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This media spot is about a little interview/ conversation I had with @Proto about his future and looking foward to the draft, this could have a second part when the draft occurs, and I had lot's of fun doing this with Proto, aweasome guy and great player, I also find this fun as we're "rivals" on the draft and on the VHLM finals as he is in Minesota and I'm playing in Ottawa. The series is now tied 1-1 so it would be fun to see who of us will raise with the trophy and see who is going to get on top at both the drafts. He is actually on top of me on the draft, he is 1st overall on the VHLM and 11th overall on the VHL. He is surelly someone you should look at in the draft and his progression is surelly the one of a (maybe) future HOF.




Zyrok - So my first question of the day is, what are you looking foward next season with the upcoming draft?

Proto - Well, I'll preface this with saying that I'm not looking forward to leaving the Storm - hopefully there's some shot they can still draft me, because I do love it there. But I think I'm most looking forward to getting to know a new group of guys, both in the VHL and the VHLM. I want to learn the culture and bring a bit of my own style there as well.

Zyrok - You might know this but you're currently ranked 1st overall in TPE for the VHLM draft, Las Vegas have that pick, do you think they'll draft you?

Proto - There's a chance, yeah. I've spoken to their leadership team, and I think it would be a good fit. But of course, your picks depend on the teams needs, so we'll see where I end up.

Zyrok - True story, and what would you like to tell those teams that are looking for a great LW as you

Zyrok - This is because there is a recreate of sonnet at the same position as you and he is 32 TPE points away

Zyrok - What would you say that is the difference between you and him?

Proto - Well, I want to tell the teams considering me that I'm ready to come on board and make a big splash on your team. I'll be a lifetime max earner, a strong leader, I'm very active, and I want a cup more than anything.

Proto - I love Sonnet, I think that the differences between us will be minimal, but I'm still the new guy around here. He has more experience than me, but I think that my overall effort so far in the league shows that I'm willing to put in the hard work it takes to win.

Zyrok - Yeah and you have quite a good job and I'm sure that Gustav is willing to put out some recomendations for you if you ask him

Zyrok - By the way how's your experience of being an AGM with him been, I hear a bit from the podcast with Berocka but I wanted to know how is it to be more involved in the VHL than in the VHLM that is where your player plays?

Proto - Being an AGM is my first experience in the VHL. Because of that, a lot of my time is spent learning and growing. I'm getting to know all of the GMs and AGMs slowly but surely, learning the players, doing draft research. And a lot of this is due to Gus, who has been great. It wouldn't be a Proto interview without mentioning Gustav once or twice :)

Zyrok - Sure thing he has basically been your mentor

Zyrok - And how many seasons are you planning on staying in the VHLM? When would you say that is the right time for you to make the jump to the VHL?

Proto - Yeah, he's been a great mentor for sure. I think the time will be right whenever my VHL GM needs me. I'll try to hold at 250 for as long as they'll let me, so I can play out a full season in the M, but that isn't my call at the end of the day

Zyrok - So basically you will do as your VHL GM tells you to?

Zyrok - It's very understandable

Proto - Absolutely, they're the boss at the end of the day.

Zyrok - Yeah that's true

Zyrok - You have to basically do whatever they tell you to

Zyrok - I heard that the possibilities are low

Zyrok - But if you get to go to Davos

Zyrok - Will you try and get your player top line minutes?

Proto - AGM Joe Proto and player Joe Proto are two separate entities. I won't ever play favorites, not even for myself. At the end of the day, it's all about the team

Zyrok - So bussiness life doesn't affect hockey life

Zyrok - Great decision

Zyrok - And you've played in the WJC this season haven't you?

Proto - Yeah, I got to play for Team nWo with Hogan. It was a great time, I just wish we could've medaled. It was a good run though

Zyrok - Is it different than being on a /VHLVHLM team?

Proto - Yeah, it's definitely different. Every game matters, so there's a strong energy in the WJC locker room. Everyone is rallying together and pushing every single day. It's playoff energy. It's great.

Zyrok - And what about activity is it diferent in the big league, are people more involved and more interested on the league, or are they just getting their points in and being inactive oin the locker room?

Proto - I'm not a player in the VHL yet, so I can't really speak from that perspective. But as an AGM for Davos, we have a great energy in there as well, but it's different. Davos doesn't have high expectations yet, so we're building a culture. It's exciting in a different way.

Zyrok - So you're saying that it's diferent being an AGM than being a player on a VHL team

Proto - Yeah, a bit. You have to maintain a different relationship with the players. It's a bit more formal.

Zyrok - Oh, makes sense

Zyrok - And when you first enter the league did you think that it was like an extremelly serious legue or was it just me?

Proto - I wasn't sure. I figured I would come into it serious and feel it out. I'm getting the impression now that there is definitely a serious side to it, but that at the end of the day people are here to have fun and enjoy themselves.

Zyrok - Yeah, that's what I've realised too

Zyrok - And now getting a bit away from the draft and the future let's look at the present

Zyrok - You've gotten to the Finals facing Ottawa.... Who do you think is winning and who is the player on both teams that's going to make a difference?

Proto - I think Minnesota takes the series, but I guess I'm biased haha. Our top lines and our defense will be king here. But the individual player that will have the most impact is probably Hexxer. He's been standing on his head for us all season and he needs to show up big to shut down Ottawa.

Zyrok - And from Ottawa?

Proto - Its gotta be Ola or Bob (Dil or Ruutu). Both great competitors, and will definitely have to show up against Minnesotta.

Zyrok - Well I have to say that I think Ottawa is going to take it ;)

Proto - Haha I suppose you're a little biased as well ;)

Zyrok - Just a bit:)

Zyrok - And do you think you will get into the HOF one day?

Zyrok - This is a bit looking into the future but as you're currently improving so constantly it looks very like it

Proto - I'd like to think so, yeah, but I guess we'll have to see what the hockey gods have in store for me. Praise be to SimonT.

Zyrok - Yeah the simulator determines a lot


Zyrok - So that is basically it. Do you have any questions for me?


Proto - I have a ton but I'll ask them on an interview to you myself


Zyrok - Oh that's great, thanks for joining and for your time


This has been a very fun idea and I might continue doing this a bit more recent with the most demanding people and make like a little series through the season. Give me ideas of who I should talk to next. I hope Proto ejoyed it too and I think his own interview is going to be aweasome! Check out his series "On The Rise" and before you even realise it he is probably going to dominate both the VHL and VHLM.




Players Mentioned: @GustavMattias @Sonnet @jRuutu @Dil @ROOKIE745
Word Count: 1517
Claiming for 3 weeks (15/3 and 24/3 and 29/03)

Edited by Zyrok
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Review: Nice to see you doing interviews with fellow members. There are a few critiques I have. I know English isn’t your first language but there are some grammatical errors throughout the interview that should be fixed. Mostly just spelling errors. Secondly, your responses after his answers should be grouped together as one paragraph rather than two or three separated sentences. I am very glad to see you’re putting in the work to get that extra TPE! Rating 6.8/10

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