your player. A week or so later the VHLM draft happened and I was taken by the Mississauga Hounds and that's when everything began to change.


Time with the Hounds


      I want to start off by saying the Hounds Discord LR is one of the best places in the VHL to learn and feel welcome in this league. The social aspect of that group which is lead by @GustavMattias and @Berocka keeps everyone engaged and keeps everyone ACTIVE. It seems no matter who they draft or sign they turn each player that comes into the league into social and active members. In this locker room I learned how to navigate through the VHL forum, was taught different strategies for building your player and what it takes to actually build a team. All valuable lessons that I will take with me into the future. While learning all of this I have also gotten to enjoy being on a successful roster. My first season when I had no clue about anything the Hounds did very well. They finished 4th in the standings which was a franchise record at the time. Despite an early exit in the playoffs the season was a success. My second season with the team was even better. At this point I knew what I was doing when it came to gaining TPE and navigating through the Forums so I was able to enjoy the games a lot more with my team. At first we weren't sure how well we would do but we had plenty of members that continually worked all season long to gain TPE and as the season progressed we became juggernauts. With finishing 2nd in the VHLM, breaking our previous franchise record and now being in the VHLM finals, my time with the Hounds has been a complete success. Its given me the lessons I need to maybe one day become a GM of a VHLM team. 


 The Wranglers


         After my first season I was drafted by the Calgary Wranglers of the VHL. I spent my next season with the Hounds but I kept in constant contact with the Wranglers Discord LR. I began applying for VHLM AGM positions during this season but was unsuccessful in landing any of them. I then tried for the WJC GM positions but again was passed over. I got some great advice from a few Wranglers members such as @BladeMaiden that motivated me to keep trying and that consistency was key. Another amazing learning experience I had with the team was just recently when the Wranglers started to blow up. A few members had a disagreement which led to a loved member of the team to want to retire. When the team found out about the news chaos ensued. @Bushito came in and handled the situation like an absolute pro. He made the moves necessary to calm the storm and managed to stop the bleeding before things got to far out of control. I haven't even played a game for the Wranglers yet and I have learned so much.


Assistant GM


      Recently, there were two Assistant General manager positions that opened up and I applied for both. I first applied for the San Diego Marlins Assistant General Manager position. The interview process went great but there were a lot of really good candidates. Ultimately, I was passed on for the position which ended up being a blessing in disguise. I also applied for the AGM position for the Yukon Rush. I thought I had a really good interview with their new General Manager and once the news broke about the hiring of the San Diego Marlins AGM, shortly after the Rush announced me as their AGM. @MexicanCow123 took a chance on me and for that I am forever grateful. I am grateful for opportunity to support him as he rebuilds the Yukon Rush into contenders and future VHLM Champions. Also for the chance to have a good topic to write my media spot about! hahah!


      All the past lessons I have learned in the short period of time I have been here I am going to use to hopefully have a successful stint as the Yukon Rush's Assistant General Manager. To all those who have helped me and showed me how fun the VHL really is, Thank you! Now its time to focus on trying to win a Championship with the Mississauga Hounds!!


Word Count: 1006

Edited by Krice13
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Congrats on the promotion. You’re more than deserving of it and we all know you will do well. I too would like to go to Calgary because Blade taught me just about everything I know today about the forum. Not to mention the team is gonna be stacked for a while because of their three lottery picks... 


Best of luck in the finals- hoping the Hounds can pull off a win. 

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