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Ohradka traded to Prague


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Ondrej Ohradka filed into the visitor’s locker room with his jubilant Calgary Wrangler teammates. They had just defeated the host Prague Phantoms by a score of 3-1 to increase their winning streak to three games. While not a great outing for his line-they were on the ice for the only Phantom goal, Ohradka still felt pretty good about his effort with a shot and two hits in 15 minutes and 37 seconds of ice time. Those would be his last minutes as a Wrangler.


The Slovakian winger was pulled aside by GM @Bushito out of earshot of the others. “Sorry, Ondrej, but we’ve traded you to Prague. Grab your gear and head across the hall.” Offering his hand, he said, “You’re a great kid and we’ve loved having you in the room. Maybe you’ll get a bigger role with them. Good luck.”


Stunned, Ohradka shook the GM’s hand. “Ok, thanks,” was all he could manage. Slowly, he turned and looked at the guys jeering with each other in the stalls. He shuffled back among them and announced he’d been traded and wouldn’t be going back with them. The shocked looks eventually gave way to handshakes and bro hugs. The goodbyes were heartfelt, as he’d won a Founder’s Cup with a few of them in Saskatoon: Mikko Lahtinen @Beketov, Jacques Lafontaine @SlapshotDragon, and Edwin THE Encarnacion @Tagger and made it to the Continental Cup finals with the rest of them the year before. He would finish his time in Calgary with 16 goals and 28 points in 126 regular season games and one goal in 18 playoff games.


After gathering his gear, he met Willie Dredge @sjs88speed, who he had been traded for, in the hall and the two exchanged well wishes.


Then, Ohradka paused for a moment before opening the Phantoms’ locker room door to meet his new teammates.

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